Is this redpill on smoking or just comparable to some Alex Jones shit?

Is this redpill on smoking or just comparable to some Alex Jones shit?
>Essentially, the smoking industry is used as a scapegoat to explain the "real" cause of cancer, being atmospheric nuclear bomb testing.
>Article claims smoking actually helps protect against cancer, helping lungs build a protective layer of mucous.
>Claims animal testing on mice and rats with cigarette smoke alone hasn't killed a single rodent.
>Rodents transferred from smoking trials to radioactive particle trials were resistant to developing cancer from radioactivity.
>Claims government essentially hates smoking tobacco for the same reason it hates alcohol and weed, despite the fact it fails to point out big tobacco is one of the largest lobbying forces in the U.S.
>Literally no citation that I can possibly see beyond images in article.

What gives, Sup Forums?

Inhaling hot dust clouds into your lungs is just a bad idea.

Holy shit you're a faggot.

Nothing is real anymore.

>Should I trust the hundreds of independent scientific studies or this one article.

Some nigger shared this on some other thread from a few days ago, and other anons seemed to go along with it, in addition to the occasional pro-smoking threads on here. I don't think I'm the retard for not jumping on the train with that and looking for second opinions.

being negative minded and hate smokers constantly under stress if youre not doing anything unhealthy while not actually enjoying your time on the planet is much worse for your life than light up a cigarette and not give a fuck about cancer

I mean all these obese red faces looking at you when you smoke like youre giving them cancer then moment later they go and drink sweet shit with aspartan and cyclamate most go mentally off before reaching elderhood is just wrong..

>american education
>there are people who actually believe smoking protects you from lung cancer

for fuck sakes what is it with you people?

go tell trump to fix your fucking schools first before all this other shit he has planned seriously

If I wanted to be healthy I could. I smoke cigs cuz I like them. I've seen people live to 90 smoking cigs and people live healthy die at 40

I found this on Sup Forums, retard. kek

jumping on the train? its not jumping on the train. this is like saying the earth is flat lmao. you have to be an idiot and know nothing about chemistry or biology to believe smoking can help your lungs in any possible way. any foreign objects like the shit in cigarette smoke especially are detrimental to lung function. l2evolution. l2biology.

>swiss education
>no unis in the top 20
>is surprised to find conspiracies on a conspiracy board

I used to smoke, but doing so saw my health begin to decline, so I'd rather quit. Smoking made me more stressed out over my concerns over my health, anyway, but I can still get nicotine through something healthier such as vaping, so why keep smoking?
Libertarian detected.

inhaling any smoke is going to be bad for your overall health. if you want to protect yourself from the "real" cause of cancer -- 40s-60s nuclear testing -- then pop iodine pills regularly

I literally thought this was retarded myself, but wanted to see what other Sup Forumsacks would say.

When nicotine is metabolised by the body, it breaks estrogen. This is why women who smoke look like a wrinkly ball sack. Men on the other hand don't have that problem. Typically male smokers are more assertive and self confident as the little amounts of estrogen in their bodies is metabolised along with the nicotine. This is the real reason behind the anti-smoking campaigns.

don't you need a little estrogen to undergo steroidogenesis and turn into testosterone?

Don't inhale that shit bro, smoke it the classic way.

Vape fag. Nice fedora bucko

Not as much as your body produces.

my best buds girlfriend vapes. Should he get the fuck outta there?

This is some Alex Jones retarded shit.

Hitler hated smoking and the Nazi regime would probably be supportive of today's vaping industry seeing how it excludes other harmful chemicals like carbon monoxide.

>what is the swiss federal institute of technology

even if your argument wasn't fallacious, are you even trying?