Race-mixing for the Race-mixed?

I know that race-mixing is not good, but I'm looking for more scientific evidence to corroborate this stance.
Could you anons give me all the reasons you have for not race-mixing?
Does anybody have one of those compilations of cited infographs showing the negative effects of race-mixing?

I don't want to add to the problem, but I'm not going through this shit show of a world without making a family.
My dad is a hillbilly (alledgedly has some Cherokee blood, but is still white with green eyes)
My mom is a "mexican" (her skin is way more pale than the average mexican and her mother was super pale with the clearest blue eyes I've ever seen (probably more Spanish than Mexican) )

"We do not wish our people to intermarry with those of alien race since through such mingling of the blood the best and characteristic qualities of both races are lost." library.flawlesslogic.com/gross.htm
Are the best qualities actually lost?

Crap like this too

I'm looking to make healthy babies with the best chance of them being successful that I could possibly give them.
Is it best to go for a white woman or one who is mixed similarly to the way I am?

Other urls found in this thread:


Time for archive
>npr org/sections/newsandviews/2008/08/mixedrace_kids_cuter_but_worse.html

>I know that race-mixing is not good
dude just do what you want. that's just the majority opinion here.

Racemixing is just working on presumption that america is going to last forever and become one big beige family by 3017, but if USA were to collapse, racemixed people would face a grave threat from all the GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW maniacs or BLM niggers.

>Is it best to go for a white woman or one who is mixed similarly to the way I am?
the latter

Our most compelling argument against mixing races is the lowering of IQ. You can find evidence of this all over the internet.

You belong as the ruling caste of Mexico and South America.

>do what I want
I want to not fuck my life or the lives of my children.
If I can avoid that by adding criteria to mate selection, then that is what I want to do.

Find someone racially equal to you then. Don't pretend you're 100% white though, that's fucked up.

I feel lucky in that regard as I came out with 140+ IQ

My skin is really white and nobody has ever not assumed I was a full white. Regular Mexicans (the ones I've encountered in Mexico) seem racist towards people that are even slightly paler like my mom/grandma.

Literally the ((globalists)) already won on the mutting of the future. In the next century, most pure whites will be near extinction, with East Europe being the last bastion of the white race and the rest of those with European ancestry will end up being of mixed race as either hapas, niggers, or mexicans, depending on what region they are from. (East Asia is cucked by white men, the U.S. is cucked by niggers and spics; western europe cucked by niggers and sand niggers)

This, pretty much. Just make sure you raise alpha nazi LARPers.

Go with a mexican

This is your call, OP. Either find another mutt of high quality or bleach your genes if you want to. Nobody here is going to tell you what to do. You're an adult, do the research, and make your own conclusion.

>East Europe being the last bastion of the white race
Is this why (((they))) want to craft the anti Russia narrative so badly? Eastern Europe will be a battlefield and destroy this last bastion.

But how can I LARP as a nazi if I make children that are even more mixed than I am?

Do not do it. I am 100% Danish yet my parents gave me an exotic name. It ruined my life. Choose a nationality and tick with it.

Find yourself an Asian woman, your children will be autistic, disciplined, and high IQ.

WHat if the Vietnamese girl that I'm cool with and wants me to marry her and cum in her every day is quite dumb and attempted suicide?
Surely they will be autistic, but could I make it work to have them disciplined and high IQ?

By not succumbing to nigger degeneracy. literally the best you can do is to act white. Be alpha, be successful. Inferior genes can either hold you down or you can just view them as a challenge or hurdle to overcome. Genes influence behavior to a great degree, but not everything is set in stone, despite the fact Sup Forums believes in stereotypes religiously. (No, I'm not shilling here, anons. Everyone knows there's an ounce of truth in stereotypes) Just do what's you believe is the best interest for you and your bloodline. Be the best form of what you can be with your given circumstances, and pick the best mate wisely.
Who knows? Maybe. I never thought about this, I just came to the realization that different cultures cucked by kikes provide social proofing for certain races over another, and this influences mate selection by females. Hence why coal burning is common in the U.S. and in Europe to some extent. Meanwhile, white men are put on a pedestal in East Asia, which is why Asians love to hop on white cock. Given ore time, white men will most likely be having children with Asian women, whereas white women (AKA roasties) will be having nigger children.

The only problem with race mixing is what are you mixing and at what rate? If you can't sustain the populations that you are drawing one part of the mixture from you will lose what ever defining traits that population had to begin with.

Russia isn't even explicitly anti-Jew. A lot of the tycoons in the 90s were kikes in Russia, but it seems that Putin has tamed that beast.

American Jews just have a lot of historical resentment towards Russia in general because of two things;

1. Tsarist Russia pogrom'd the shit of them.
2. Soviet Russia (though initially dominated by Jews) denounced Zionism and supported the Arab countries in the Cold War.

Undoubtedly since the year 2000 America has lost its standing the world and Russia has improved its standing.

>Choose a nationaility
jfc what kind of autism is this? That sounds as retarded as liberals who identify as "transnigger." Nationality is something you're born into. You role with what you're born into, genetically, and you support the country you're either born into or move to based on whether it's in both the country and your bloodline's interest. (Like a white moving to Poland) A nigger will never be european.
>exotic name ruined your life
It's a fucking word. Go legally change your name, retard.

I act pretty white. I'm starting my CS PhD in the fall and I'm trying to figure out which Christian denomination is the most wise to jewery (or at least not head over heels in admiration for everything Jewish) so I can join it.
My siblings are all liberal degenerates so it's never fun hanging out with them.

>I know that race-mixing is not good, but I'm looking for more scientific evidence to corroborate this stance.

I can help:


is this not enough evidence?

He should change his name to Hugh Mungus Richards.

Chad Thundercock

Why is literally every hybrid that is part black always so ugly as fuck?

If you are mixed race as OP properly are you should pledge allegiance to one of them to limit the possibility to screw up the bloodline.

And you do not change name. Your name dictates the future, don't defecate upon the gods by changing your name. It sucks but it stain.

Well paint my bottom blue and pretend you spanked me!
You are a genie-yes?

Denomination? My father always taught me to be weary of every church. Every true christian studies christianity by themselves to form their own relationship with God, not through church or tribalistic gatherings and labels like denominations. Church is only good for picking up traditional women. If anyone asked me, i couldn't say what denomination I was. I'd just say I was a Christian.

>multiple gods
You need Jesus.

Good luck

Your father is correct.
I'm just trying to find the most like-minded group of people possible so I can be a part of a gestalt where people are on the same page.

I'm mixed white. Like the stereotypical white American, it's a mix of Irish, British, German, and with sprinkling of everything else European like Dutch, Spaniard, Nordic, etc. And just a touch of (Your name dictates the future, don't defecate upon the gods by changing your name.
Well, this part of your autism is your problem, not mine.

>blue eyes

Iberians aren't white

>something akin to German Nazi realism
So National Socialism
with the race realism intact?

Choose an nationality. Being a hybrid will fuck you up. I was born into a 100% Nordic family, practically white hair and blue eyes yet they fucked me up with a new age name. Fucked me up

>Iberians aren't white
I know that, but why does Texas get it's own flag? Why doesn't it show up on my posts instead of the U.S. flag?

>TWICE as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder

Thank you user

Jesus died for you sins so you could be saved
Jesus loves you and so does this fr0g 2

It's a difference between realism and idealism. A 1776 version of an American republic is idealistic provided values and culture are intact. (and I guess ethnicities as well since culture is a phenotype of ethnicities) However, employing fascist Nazi state or something akin to it is more realistic in fixing today's problems. Think of it as a state of quarantine in the midst of collapse, which the Nazi regime kind of was.

Picking a nationality is worse. Identifying as just a German, for example, I would be worse-off knowing I'm not of pure German ancestry, and would never be entirely accepted by real nationalistic Germans. I am not a product of Germany, anyway. I am a product of the Unites States. I would not exist without the United States, therefor I attribute my existence with the United States. Therefor, I am American. Furthermore, I approve of the political ideals America was founded for, probably much like my ancestors before me. I do not like the direction my country has headed towards, or many of the alliances it made in the past, but nonetheless, I exist because of America, and love the ideas that our founding father fought for. Therefor, I am American. No more, and no less.

I hope this is an ironic bait post.

It definitely was man. Germany's economy was booming thanks to the ousting of the Jewish banksters while the rest of the world was in the Great Depression.

Churchill is quoted saying that they had to go to war with Germany because they were not sharing their economic prosperity with the world! Churchill had been helped tremendously by Jews in his career.

jews and their puppets
I feel sorry for them.

>I hope
Cum on man you know me better than that!

Yeah, one of hell of a redpill to swallow. Knowing the U.S. sided with the wrong side is also another hard pill to swallow, particularly as an American. Shit like this makes it hard to be patriotic, but what other choice do we have? This is our country, and the best we can do is own it and make sure we don't make the same mistakes in the future.