Why does Sup Forums like JFK so much despite the fact that he was a democrat?
Why does Sup Forums like JFK so much despite the fact that he was a democrat?
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He stood up to (((them)))
We do? I hate pretty much any politician especially the Kennedys.
Because we aren't partisan shills like those from reddit, which is where you have to go back to.
Despite the civil rights stuff and all of that, he still was leaning towards moving away from the military industrial complex and not letting multinational Jews take over.
They probably killed him because he was trying to change too many things.
You dingus. The parties switched back then. All the racist left the Democratic Party and went to the GOP. The Democratic Party is now the party of diversity and inclusion while the Republican Party is now just white men (a dying demographic).
> democrat and republican politics have actually meant anything
fuck off mindless recucklican sheep
Because I am not shilling for GOP and I still can recognize value in skilled politicians from the other side too.
Plus, he would be called a white supremacist nazi by today's standards anyway.
>Why do people in general like JFK so much?
He wasn't in too long, so he didn't have a chance to soil his presidency with Vietnam.
he wasn't nwo/bilderberg
Sup Forums 101
You really believe that and no whites are not dying off that's only true in europe, well actually it's dying in the sense that you pumped this country full of immigrants to make certain demographics irrelevant like you fuckers did to the sunbelt.
Retard-tier maymays about him being based
In reality, he was a pro open borders, pro welfare, dem who got to the presidency only by the efforts of his billionaire father.
He had the most inspiring intro and best death scene of the entire series to date.
He didn't want open borders.
At the very lest he wanted more unskilled immigration from the third world
The Democrats were not commies and SJW's back then. The political climate has changed, in Australia the conservative party is to the left of what our Leftist party was 30 years ago.
the democrats are (((slavers))) and have always been slavers. you live in a very silly bubble.
A Democrat back then isn't the same as a Democrat now.
No he was actually pro worker you know mophioso type bruh
>ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country
implicitly fascist tbqh
Party switch is a false narrative by the DNC to cover up their crime for centuries of racism. The "party switch" was two guys that switched over, one of who didn't even have the same vaules by the time he switched over.
Fuck off kike
Aww sweetie, your ethnostate is dead.
The Kennedys were the last true WASP political dynasty. After (((they))) assassinated him and his brother, Jews took full control of America.
Because he was against the jew world order?If democrats actually went back to that instead of being anti white cucks maybe I would vote for one.Fuck them all now though.
>We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.
They were well known for being Irish and catholic
I dont like him
What? Ethnostate? I never said any such thing and btw non white birth rates collapsed in 2015 and we will shut down the borders you watch homie.
The balls
>Sup Forums is republican
i hate this meme
Have to disagree, while his storyline was pretty good especially the bay of pigs episode and the assasination conspiracy epeisode, I liked the Licoln civil war and assasination story arc much better
He was the last representation of a true Democrat, hated communism. Modern Democrats are pinko scum in the center and full blown Marxist on the left.
>The Kennedys were the last true WASP political dynasty.
this is the most concentrated leafpost i have ever encountered
day of the rake WHEN
He's talking about the Soviet Union, dipshit
Austerity too lol I can't wait to see non whites have singapore level birth rates oh the gas lighting the left propagated will bring me joy for a millennia.
What?!? Holy shit im voting democrat now
>blacks somehow stay exactly the same
>whites steadily decrease
>predicted (((measurements))) are exactly the same 5 decades later
This is why I hate these propaganda charts, you can't predicts something as unpredictable as population.
ok goyim. whatever you say.
>Senator John F. Kennedy today pledged that "high priority" would be given by a Democratic administration to the platform plank calling for amendments to the immigration and naturalization laws to ban discrimination based on national origin.
He would've be one of us if he was born in our generation. In fact, he was the only Sup Forumsack who became president of the United States, before Sup Forums was even a thing.
The assassination conspiracy arc is definitely comfykino.
Yea but he kept the cap at 300,000 a year. 60% were also from Europe still.
>leaf gives his input on american politics
Pro gun rights
Anti Communist
He and his Father were WWII revisionists to say the least
He stamped out corrupt mob practices
He stood up to Israel
However, both Ted, RFK and LBJ all claimed that ending immigration quotas via Hart-Celler were all part of JFK's plans (though he likely had the idea that bringing immigrants from the Communist bloc or from countries under threat f being under its heel would bring them closer to the U.S. bloc)
He was a corporatist warmonger
He was elected under corrupt circumstances
The Bay of Pigs (though initially concocted under Ike and his VP Nixon's term) was a failure, the Vietnam rampup was a failure, and the CMC was unnecessary.
He was also for the expansion of "Civil" "Rights" and federal programs.
Mixed bag.
>implying it wasn't WASPs who killed him
JFK was trash and I'm glad he was killed as early as he was.
but Vietnam was going before and throughout his presidency.
It's insane that JFK is so rarely talked about in view of his election and his numerous foreign policy missteps.
>Yea but he kept the cap at 300,000 a year.
Slower version of what we've got
>. 60% were also from Europe still.
Which was less than the national average, so he was making us less white
he had the balls to take on the mob and died because of it
Open border cuck who signed PL87-297 which was to disarm every American and transfer our military to international control. Failed at every single foreign policy objective and even killed our ally in south Vietnam. Was in bed with the mafia and that has been proven. I could go on for an hour.
>Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.
When you say "to each according to his NEED", the word "NEED" is very fucking key. You don't NEED to be a humongous fat ass. You don't NEED a degree in gender studies. You don't NEED society to pay you so you can just divorce your husband instead of working out whatever stupid shit you're fighting over.
When you're a child, you have a critical need for socialization, cognitive development, and nourishment. Failures in any of these things have catastrophic consequences that almost always result in you growing into a burden on society as a whole.
When you're an adult? You need a job, preferably one that makes the most of your skills and inclinations.
His family had money so he didn't have to bend over for (((you know who)))
You won't be saying that when ww3 starts and you get drafted.
>but Vietnam was going before and throughout his presidency.
True, but American involvement/commitment during that time was very minimal. LBJ receives most of the blame and loathing from Americans about the war. Who knows what JFK would've done, but his reputation as a president was saved by his assassination.
>The parties switched back then.
both parties were always pretty racist, the democrats especially because they lie about it even though it's one of their core values
>numerous foreign policy missteps.
most of those are skull and bones doing what they wanted despite the orders of the president
Who do you think put in motion the events that let to the Soviet Union?
Bolshevik Jews
What does it say?
Kind of like Reagan :^)
He toured Russia pre WWII and wrote how shitty communism is. He taped deep state conversations and knew the danger of somebody giving up their free thought to foreign ideology.
What if you didn't develop certain skills and now you're a rock star that spreads degenerate music?
Sure, but the President should be a man with enough spine to deal with that.
yeah, and it started with Truman. Vietnam was like a fly in a room for Kennedy.
should've kept a bank account/invested/bought real estate
Yes, and what's your mongoloid-tier point?
Thinking Sup Forums is partisan
You're the reason we've all left and come here to exploit the beautiful autism here
Southern Strategy
Not Jewish
because he was a badass chad who was fucking Marilyn Monroe?
The KKK were Democrats too.
>He fell for the partisan jew.
You probably also thought Nixon was bad.
The party of diversity who says white men are not important enough to represent.
Gas yourself.
>The parties switched meme
>Only Thurmond switched
Stop falling for the memes.
Anyone who gets murdered by international financial elites is on our side by default.
>He stood up to Israel
And this is why he was shot.
So the Jews could have their Yom Kippur War unimpeded.
His name was John
What about the Bush's you thick headed faggot
Kennedy's were Irish Catholic but I get what you were saying
At least the bush's were actually English
basically this
>implying parties haven't varied in levels of liberalism/conservatism throughout history
It's almost as if you haven't studied it at all. No matter what you or I believe denying that is objectively wrong
He was shot specifically because he tried to pass a law to end the Federal Reserve.
Only for his debt free currency which he was killed for.
JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
This will bring you up to speed. It's a bit long but it's definitely worth watching.
If the (((Intel Agencies))) have someone assassinated, they're probably good
>At least the bush's were actually English
I thought they were Saudi
Could've fooled me
It is the same. Democrats are for the people. Back then the people wanted slavery. Now the people want gibs.
He was the last president that wasn't a (((president))). Turned his back mafia too.
If an arab's not working for you, he's working against you.
He's working against you anyway if you aren't islamic.
Don't be naive.
The last good Democrat.
In that speech he was talking about Secret Societies in America which btw those far leftist societies are still fucking things up today and they have infiltrated the CIA
Imagine the America that could have been under JFK and then JFK, jr. Instead it was Poppy and Shrub.
This film is a (((rich mans)))) trick
Like our beloved Donald, JFK was a heterosexual.
The military-industrial complex isn't all bad, though. The Department of Defense and the NASA drove pretty much all of American technological development during the Cold War.