Need advise. How to deal with Sup Forums

I just saw some webm that had a muslim slowly beheading an 8 year old child with a dull knife. Sup Forums... the hatred im feeling now. Ive never experienced this before and its growing and growing every single week since i started visiting Sup Forums. I think its even effecting me physically now; spots that look like red freckles in my face... like sith-corruption but then for real.

These fucking third world savages, the fucking liberals excusing them and importing them. The absolute ignorance of most western people... no reason, no logic, no objectivity.

Seriously, how do you deal with it. Advise please.

Other urls found in this thread:

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

>Seriously, how do you deal with it. Advise please.
don't watch movies like that. or learn to enjoy the absurdity of it.

Unless you plan on going around curbstomping refugees (which I don't recommend) or becoming a politician, not a whole lot you can do. Just try to live your life and vote for the people who are smart enough to keep them out.

> like sith-corruption but then for real.

If you are going to go on a rampage, spend at least a year in the gym first. You don't want to go down easy once things start to escalate.

At any rate, if this is how you feel, yeah I recommend doing something about it.

>Seriously, how do you deal with it. Advise please.
Look for opportunities to let people in real life know it's all right to be anti-immigrant.

Nigger violence thread?

>Sandniggers killing sandniggers

Who cares, there's even worse stuff from the Mexican cartels out there. I wouldn't care about shitskin deaths if I were you. You will get pissed off too much at their inhumanity. Just like you wouldn't get angry over animals killing each other, treat non-whites as part of the animal world.

>hit the gym
>eat well
>marry well and have children
>join and support local nationalist groups
>speak your mind with your peers when appropriate.
>support nationalist media like Red Ice
>read books (not just Sup Forums infographics) and educate yourself for you and your families future.

>become blackpilled
>chimp out and kill shitskins
>waste too much time on the internet
>drain your spirit with pornography
>give up, ever.

Depends. Is it a real video or another fake Isis video?

The majority of real murder/execution videos come from China south American and Africa. Just be glad you don't live in one of those shit holes.

I think he made 20 bucks. nice!

Why is it that some of the best advice comes from Nazis?

just don't go out hurt anyone pls

You're literally becoming radicalized. Put your phone down/delete apks/turn off computer and go outside.

NatSoc was a bulwark for stopping the Soviet Union.

Get rid of the EU flag first

Pretty sure OP was talking about this post

How though, the Soviets steamrolled Nazi Germany in WWII.

>Sweden, 2063

I'm not going to do stupid shit. I'm just wondering how you guys deal with your emotions here. How you guys channel the hatred. Fuck i regret taking so many red pills. I really do. But i just cant stay away from this place; finding the truth is like finding an oasis in the desert.

Might boxing be a good idea? To get some of that rage out? Has it worked for some of you?





Are they ok!

fucking degenerate

that's exaclty the same shit that gets muslims to go extreme.

don't worry about it. just worry about your own country and try and change things legally.

muslims will continue to kill. the people will get fed up and VOTE for change.

killing people on the streets makes you no better then them.

>Sending your daughter to a black school
What could go wrong?

Join the army, dipshit.

OP were you talking about this beheading? This was done by Mexican cartels.

>Advise please.
Study their mind. Their worthless religion commands them to kill and violate.

>there's even worse stuff from the Mexican cartels out there
t. ahmed.

Also they don't kill in the name of the demon god allah (piss upon it)

God will forgive them, don't worry

NatSoc was anti-bolshevic. Some of our leading capitalists worked with Germany for some time for a reason. The murder of the Tsar threw the international elite into a panic.

guns guns guns
dont bring a knife to a gun fight

was it the gun that's the problem here?

Thankfully white, not a dirty brown like you. Shitskins are subhuman where ever you go. Mexico is one of the worst non-white cesspools in the world.

Someone post funkytown.webm

Personally, I try not to let it get to me too much. I live in America and thanks to Trump we don't have a huge refugee problem here so it's easy to find ways to just take your mind off things. Spend a few days away from political content, play video games or exercise to calm down.
Wherever you live, unless it's Germany or Sweden it's probably not too far gone.

watch it again, find other stuff like it
repeat until it becomes your new normal

you'll be okay

black people make the best baby sitters

>tactically go on sites like reddit, pretending to be a lefty/commie
>make yourself sound like an idiot
>make Sup Forums seem like a "funny place with good memes"
>slowly migrate them over here onto Sup Forums where they will see non-censored opinions and truth

>I'm just wondering how you guys deal with your emotions here.
Implying I have any feelings left.
You will eventually become desensitised to it if you keep watching.

This happened to me when I was a baby.

I read history and realize there was a time when the invaders were repelled

There's a Muslim one too. The two things on Sup Forums I haven't been able to finish. When they talk about hell I imagine some of the things I've seen on this site

IQ gap explained

Want a tough baby? don't let em cry

it that why you're retarded

>Thankfully white
>that emotionally charged vitriol
Sure thing, ahmed. I love when you muslims intermediately loose it the moment someone shows the savagery of their satanic religion.

Any hobby. Piano takes my mind off the world; so does working out.

Fuuuuuuck... why wouldn't he just start chopping att some point?
>not using a massive scimitar

Good point.

She looks kind of like a great ape sitting there

Just move to Eastern Europe or Russia

Or commit suicide

The liberals won't stop until every last drop of European culture has been exterminated
These people are fueled by a hatred for every Western civilization


this one probably died, theres no way it's surviving a shaking like that

Yup, that's exactly what he just saw in the webm thread I'm assuming. I don't know if it was cartels or what, but ISIS would and has done the same.


What does that STUPID fucking nigger think its doing? FUCK!
As if you can put manners on a newborn.

I don't defend Islam though. It's a shitty religion, but the real reason why Arabs are subhuman is because of their genetics. And same for Mexcrement. Mexicans are meant to be Christians yet they act like total subhuman savages. Arguably African-Americans are better than Mexicans.

You bottle it up and let it fester until it explodes.

The child's head looks like its the same size as the man's head.

I posted above how I haven't seen 2 gifs on Sup Forums.

>now only one

Genuinely want to cry watching that. What is wrong with shit-skins and niggers.

of course, the classic

ISIS Execution baguette?

Keep calm and just Deus Vult

>I don't defend Islam
>bombs internally
Sure, ahmed. Don't you know that islamic "hypocrites" such as yourself must be killed by your own muslim people?


is that why you're retarded

Love this. Especially the part about never giving up.

Also, make more white children.

I'm black myself, I have very little hope for my race ever improving. I just try to distance myself from the niggers that make the rest of us look bad.

They're speaking Spanish, you can hear the audio for yourself.



I almost puked.
Sup Forums is self-abuse worse than cutting. T_T


Post the vid.

As for dealing with it, I just don't give a fuck. Partly because it doesn't happen in Poland and partly because I don't watch or read news nowadays at all, save those bits of info I find on Sup Forums.

Stop caring, man. Is it your family? If no, is it your friend? If no, is it someone from your town? If no, is it someone from your country? If no, don't give a fuck.

Only after the biggest industrial nation in the world backed them.

Because National Socialism is the next evolution of humanity. Our species improves itself over time, the current trends we're experiencing are not the norm. Expect it to correct itself.

Use the rage to improve yourself and prepare for the coming conflict.
Also, try not to watch beheading videos. Not even I will watch them. They stain your soul in a unique way.

welcome to the real world newfag,this is what is pouring into your safe bubble thanks to trudeu

Around blacks, never relax

Sauce for it (and them speaking Spanish)

> the hatred im feeling now. Ive never experienced this before and its growing and growing every single

lol you fucking casual

If you want real advice listen to me.

Passion is good. That emotion you feel is good. Like a fire though you cant let it burn out of control or it will consume you,

Control it. Keep it a slow simmer well below the surface and draw on it when needed. Don't let it control you.

Ok... im ready to kill some isis bastards after that

Make yourself as capable and self-sufficient as possible. Do not join any group -- it is a government trap.

There is an abnormally high sociopath presence on this board so keep that in mind.

In a world of political correctness and beta cuck sjw bs, I've not found a better place to find the real truth than here.

Remember who you are and don't waiver. Don't watch those disturbing videos (I don't), get excercise and eat right.

Glad you're here. We're all in this to destroy the left

I excercise to keep me in shape. It's always good to be fit for a fight. You're reaction means that you're a decent person who has a moral compass that actually fucking works. It's good to be angry at those ISIS savages. Your anger gives you power. Use it. Never forget that you're better than them and never surrender to them. Try to wake up as many people as you can and don't forget where there's life there's hope. Don't give up.

Pussy. Your vag gets sandy from seeing a formulaic execution that isn't even the real shit.

Watch that. 30 prisoners hung upside down on meat hook chain in a cattle slaughter house and beheaded one by one.

It's the worst thing you'll ever see, I promise. If you make it through, you'll be 100% DEUS VULT NUKE MECCA NOW.

I'll say one noce thing about ISIS: their utter Satanic hyperviolence filmed in HD with "Hollywood Production Values" back fires against them and makes it a helluva lot easier to fully dehumanize them and simply not care and even be GLEEFUL the more of them and their women and children are genocided by drones, MOABs, you name it.



FUCK this earth

fap it out bro

or go rage-fuck an muz chick

and then kill her

so cute

Thank these guys.

Just for a second, imagine that all blacks and spics were gone. Just for a few minutes. How calmer the world would be.

Jesus fucking christ, that was a kid.
We need that damn wall now

Join the US military. They will pay you to kill the mudslime roaches.


But I haven't defended Islam anywhere, and on the other hand called Mudslimes sandniggers. As I pointed out though, the driving reason behind shitskin behaviour is their genes, not religion. Whites and East Asians don't act like this. Only Arabs, Mexicans, Niggers and other subhumans.

>pic-related, another cartel victim

>Mexicans are meant to be Christians
Wrong. (the ancestors of) Mexicans were cutting out people's hearts to their sun god before the Spaniards showed up and killed/converted them.
It's still in their blood to be savages.

What the fuck is wrong with cartels? They do worse than ISIS. I've seen a lot of gore, but the worst gore has always been from spics. Animals who care for nothing.

There is no god.

you're growing stronger

Well...this newfag has seen enough.
Im going out side for a fucking walk.

There are more internal conflict type deaths in Mexico than in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's actually the second most fucked up war zone following Syria.