Why does Sup Forums suddenly hate him?
Honest thoughts on pjw?
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Like Cernovich, he has no real values or cares except for money.
>why do i no longer label people shitting on PJW as shills
eceleb cucks fuck off back to redd*t PLOX
He's usually spot on. Only the nerd virgins are hating him. Something something muh shitduhduhuduhuduh something.
i hate all people from england or britain
Nibba Sup Forums has been hating him for several months now at least.
>a faggot
fuck off shariablue
I cant stand his fucking voice, or smug look he has.
But, if he is helping our fight, so be it.
>my shock
I've never liked him. My younger brother showed him to me like a year ago. I can't help but feel he just sounds like a whiny cunt venting on a camera. Maybe he does have some good arguments or information, but I can't get over his retard accent and the fact his channel is essentially one huge cathartic vent
I have no idea who he is beyond the "IMAGINE MOI SHAWK!" and "MAYNE STREEM METEOR" memes.
Here's your (You)
Where have you been lad? People on here have thought he's a cunt for ages.
Personally, for me it's because he's too cringey and indignant all the time. Like a cringing manchild. It's only made worse by the revelation that he's 35 years old.
To think that Sup Forums is a hive mind is completely wrong. So it shouldn't have looked all too sudden when they're people that expressed their dislike for Paul Joseph Walkins.
I think this is literally a bot
>indignant all the time
Fucking perfect way to describe what I hate about the twat.
>he's 35 years old
Actually kudos to him. Most brits look like Jeremy Clarkson in the face when they hit 30.
gay nigger
suck my dick
he's a bong "tea drinker" nudge nudge innit
He's a fag who is in it for himself, same with Milo. These guys aren't interested in anything but attention for themselves, and they are exploiting political half-wits for that attention.
See also: white girls and black guys wearing MAGA hats.
He's just mediocre and serious and on infowars. Think of someone else like Chris Ray gun who's mediocre and unserious so he's ignored by Sup Forums
Milo is at least past mediocre and somewhat good, hate to say. Milo started the riots, like it or not he'll be in history for that.
It started when a gay man said lesbians were mean.
>he's too cringey and indignant all the time
Same reason I can't stand Keith Olbermann. Everything is an unbearable travesty or outrage to him. It's a sad, pathetic act.
Does pol like someone?
>literally watching Olbermann
kill yourself
also what the fuck is gadsden
E-celeb looking to gain money and popularity whilst deflecting people away from the real questions i.e: The JQ.
He's really immature
he's white, caucasian and anglo saxon so STFU
If there is one thing I don't like about PJW, it's his face. Just want to punch it...
But that's not all; then he opens his mouth and begins talking with his sneery English accent and it makes me want to punch his face on my monitor.
Sage, and fuck off /thread
Why do you dumb fucks keep responding to the same damned bait
srry im gay desu
forgive me senpai sage
t. Paul Joseph Watson
They all just jelly that he made sexy tiem with Blaire White
Because he is a LIBERAL SODOMITE and KIKE SHILL that peddles lies for ratings. Truth doesn't matter to these lying, conniving muppets.
Go to bed Paul.
White Genocide is destroying our white nations. Put it to a stop NOW! Discord end codes. Add in what is in front of all discord links. AQg6aA cpZ7VFx Not everyone is allowed in. There is an interview when you first join. When asked where did you find this server say Vegan posted it on pol. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
his sarcastic english accent makes me want to punch him in the face. but when hes not trying, hes all good.
I've always hated this guy. He has no honor
His videos used to be informative back I like 2012 but now his content is pure shit
I'll pass GCHQ.
He's just another globalist shill bot fanning alt-right flames to make money off of monetized youtube videos. The poor right wingers are actually falling for it too.
this is how i feel about stephen molyneux.. or however you spell his name. that dude is such a blatant actor, it's hard to take him seriously. along with his half hour long videos, when i'm just looking for the news, not a tangent filled mess.
I like him but he's lite enough for the kids to enjoy while being too lite for the hardcore NEET losers in my age group to enjoy thoroughly.
Why does he look so gay outside his videos?