Homeschooling is the absolute best way to educate your children. It ensures that they grow up with good values and that they receive superior teaching than they would otherwise by going to a public school.
Think about all the advantages Sup Forums
- you spend more quality time together (therefore creating a strong family bond) - no Marxist indoctrination - schedule and pace of learning is tailored to the child’s needs and interests - kids work for the knowledge, not the grades - perfect learning environment ( no stress, bullying, classmates chimping out, bad influences, peer pressure, shitty school lunches, etc. ) - while kids at public schools slave away often doing meaningless, repetitive work, you can go out to a museum, national park, teach them to cook, go fishing or hunting, camping, etc. - it requires a parent (the mom) to stay at home, letting gender roles naturally take their place, as they should, in the family
>absolute best You haven't met anyone who is homeschooled, no surprises since such technology doesn't exist in Mexico.
Every homeschooled person is full Asperger's and has shit communication skills.
David Kelly
>b-but homeschooling makes kids socially inept!!
umm no, sweetie. This is a statement that is only used when people want to push an agenda, there is no evidence to prove this at all. In fact, there are studies that have found that traditionally schooled children are more likely to show antisocial behaviours than homeschooled ones. In addition, there is no shortage of activities they can join outside of school that require extensive socialisation: Scouts, group sports, Sunday school / Choir, extracurricular clubs, volunteer work, etc.
>implying your peice of shit mother and or father can teach you anything beond how to make tacos
Cameron Moore
Well said
Easton Ramirez
This is the worst color scheme ever used in an infographic. >they must have been homeschooled
Lincoln Brown
The findings showing the superiority of homeschooling are consistent even when taking level of education and earnings of the parents into account.
Try again.
Nolan Gutierrez
>peice of shit
You spelled "piece of shit" wrong.
(You just got schooled by someone homeschooled.)
Justin Jones
I was homeschooled, and i would recommend it to any user out there. It is the proper future of the white race
Josiah Reed
I wished I was, it's clearly the better option.
Ryan Thompson
checked. We must continue to enlighten these anons into seeing the true way of homeschooling.
Most definitely. It is the only way proper values can be instilled into your children.
Brandon Johnson
>- while kids at public schools slave away often doing meaningless, repetitive work, you can go out to a museum, national park, teach them to cook, go fishing or hunting, camping, etc. That shit prepares you for college and most jobs afterwards. It's fucking pathetic, but reality.
Schools are constructive because they expose children to society. I think it's important to go to a diverse school to be exposed to these elements, but to have higher level classes and programs where you're around the more successful white and Asian students. School I went to was like this, only 30% white with a 66% drop out rate, but we had an IB program with the top grads getting perfect SATs and getting into Ivy League schools.
Nathan Cooper
Also, are you even white, bro?
Dominic Watson
This is a combination of confirmation bias and anti-traditionalist propaganda. You need to break the conditioning. Look at the countries that oppress homeschoolers the most (like Germany and Sweden) and you'll realize that it's leftover indoctrination from when you were bluepilled.
Reminder that the white of the future will be mostly the descendants of homeschoolers because they're the only whites who consistently have 6+ kids.
Being anti homeschool is being anti white.
Jace Perez
That's a good point user. In my view, homeschooling would be the better option when kids are below high school age. Afterwards, maybe they could go on to take the IGCSE or IB (which are more demanding programmes which can prepare them for uni)
Nonetheless, I don't completely agree that the type of monotonous, repetitive work often done in public schools really is the best way to prepare you beyond just becoming a wage slave/drone.
Owen Walker
there was that amish rumspringer documentary posted a few days ago, the amish kids went to english public school. one of them said im glad i didnt have to go through this shit
Levi Carter
Do NOT do this. is right. Your kids will ABSOLUTELY become a social reject.
t. homeschooled kid from kindergarten through highschool
There's nothing I regret more than not living life like other normal kids. My entire childhood is gone. Strictly religious parenting and homeschooling was cancer.
Put your kids in private school if you really care.
Dylan Campbell
I look European but I don't think I would exactly fit in with what you would consider "white" since I have Amerindian admixture in me. I'll post pics if you're interested.
Elijah Peterson
>Nonetheless, I don't completely agree that the type of monotonous, repetitive work often done in public schools really is the best way to prepare you beyond just becoming a wage slave/drone. It doesn't prepare you for life, just life for most Americans, which in no way reflects what it should be. If you plan to go to college, it's structured so most students can pass doing bullshit assignments instead of actually proving their understanding of the subject matter. Otherwise you'd get liberals getting butthurt because college is 'racist' since not everyone could pass.
Daniel Gutierrez
>Letting Mom's stay at home and gender roles take their place
What is this 1950's? The reality no matter how much any denies it is that both parents work in today's economic climate. Now if I can pay a teacher to teach my child instead at homeschool or there was a online course that would be different.
Brandon Hughes
No don't poast pic, i was just curious. I get the idea
It's interesting cause I know there are enclaves of whites in Mexico. Or just look at the ruling class aside from (((certain))) members
Blake King
Bentley Allen
>Strictly religious parenting I would say that this has more to do with why your experience with homeschooling was crap rather than homeschooling itself. Also >anecdotal evidence Studies looking into socialisation and homeschooling show no correlation with the latter and antisocial behaviour. I'll consider your pov more seriously if you give me some evidence
Sebastian Long
Lol fun fact when I was in high school a homeschooled kid was in my class the first year in. He was really socially inept and never knew how to make friends. Then again the school system needs to be reformed to the modern day world I can understand the point it is outdated but also homeschooling is as well.
Oliver Young
Most of this shit is a consequence of my country being populated by mongrels from your country.
Jackson Butler
This is observably bullshit. As long as you go to co-ops and make actual friends, you're getting plenty of preparation for the real world. I know 30+ homeschoolers who are more socially stable than most public schoolers.
Also, I made it through, and now I have a cushy white collar job at 20 years old, and this is not rare
Liam Ortiz
Yes, that's true, the elite in Mexico is like 95% white for some reason. (((Their))) influence is not as strong here as it is in western countries, I would say.
Alexander Miller
>Also >anecdotal evidence Every time you fags bring this up. It goes beyond me. As I became more normalized in college, I slowly became aware of the homeschooled kids. They were exactly . Zero understanding of social situations.
I only changed because I really hated being a shut-in. Small things, like knowing inside jokes and how to hold yourself while chatting with people was alien. I hate to admit this, but I figured out these things through places like YouTube. Without the internet, I'd be a social reject.
Grayson Campbell
I forgot to add, it also brings with itself major repercussions. I'm a full-blown atheist now, probably the worst outcome that my parents could have envisioned.
Nicholas King
My purplepilled friend homeschools his kids and he (inadvertently) makes sure they're always interacting with people outside the family. He always gets compliments about how conversational, engaging, and polite his kids are. Also he's extremely religious and is genuinely interested in helping people. You had bad parents user. Didn't your parents take you to sports or co-ops? Public school screws up a higher fraction of kids. l
Josiah Lewis
It's so weird how Sup Forums claims to be against political correctness, yet many here are against the PRIMARY source of political correctness brainwashing - public schools.
I am sorry for your experience, but I can tell you this isn't always the case. I won't pretend that the stereotype doesn't exist, but it isn't as common as (((common culture))) makes it out to be.
If our goal is to restore the white race, and free our children from cultural poz, then homeschooling is the way to go.
John Young
>Didn't your parents take you to sports Yes, but outside interaction was minimal and controlled.
There's a reason for schools, it gives kids a place to understand and handle a small "society" of sorts. As you grow older, this "society" gets larger too. Unfortunately, they're filling schools with commie shit.
Jackson Wilson
T. Schools dumb everything down yet I don't have a solution to any of these problems but outdated concepts of the 1970's.
Zachary King
>but I can tell you this isn't always the case. I won't pretend that the stereotype doesn't exist, but it isn't as common as (((common culture))) makes it out to be. It is. Being homeschooled myself, I haven't come across another homeschooled kid that behaved normally, and I knew about a hundred. They're dropouts, socially stunted, so on. Even in college, you can tell them apart immediately. They can't hold eye contact, joke, small-talk, etc.. Just pillars.
Matthew Hernandez
I still stand by what I said. It's clear that the way you were homeschooled was a shitty way, especially considering that it seems your parents did it specifically to indoctrinate you. Homeschooling done for this reason should clearly not be encouraged, but it doesn't mean homeschooling as a whole is bad because this sort of stuff happens.
Matthew King
The people I've known that are the most balanced almost always come from private schools. Of course, they're for rich kids, but everyone is confident, outgoing, successful, and driven. They look like stereotypical good-looking kids, but they're the kind you can count on. This comes from eventually interacting with thousands of people at a medium-large US engineering campus.
Leo Bennett
>outdated concepts of the 1970's
Outdated according to whom?
Traditionalist lifestyles are also "outdated" according to degenerate liberals. Only because something is old does not mean it is bad.
Kevin Powell
but where is your kid going to meet stacy??
Christian Brooks
Face it it's as outdated as the school system is itself.
Carter Turner
You know, I don't have a problem with private schools. The important thing is to be good at reading your kid's specific needs because kids are all different and thrive in different environments. The issue here is parenting. Additionally, homeschool works best if you can integrate you kid into your workplace or family business somehow. Not possible in many situations, but practicing interaction with adults teaches you more than with your peers. I think we can all agree that public schools are cancer though.
Wyatt Butler
>the most balanced almost always come from private schools >Of course, they're for rich kids
You answered yourself. Aint nobody got the money for that.
Luke Cook
>Just because it's old does not mean it's bad
No but things change as the generations move forward. We need to utilize what is out there and technology or ideas than to say "that's not traditional so it's bad and liberal". Homeschooling and gender roles are not what they use to be 60 years ago and it's not going back anytime soon. Pandora's box is open.
Jacob Cook
What if I am too busy working to homeschool properly
William Sanchez
>what are malls >what are sports teams >what is church >what are field trips >what is "life outside school"
Henry Long
Adrian Robinson
You could hire a tutor perhaps, but then again, that would eliminate various advantages of doing the teaching yourself.
Carter Ross
>>what are malls gone
>>what are sports teams cliques that you get in if you're confident
>>what is church old people and little kids
>>what are field trips hikes in the local forest with a bunch of little kids and other awkward kids like yourself
>>what is "life outside school" well that's about it. Where else are you going to go? The clubs?
Jaxson Sanders
Yes, this is the ideal answer really.
Thomas Butler
Now, there isn't a difference between professor and home life. One and the same.
Dominic Collins
>what are malls >gone
So sad
Thomas Williams
I'm sorry user, we're going to have to agree to disagree.
The numbers don't lie. As far as academic achievement goes, homeschoolers are off the charts. That's why people always resort to the "muh socially awkward" attack. It's partially true, but it's mostly an exaggeration and/or (((lie))). I can't speak for your experience, but I can speak for mine.
Also, you realize this is Sup Forums, right? And now making accusations of social impairment. kek
Adrian Garcia
Nailed it.
Eli Allen
Home schooling is bullshit if you want your kids exposed to the real world throw them in a public school if you want them edcuated then put them in a catholic school (not a back ass in the neck of the woods baptist school).
Kevin Reed
Homeschooling came way before the current school system we have now.
Dylan Wood
I was homeschooled
I recieved a superior education than most people that I have met and I'm from a hardcore redneck family from fucking shitsville.
>Read all of Shakespeare's plays and long prose >Roman and Greek history was reading the classics Thucydides, Herodotus, Plato, Ceasar, tacitus, seotonius, etc etc. Plus all the philosphy >Interested in astronomy, be a regular at the observatory >Interested in animals, be a volunteer at the local zoo feeding grizzlies honey in winter and helping the zoo vet >Interested in rocketry, join rocketry club at the airport and design and make rockets > List of why my education was superior is practically endless
Family is super tight. Travel the world and see and do crazy things. >Bribe soldiers with cookies in Africa >Shmooze with euro royalty >Get into fights in Korea >Etc etc
Cons? Absolutely horrible, cripplingly horrible with girls and large groups of people.
I've lived a more interesting life than anyone I've met. I'm 31.
Tyler Brown
Homeschooled user here. I agree completely. I went to a year of highschool, what an absolute waste of time.
The issue, to me, is that most people that home school are nuts. It's the same thing with people who eat healthy, you don't even want to be associated with then.
Daniel Reed
>And now making accusations of social impairment. kek Ironically, this used to help too. Sup Forums mostly. Going through a nihilistic phase really sorted everything out though. You couldn't tell I go here if you met me.
Juan Scott
Do you really not have malls anymore in America? The heck? Why?
Charles Young
>As far as academic achievement goes, homeschoolers are off the charts. True enough. I good at the "book learning". Means fuck-all if I can't use it with other people.
I didn't travel as much, but very similar experience. Rome & France to name a few.
Jaxon Roberts
I'd like to think the same of myself, but I've only been going here for 6 months, so doesn't really count
Ethan Parker
Homeschooled 2 kids. Most HS kids socialize with adults and dont relate well to younger people. They seem socially inept but they are just more comfortable around adults.
Wyatt Hernandez
I'm a newfag, and I came here around '14. Lurked Sup Forums for a year like they said. It was worth it. Sometimes I can't believe I would closely read a b8 thread like it was a mystery novel.
Matthew Price
Yeah but even the system itself is dying we all know schools are filled with Marxist bullshit and unnecessary education. But it's going to change due to the school teaching being outdated. How many kids actually pay attention anymore without looking up their phones or laptops?
The thing that will replace it is online schools and choose your own school system. Capitalism should seize the opportunity to allow people to choose their education and customize it to their needs.
In fact I think it's fair to say we agree on this being true and that College and High School is starting to be less relevant than before. But disagree on the implementation.
Zachary Jones
We've reached the post-Capitalist phase in America. Or one could say nihilist phase as well. You'll see the same thing happen down south too
Michael Ross
The problem with homeschooling is that they don't get the chance to play and develop interpersonal skills with other children. This could lead to mental issues down the road, with them growing up to be loners and such. I would suggest sending them to a reputable Christian school, one that allows for a high amount of parental involvement.
Angel Davis
Many Americans are debt slaves. They won't admit it but they are. Straddled with Student loan debt, credit card debt, car payments, mortgages, the average american doesn't have as much disposable income as they used to.
I have dozens of homeschooled people on my FB friends list. Most of us went to a local Christian college (named after a democratic secretary of state) and most of them are happily married normal Presbyterians. Homeschoolers are part of this upper middle class intelligencia.
Levi Anderson
I graduate tomorrow and that's basically me. I can't wait to see reality slap some of these kids.
Noah Wilson
Fuck letting the State and SJW commies rasing kids and teaching them that fisting eachother is healthy.
Joshua Martinez
> closely read a b8 thread like it was a mystery novel
Naivety: an unfortunate product of homeschooling. Everyone you know is good and trustworthy. So why would someone lie on the internet?
Hunter Perry
Good on you, user. Just speaking from personal anecdotes. To be fair, I find most people strange, as it is.
yeah. boy was I surprised when one of those "unboxing" thread with the password-protected zip file turned out to be CP. Allegedly. good shit, fun times
Jackson Diaz
Oh fuck off
I rode along with the police. I was in cadets and worked with our local army unit (drill, patrolling, first aid, weapons, weekend exercises, night patrols). Biology at zoos, rocketry you name it.
Homeschooling is what u make of it. If you are a parent it is YOUR responsibility to give your kids the best education including socially.
Fuck it up, it's on your head. Do it right, and you are blessed
Julian Jones
>top three professions >lists six professions
Grayson Carter
Checked. This is one of the major reasons Sup Forumsacks should also consider homeschooling.
Tyler Morales
>le prepared for college
You're either smart enough to go to college or you're not.
>le 75th percentile
That is more a testimate to the parents genes than to homeschooling
I'm not against homeschooling but it's not for stupid people or people with stupid parents.
Chase Nelson
Public schools are a great place for my kid to find the perfect gang.
Carson Ross
Mustard yellow. Hair is ketchup orange. Definitely constructed by an autist.
Jason Bell
Gangs are for bastards and faggots. Unless your son is either you don't have much to worry about.
Jaxon Long
You faggots don't need to send your kid to a state school there's private and charter schools
Logan Roberts
Agreed. Public school is nothing but pedo retards pushing good goyim pills on the government serfs. I'll re plug my videos from another thread.
The prussian education model extends childhood and dumbs people down. The elite see you as Darwin's genetic dead ends. The idiocy you see around you is by design. Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of Ronald Reagan. Exclusive interview with Iserbyt breaks down how conditioning/training under a corporate agenda has replaced traditional education, leading to a deliberate dumbing down of Americans. Iserbyt further explains how Reagan signed agreements merging the U.S. and Soviet systems under the United Nations banner, turning over education and many other areas of public policy to global control. Allan Watt exposing the use of TV and media to corrupt culture from the top down, as a means of control.
>Excessive focus on sports, music, and drama eats up people's time without actually educating them.
Of course public school is bad. They dumb it down for the niggers.
John Johnson
>not what they use to be 60 years ago Not exactly, the number of parents who decide to homeschool is increasing every year. In fact, it's never been more popular than it is now. >pic related
Xavier Morales
K-12 was designed to enslave people's minds from the get go. It makes people into toddler brained lever pullers for the state. It's always been bad.
Ryder Thompson
Considering the pedo/tranny shit taking over Ontario's education system I am already researching the best methods of homeschooling. Of course I will enroll them in sports to develop social skills, and then probably put them in a private catholic high school.
Camden Smith
One of two things are happening
1. Students are dropping out
2. They are taking online courses instead of physically being at school
This is why you will most likely see the answer being "home schooled" being the answer.
Nathan Edwards
Great contribution to the thread user, thank you, these resources are great.
Ian Reyes
>private catholic high school lol don't do that even the protestant ones have less kiddy fiddlers
Juan Garcia
While I believe homeschooling is superior, this absolutely true. Most of the statistics in favor of homeschooling actually say more about the parents. Rich and educated families tend to be high investment parents and make better kids regardless of the whether the homeschool. Rich, educated, high investment parents are the ones most likely to homeschool, so the effects are probably much smaller. A lot of homeschool parents I knew were professors for instance. The big victory isn't as much academic as it is cultural.