What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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All you need to see.

Muslims fucking up the east.
Fiat currency.
Giving citizenship to the germans


Excess Slavery
Lack of innovation
Slow communications (see above)
Huge porous borders
And most importantly: being doucebags about the whole thing to those you conquered.


fucking germans

Christian morals glorifying weakness

Sin and apostasy from God.

Read about the Crisis of the Third Century.


Russell Crow happened.

>The Crisis of the Third Century, also known as Military Anarchy or the Imperial Crisis (AD 235–284), was a period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed under the combined pressures of invasion, civil war, plague, and economic depression. The crisis began with the assassination of Emperor Severus Alexander by his own troops in 235, initiating a 50-year period in which there were at least 26 claimants to the title of Emperor, mostly prominent Roman army generals, who assumed imperial power over all or part of the Empire. The same number of men became accepted by the Roman Senate as emperor during this period and so became legitimate emperors.

It had nothing to do with Christianity. Rome was pretty fucked while it was still under pagan control, long before Christianity became the official religion.

Amazing how this question is basically just people projecting their beliefs. And it's been that way since the medieval times essentially.

A lot of shit but the biggest one was they ruined their economy and couldn't afford a decent enough army to hold it together.


>shitty economics
>destroying of currency
>daily emperors fucking each other for succession
>lac of social norms
Reaad mises

Pretty much the same thing that happened with the Ottoman empire and what is happening with present day EU and USA: niggers and kikes.

Foreigners, and Christianity.

lol literally this. I think I even read somewhere about Jews shaving the edges of golden coins. That's why modern coins have ridges on the sides so you know where it actually ends.


Germanic savages and Jews.

Not bad

German rapfugees

Rome defeating Carthage was the beginning of the end.

Do you mean the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire under the Crisis of the Third Century, or the Western Roman Empire? Rome 'collapsed' three separate times, for very different reasons.

Sovereign debt destroys civilizations

t. $20 trillion

Only the Augustan Roman Empire was destroyed by debt. On the other hand, the Dioceletian Roman Empire was destroyed by distinct lack of taxation.

we wuz vandals yo


shut up jealous jew fag. it was officially Christian for over 100 years of it's long glory.

>a guy worshipping a dead kike calls me a "jew fag"

every fucking time

god damn y'all are boobs er noobs. it's called (((clipping))) coins and jews would do that and then go out and kill Christian children for our blood.

Too Big
But it also never fell apart in one foul swoop. It just dissolved over the course of hundreds of years, which seems like a pretty good end to me.


we found a (((mike)))

yeah, look in the mirror lmao

by the way i am so right it pains you, which is why you deflect and try and lash at me. no man in italy with a roman iq says the shit you do. jew fuck!

???? get out of here faggot

The Internet.

Find out what's wrong with Western Civilization today and apply it to the Roman World back then. There's your answer.

reality check for you. I was visited a few weeks ago by a catholic priest to bless my house with his magic water. guess what? he was a literal NEGRO priest probably from africa or south america. this is the new face of christianity.

Doesn't matter we are about to get yellowstoned anyway

Wow I am watching this movie that amazing.


/his/ here

There are a lot of problems. Here are the biggest, in no particular order.

>upper class with no loyalty or willingness to help the state
They would hide their slaves for drafts, and bribe tax collectors to fuck off. Both of these put considerable burden on the working class, as the military was their only way to a better life but the military was always short on manpower and funds
>privatized tax collection, no tax oversight
Not understanding the economy is one thing, but to let taxation get that outta hand really fucks things up when you need the money finally
>no innovation
>bad education
>military became an entity separate to the state
Donatives were the cancer that killed good emperors
>later tribes were not properly assimilated
This is a big one. The Alemanni that sacked Rome tribe tried forever to actually serve Rome. Much of Rome's success before and after the Crisis was due to assimilated foreigners, like Illyrians or Vandals.
>unprepared, unpredictable emperors
There was no real way to pick emperors after Augustus, you had to be equal measures lucky, ruthless, merciful and brilliant. The geniuses of statecraft were the ones that made good emperors, because they had to be geniuses to get there, or your patron had to be a genius to recognize your genius. A lot of wars could've been prevented if the head of state fostered either a capable bureaucracy or a competent successor or both, and not murder wedding guests in Persia.
>religious strife
Christianity didn't kill the Empire, but a unified dogma certainly would've helped. The aforementioned bureaucracy depended on the faith of the ruler, and if it switches to one sect or another (Or on Julian's case, left it entirely) a bunch of competent people were fired.

There's a bunch others. Look 'em up. Or if you got time, Mike Duncan's a History of Rome is a required listen for podcast history.

the problem is the non christian shitskins

it fell when HBO decided to cancel it

sounds like all the usual pitfalls of empire
truth is rome was wildly successful both as a state and as a culture

They failed to persecute the jews.

as always, germs killt europe again and again.

They used a Q instead of an O

>Senates People Qf Rome

how did these idiots even manage to conquer half the world

Hook nosed clans from the East

germans, arabs, and mongols

I agree. We named our planets after their gods, Euopean languages use Latin characters for their language, and science uses Latin for their language as well. Pretty significant, anyone who says otherwise is being contrarian.

3/10 bait, requires an understanding of Latin to enjoy


How all empires go down. Internal dysfunction and degeneracy weakened them. Enemies which they always had were able to get the upper hand.


You were so close, but you outed yourself as a retard.

And a bad habit whites leaders have of becoming total cunts when they achieve too much power.


Germany destroyed it. Just like they destroy Europe every few decades now

top kek

Too low tech to be capable of maintaining order over such a large land area

when response times are a year or more, influence drops like a fucking stone

you mean catholicism

is new fascist spqr possible ever in the future?

think of how different countries like the UK, Spain, Serbia and Egypt are

Nationality wasn't as much of a thing back then, it would never ever work today

yeah but if it was a union of european nationalists, think of the potential... i think they would larp it with their back against the wall


Well the very idea of a Roman Empire is totally opposite of nationalism. Maybe sure if you have the Italians or the Greeks going around kicking everyone's shit in and making them convert to their culture then it could work maybe but that's probably not going to happen

And if you just had a union of these countries it'd be a more centralized EU that includes a bunch of muslim countries and not northern europe

That guy at the end had a hook nose.

yeah but just make it republicanism with an apartheid framework. white strong christian europe.

"when days count... legions are months away"

There is truly nothing new under the sun, this is the same predicament we find ourselves in now.

How woke was the casting director for that last guy... Kek


was meant to link to
cant work out how to link shit on cough cough ipad

Romans had a religion you sand nigger

jesus christ it's literally the same shit fucking hell when will humans learn

Syphilis, Christianity, Diversity, and Complacency.

Degenerate rulers.
Over expansion.
Importation of slavery and immigrants.
Degenerate leaders and over expansion was the big cause. Eventually your people get sick of dying putting down peasant rebellions in bumblefuck while your leader has orgies all day with dudes and animals.

When they kicked the Jews out of Jerusalem, they let them stay within in the Empire. That's what went wrong.

they went christian.

Jew God came and fucking ruined what was a perfect.

Too big to control. Bureaucracy is expensive.

Jesus was a Jew you fucking moron.

you know that they dump it it for atheism?

there weren't any Germans during the time of the western Roman Empire. Germanic and German are not synonyms. Germans came into being around the 9th century.