About sandy hook look at the url I just found on google. its the first url
We need to talk
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.
uhhh what about it?
I was a first responder EMT at sandy hook their was literally dead kids everywhere
My wife's son attended Sandy Hook. What are you trying to say?
This. My wife's daughter's biological dad's son witnessed that sick fuck Lanza during the act and only survived by playing dead.
Dropped the screw
In the tuna
I believe it happened.
Of all the conspiracy theories I always thought this one was way off, it's amazing how many do not believe it happened..
People say no pics released helps prove it but little do they understand that there's no fucking way they'd let anything like that go public and thankfully so. People are just too paranoid with the conspiracy stuff, just funny how stupid this generation is.
Do you understand how memory cache works , it sounds like you're doing some damage control CIA. The url in that picture was created 3 days in advance look it up for yourself. curezone.org
My best friend was a cop on duty there when that happened. Totally happened, don't question it.