Sup Forums how did you find out about Sup Forums to begin with...

Sup Forums how did you find out about Sup Forums to begin with? I found it by accident in '97 with an atavista search for Windows ME hack in

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I came from digg, reddit's reddit

My second website back in early 90s when I got windows 3.1 with internet explorer

moot shoulda shutdown Sup Forums when he became all sjw and pro gamergate

Someone told me in highschool that Sup Forums was where all the Shit Brix memes came from. It was funny for a couple of months but then got boring, couple years later hopped on and saw a Ron Paul thread.

There was this post on a newsgroup referring to in it in 1989. That's what drew me here.

>how did you find out about Sup Forums to begin with?
A long time ago someone turned me onto Sup Forums for some funny cat and/or gore photos. I have lurked in and out since.

too bad Sup Forums was created in 2003.

That's when it went public dumbass. Sup Forums beta was around in the 90s, invite only

It wasn't. I clearly remember using Gopher to visit Sup Forums back in the late '70s.

I co-invented the website, but no one believes me.

I read a huffpost article about this place today. I had to come see it for myself. You guys seem a lot tamer than the article noted.

The world is a cold hard place my puffington friend.

My dad works at nintendo too

Just shitposting on forums in middle school led me to it. I remember I was on the old set up for Bungie, then I learned about encyclopedia dramatica and it all went downhill from here.

At least I never have to sign in to a dumb account ever again.

Back in 1932, a random carrier pigeon brought me a thread.

This, I remember shitposting on Sup Forums back in 1998. Back then the board was very inactive and you had to login tho, unlike today when any redditor shitter can post.

I believe the first time I stumbled across it I was looking for furry pr0nz, but I don't remember anymore when or why I started browsing it regularly

old school 4chinz troll here

R/alt-right got shut down and reddit/TD was a fuckin shitshow and circlejerk so I was looking for a place to browse on my spare time. Was bitching to a friend about getting constantly getting banned from subreddits when he told me to come here. Lurked for awhile and even left at some points but I always came back as this plave kinda grew on me. Now i cant leave and i love/hate it.

Lol, I'm pretty sure the average age of Sup Forums during primetime is around 40 at this point.

'93 on dial-up BBS

the mchenry bbs?

Personally I was having my portrait being etched in stone by a sculptor from Romus when I was advised to seek the local forum at Sup Forums.

Linked from autistic phpbb board for 13 year olds and have been here ever since

back in the 60s when I was working on the computers for the Apollo missions, happened to stumble on this website

Was it punchcard AF-00217? That's the one that got me hooked.

close, it was 218. Those were wild times, shitposting in binary was a blast.

Pffft, newfags. I was here back when it was P2P with carrier pigeons.

Looking up shit about 40k hahahah as cringy as that is.

Mine was pre-installed on my AOL CD. Those were the days,

>only posting on Sup Forums for 1 or 2 years

What a loser.

Are you literally fucking autistic?

I was thinking about starting again. Painting those fucking things and reading about the Space Marines was a huge part of my childhood

My brother introduced me to it back in 07. Can't believe I still waste my time on this shit hole. If you're new to this site I suggest you leave while you can because after a while you are here forever.

lol, so that was the good one. I think I might have accidentally knocked my phone handset off of the modem when that one was coming through.
P2P didn't fucking exist until all of you newfags started flooding the interwebs with your fancy 384k DSL lines. We had to split shit up in to 1.44MB parts on newsgroups and you would always be missing parts after a week of downloading

What fucking faggot. Most people start out liberal and become more right wing with age.

I formed it with the fuhrer back in the 30's
he never got the maymays, he took the "kys" literally.

people need to stop going in public if their appearance is humiliating to the cause

got here from listening to old l0de radio, then finding ED then going to Sup Forums in 06.

been on Sup Forums since 9/11, damn those were fast moving threads

I came here from 9gag, Reddit and Ebaumsworld.

i can't remember

but i know i've been here since 2009
and krautchan /int
and 4.c.h.o.n. /new

You didn't

I was at a truckstop in 80s and someone carved Sup Forums's phone number around a glory hole. Damn near poked my eye out.

How come I never see these alt-right faggots in any other country except america?

And people dont believe me when I say sjws, feminism, furry conventions, transgenders, and other degeneracy started in the US

The only way to do it is with a 3D scanner and 3D printer.
Get a single model and print your own. GW are the jews of gaming.


I discovered Sup Forums in 1893 while visiting the darkest corners of New York City on a time travel trip. It was a bunch of dirty irish and chinamen pretending they were white and sharing pornography. I felt right at home.

next post wins two free internets

I think it might have something to do with your status as the ladyboy capitol of the world Rodrigo.

tbqh i was looking for gif porn on my psp

A friend showed it to me in the late 90's. Told me it was a great place to find funny pictures. Sent me a link to a thread with an image of Mario and Luigi holding Toad down and shitting in his face. Hi Kurtis!

I've been here ever since...

Yeah I got back into it in 2008, I had started playing a in high school around 1998 but kept it a secret from people who did not know what it was ahahah. I find playing it as an adult is surprisingly better because you dont need to worry about being called a nerd. Even my wife is into it now and no she is not fat and yes she is white haha. If you are going to do any nerdy table top shit at least 40k is the least PC.

congrats you won 2 whole free internetz
edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

i heard about it earlier today.

on reddit.

'89 back when i was a tier one operator with the Naval intelligence. Longcat was the nickname we gave to our swift boat

yaaayyyy!! I won the internet. I'm going to go upstairs and tell Mom!!!

Lolbertarian Facebook groups I fell into after studying abroad back in 2015

I came from t_d last year. Honestly our memes are better

I was looking for Bleach hentai in 2006

i lik u fren :)

What the fuck is wrong with you? You have to be 18 years old to use this site.

Question for these people if they are serious, do you only browse Sup Forums or other boards too?

I was on deviantart looking at softcore furry porn and I found a page that just posted screenshots of Sup Forums posts and drew silly little comics out of them. Went to it and haven't looked back since.

that was 2010

Same story. At first I was mainly here for /tg/ because there really isn't a better 40k community out there. Eventually I decided to look at more of the site that had become a major time sink for me. Sup Forums was revolting at first but a morbid curiosity kept bringing me back. I used to be a typical leftist idiot, thought I did still like guns. At this point I'm essentially a far right libertarian that hates most niggers, want sandniggers exterminated from the face of the earth, and communists to be thrown from aerial vehicles.

>too bad Sup Forums was created in 2003.
>newfags actually believe this.

My family has been apart of Sup Forums for at least 4 generations. My great great grandpapa started using Sup Forums when it was still only available via the pony express.

I had a rare developer's beta copy of Battle Toads I wanted to insure. My dad snuck it out of Japan when he was doing coding work there in the early 90's. I needed to get an accurate appraisal on it because of not only the "grey market" nature of the item, but the sentimental value as well! Lycos landed me here and provided me a phone number for a guy with connections well versed in such matters.

umm can someone please do me a favor???

the cat brought me here in the mid 90s

i got a random popup invite one day in 89 while i was playing Test Drive on my dad's MS-DOS computer

>newfags don't know that Sup Forums has been around since 1944
why do you think its called Sup Forums nigga dam, cause hitler got dub 4s

During the 1980s. I miss 80s Sup Forums.
Anyone else remember the autist who made the MICHAEL JACKSON IS TURNING WHITE threads and people called him a faggot?
Holy shit, the day it became obvious, he shoved it right in the face of everyone who doubted him.

Hitler recommend it to me

Keep doing what you do Australia. Sup Forums just wouldn't be the same without you.


I learned about it from an ad in an old porno mag that I found in the park back in 96

you remember telegramchan? shit was hyperbased.

Fuckin oath mate!

Been around since early days of DPPH/SA.

Anime in 2013.

If you cant see why I asked that, then the answer is most likely yes.

No no no, you're mistaking them for Thailand.

Love ya man! No homo.

Didn't think there would be any left on Sup Forums of all places

You've never been to Manila I take it.

college friends in 2007

>tfw been here for 10 years
>tfw 10 years older than the average user here

Was that the deal?! It all makes sense now!

I was having to use a hacked oscilloscope as a monitor because these were the pre-CRT days so all I had was grainy monochrome green images! It made it tough sometimes!

>classical liberal, sargon of akkad stuff
>really hate islam
>want to find a place where i can openly discuss it
>heard about "Sup Forums racists and rightwingers for years"
>come just for the anti islam and not the "racist" stuff obviously
>slowly see "racism" is actually backed by facts
>now completely redpilled

that's an insanely good idea. $40 for two fucking plastic guys

yeea 40k is cool. i have was rocking imperial guard. i am watching some vids on 40k right now. might dust of the old gloves and get back into it

Luckily I had a Packard Bell Computer and a Prodigy subscription. Didn't miss a thing.

I was on porn forums from the time porn forums started.
Then on some of the porn forums I started seeing images whose names ended "_anonib.jpg".
So after some trial and error I found anonib.
This was like 2006-2007.
There, people started referring to "Sup Forums".
Took me a while to find it because .org domains were not that common back then.
First time I found it, I clicked on "random" just because I didn't care about any of the topics.
I looked at the front page and thought "this is shit".
I came back a couple of days later and thought the same thing.
Then I went to the second page and thought "Huh that's funny, some of these threads are the same as the ones on the first page, but in a different order".
Then I hit refresh.
Then I went back to the front page.
Then I hit refresh again.
That's when it finally sunk in: there were HUNDREDS of new posts being posted to Sup Forums every MINUTE. "Holy Fucking Shit"
Been coming back mostly every day since May 2007.
No Fucking Lie.

So were you on porn forums in 2001 or '02? If you were I have a few fills I'd love to know if you have. I used to be all in back then.

moot invented Sup Forums before he could walk

Lucky! All I had was fuckin NetZero growing up. (Fo Real Doe)

$40? Man I'd love to get them that cheap.
Single resin model blisters are $45 in my local.

Do you mean I got my windows ME verification codes from there!

I'm sorry. I hit Prodigy, Compuserv and AOL here in the states. Lived overseas during the winter, so I just had "internet access" in the '90s, which was all just plain old internet like it is today.

Oh yeah, I probably still have a lot of images from back then. Dunno if I have any of your fills. Doesn't hurt to ask.

anything from A friend's ex-girlfriend was on the site in 2002. That's why I'm looking. I have the csv, but can't find the files anywhere.