New message from Anonymous (Georgia was a symbolic victory )


This post is in solace of the efforts we at Anonymous have executed in gaining a moral victory in the deep red state of Georgia tonight,
Although we are are slightly disillusioned with the result we are more than pleased that the Alt Right party only clinged by a 4 point spread.

If the media hadn't smeared the Democratic candidate in the race he would have concurred victory of the entire race, but alas this is a symbolic victory in the upcoming demise of the Alt-Right movement in 2018, but the more impressive victory was in South Carolina a proclaimed deep red state where the Alt-Right party barely won by a minimal few thousand.

The masses are awakening slowly but assuredly, we at Anonymous can guarantee the 6th district of Georgia will be won by 2018

Imagine your Father,or your Brother, or your Husband Arrested
Sold for a bounty or a price
Tortured for years on end.
Accused of being a terrorist.
No trial or charge is given.
No lawyer is brought in.
No one is allowed to see him.
With no end in sight
All because he is of different descent .

With no hope for justice, we have promised to restore the virtues of truth and justice back into the American sphere

It is time for the Trump administration to admit that this is a disgrace for any civilized country which upholds the rule of law. Trump must be impeached at once, and melania to return to her home country. Your malign influence is an ongoing war crime. Anonymous will no longer tolerate this websites atrocities.and it will be acknowledge when we peacefully recapture it

We are Anonymous
We do not forgive
We do not forget
We are back

shut up jew

Lol fag. I hope muslims across the US get slaughtered in their homes. Every man woman and child.

lol fag

see you next month with regurgitated pasta

blow it out your ass

>Imagine your Father,or your Brother, or your >Husband Arrested
>Sold for a bounty or a price
>Tortured for years on end.
>Accused of being a terrorist.
>No trial or charge is given.
>No lawyer is brought in.
No one is allowed to see him.
>With no end in sight
>All because he is of different descent .

I'd move to a place where I'm not a minority.

I thought this was a new bread. Fuck off, sage in all fields etc

Fuck off faggot.
This isn't your home.
This board was never yours.
We're the same people responsible for old anonymous's greatest victories.
You can't compare with us kiddo.
You don't have the skill or the spirit.

We are Sup Forums
We do not care
We do not feel
We're gonna fuck you

>get back at trump by deporting his wife
8/10 had me going there for a bit.



Ready to lose again?

Be cautious we are monitoring this thread

Taking notes....

CIA deep-state psy-op pretending to be Anonymous while butthurt over losing election

Everyone already knew for a year that "anonymous" meant "the DNC."

Go back to Sup Forums fag

On what?

>We're gonna fuck you
like an animal

>t. Larponymous

You'll see

We're not all stuck in la-la-land pretending we're Muslims. Let them all burn. Eat shit. Guy Fawkes was a terrorist and that mask is shitty.

What of it nigger?
You can't do shit about anything.

>losing is a moral victory
jesus. You people must be busting at the seams with morale


2006 called they want their meme back

Tfw going on a date with your second cousin... This is completely normal right??



>we at Anonymous
Larping faggit.

So cringey