What Does It All Mean?

Behind layers upon layers of shills.
Well beyond all bullsht...
Immaculate signal to noise ratio
What does it all mean?



fpbp, even a leaf can't deny kek

Stealing Shia's flags is the meaning of pol

I swear to God, Leaf.....

Don't you scream at that frog.




Justify your meager existence, Sup Forums.

What does it all mean?


me oh my

the answer really is love user. it's always been love. look where you are. talking to thousands of people, who you don't know but know you. from every continent, every country. here to talk together. why else would they? love.

welcome new faggot, we love you and you're here forever

if sequenced terminal integers greater than d ubs then cosmic happening over-the-horizon

With all due respect, fuck off, hippie.
Not an argument, explanation, or answer.
Eat a dick.
...with all due respect.

sure. right on, dude.

You can eat a dick too, commie.

love conquers all faggot.

go on....please answer the OP.

You mean life?

The point of life is to ride the current until it sucks you under inevitably.

If you're talking about the point of this place.

You aren't high enough on the paygrade for that information, soldier.

Why not kys then?
Shitty answer. Try again.

Because it doesn't end when you kill yourself.

Does it ever end?

Not to my knowledge.

Cycle is the fifth dimension.

Time-space is fourth.

How many times have you been around the sun?

What Does It All Mean?
Behind layers upon layers of shills.
Well beyond all bullsht...
Immaculate signal to noise ratio
What does it all mean?




Fpbp. Love is the correct answer. It's the only answer. It's the obvious answer. It's the truth. Now, instead of rejecting this gift you were give , go figure it out.

Check your inbox! I'm sure there's an explanation in there somewhere.
Somewhere among the offers of Russian brides and I made X amount by being a bot! You could too!

Here, under the noise you find truth, here under the noise you find love. Not the squishy bullsgit Hollywood love, but the kind that wants you to be a little better than you are, and thus happier than you are. That is the true purpose of the bantz. As an asshole who wasn't once said: Coffee is for closers, we want you to get mad and go out there and close dammit!

The divine has chosen this place. Not because we are the best, maybe because we are the worst, we are the cast offs and the dregs, those who stepped back and took a look at society and saw past its facade of lies to its raw ugliness. It's ours so we want to save it, but it has to go. And so we must better ourselves to step in when it falls.

The purpose user, it to build a better you, founded solidify in truth.

>The divine has chosen this place. Not because we are the best, maybe because we are the worst, we are the cast offs and the dregs, those who stepped back and took a look at society and saw past its facade of lies to its raw ugliness.

>confused descendants of rebel cells

>autistic shitposters

These all mean the same.