How do we deal with the spic problem? Whites in America are rapidly becoming a minority and chiodren under 5 are already a minority.
How do we deal with the spic problem...
always keep ICE on speed dial
more fuging and less shitposting?
At this point im really starting to think spics are worse than niggers. at least nigs keep getting abortions and their fertility rate is low. illegal spics shit out 10 anchor babies and their homicide rare is much higher than whites.
wall really needs to be fasttracked
He's got you there, OP.
Build the wall
Then mass deportations
Make white babies and report as many fuckers as you can to ICE. I've personally led to the deportations of 3 beaners. After i finish learned Spanish then I'm signing up for Border Patrol.
Stop being a beta white male.
If youre over 22 years old and dont have over 4 kids you are a evolutionary failure.
They only way is to make it very hard for them to get jobs. They come here for work, and don't have any trouble getting jobs. Very easy to get fake documents that most employers will not turn down.
It is very easy for an illegal immigrant to get a job, bank account and apartment. there should be more roadblocks where legal residency is checked and reports are made when documents are missing or obviously faked.
>They only way is to make it very hard for them to get jobs
>lets prevent them from doing necessary jobs in our society that nobody else wants to do.
flawless logic.
this, whites no longer fuck
Depends. If you're main concern is the shift in majority / minority, you're too late. You can go and deport those here illegally but not all 10 of their spawn. And there's a 50/50 chance that 8/10 spawn will have at least 2 more each. And 4/8 will probably procreate with none other than white people. I'd say that last bit is to your advantage.
Besides, coming to the US illegally is seriously retarded. Main reason is that they don't have a social security number which impacts EVERYTHING. They can't get jobs because of E-Verify (unless they're defrauding the system with a fake ss # in which it's really only a problem for the individual because they're paying taxes and could file them but won't see a return); they can't get ID cards (which is dumb because with ID cards, there's at least a way to track them); they can't get licenses (which means that if they get pulled over, a simple traffic charge becomes an immigration hold and there's no getting out of that one so they're outta here; they can't vote (see: no SS/ID/Drivers license); and they can't go to college. They're pretty screwed on their own and eventually they'll have no option but to go back to Mehico
Re: the pic you posted... Um whet? Undocumented persons can't receive any kind of check or assitance from anyone. Food stamps, welfare, health insurance, and even a bank account all require identification and a social security number which they can't get! Someone lied to you.
Aw fuck, just realized what board I'm in. Ignore what I said.
Fuck these spic ass manlets taking all the food stamps that some crack ho could sell for cigarettes. Illegally voting and shit just to make sure Trump didn't win. SAD. Bringing in heroin from Afghanistan and shit. I'll pick my own cotton and clean my own damn mall gotdammit.
Lel good joke mi amigo
Because dumbass they will have to pay more until people do them and it will employ your fellow countrymen. There are no jobs that no one will do either. Name me one fucking job that someone who lives here wouldn't do if the pay was adequate?
>if the pay was adequate?
there's the problem, businesses do not want to pay fair wages, they want more SHEKELS SHEKELS SHEKELS...greed
Most do have SSN's though, because they've just overstayed their work visas
>posts nichijou
meet me outside the wall at midnight. you can live in burgerstan
The only document they can "fake" is using someone else's social security number. Employers will be fined like 5 grand if they're caught so it's in a company's best interest to not hire anyone who cannot provide all the required documentation.
Really tho, they're easier to take advantage of which is why apartments take their money and all that. Don't hate the playa hate the game? Screw that, fuck them both.
White people want to have their cake and eat it too.
It's pretty simple. Poor uneducated people have more kids than rich educated people. This has been known since men formed civilizations.
sadly this.
There's nothing you guys can do about it, white people in murica are doomed, the best you do is have some fun while watching your country become Brazil 2.0
Capture and own them as property.
Hmm I'm pretty sure there's a shit ton of different visas and ssn's in all sorts of combinations so either of us could be correct. There are ssn's that have "not eligible for employment" on them that can be reported by employers but jut end up getting green lit by the damned SSA and IRS themselves!
We need consistency across all departments for there to be results that can help everyone that is contributing to society.
Why wouldn't they?
Seems obvious to me.
mass deportations
no more automatic citizenship for shitting out babies on american soil
build the fucking wall
States like Calispiccia need to have all federal funding revoked for giving illegal spics free driving licenses and letting them vote
Cut welfare, they'll suddenly stop having children.
>illegals can't receive checks or assistance from anyone
Imagine being this much of a bluepilled idiot. California literally gives out state IDs to illegals and allows them to recieve welfare benefits.
I don't live in that sinkhole, thank god. Last I heard they were giving out drivers licenses that can't be used as IDs or to vote or to get government assistance. Why are these assistance offices so fucking incompetent to allow these very clearly labeled NON IDs to go through?
And you know what, I need to get my ass out of my bubble because there's 12 other states that are giving out licenses (still can't be used as IDs or for voting Shit)! Rip.