Well Sup Forums, looks like you're BTFO again. Inb4 (((Isenstein)))
Refute this gunfags
Other urls found in this thread:
>Gun related deaths
Into the trash this goes, Professor.
Not an argument.
well, that was easy
Have you ever considered that areas with strict gun control laws have more liberal pussies and less niggers?
Hold on, keep this bumped, I got a kick ass infographic coming up
"Gun related deaths" is a propaganda metric. There are a lot of "water related deaths", "hammer related deaths, and "rope related deaths" too. Suicide is a meaningless metric. It stands to reason, guns are a useful tool for the job of suicide and therefore used for suicide where available.
The most fundamental metric of violent crime and homicide is regional demographics. Regions with the highest number of leftists and non-whites leads to the highest number of violent crimes, irrespective of local prohibitions on self-defense.
Guess which regions in the US are usually the safest.
Well hurry up already
I would like to see the homicide and crime rate instead of gun deaths in comparison. Like in england when they did a handgun ban, the Gun death rate dropped but the overall murder and crime rate went up six fold, mostly young thugs using knifes against people who are older and no longer able to defend themselves against someone in their prime.
Though last time I brought this up, UK user couldn't see how fewer gun deaths did not equal fewer overall deaths.
>Which is worse some gun deaths or a lot of knife deaths?
>Gun deaths because they are more dangerous.
Violent crime (the whole array of assaults, battery, rape, torture, home intrusions, homicides) heavily corresponds with the order of this list, with the exception of culturally stable, native places like Hawaii. Crime as other maps show, it's heavily regional. IL has most of their crime coming from thug zones like Chicago.
I hope you're there, user. Dropping info to bump for you.
He's not coming back.
I'll give him ten more minutes.
We understand that freedom comes at a cost in lives. It always has.
Hold on, the info I need is not as readily available as I thought
That's not a murder rate chart
Also with the correct chart homicide and gun deaths seem almost inverse to each other.
Tell us what you're looking for. One of us might be able to help.
Read what I wrote. That link you gave follows with what I said. I was saying the list of highest white population states corresponds to violent crime very closely.
>handgun supply
Should show what % of people have guns in the house.
Oh look it's one of these threads again. Gun laws mean jack compared to local conditions and populations.
The overwhelming majority of homicides aren't committed by typical gun owners. They're committed by gang-banging thugs, many if not most of whom have a predisposition for retardation and psychopathic lack of impulse.
Thugs could have a few or thousands of guns in their home. Typical law-abiding gun owners (almost all non-thugs) could have a few or thousands of guns in their home. We'd probably see nearly the same statistics take place.
So it would be more useful
There's more but fuck that noise, OP is a faggot.
>So it would be more useful
Got cut off there, scratch that line.
>wiki clipped for comparison:
Basically a racial breakdown of the homocide rate state by state.
NH is now constitutional carry now and was de facto shall issue since the chief of police had to either issue the permit in two weeks or send a letter explaining why the permit was denied which never happened unless you were legally barred because you could sue for the permit to be issued if it was bullshit.
I said inb4 Schlomo come on
Just because you say inb4 doesn't make it not Jewish bullshit you know.
>all those deaths in hick shithole states
Car related deaths are also higher in areas with more cars.
Actually yes that is an argument, gun related deaths does not give you a complete picture as to whether high gun ownership leads to more homicides overall. Hell even just using homicides isn't quite enough to prove causation. For example, high legal gun ownership in crime infested areas as a means to self defense. Overall while you could have made genuine arguments as to why gun control is good, you used propaganda infographics to create a shitty slide thread.
MD fag here.
Can confirm, many niggers, spics, and gun laws.
It's plotting suicides, 2/3 of 'gun related' deaths.
That would be good. These come close to what you want:
What's really needed is pinpoint-level violent incidents broken down by type, coupled with layers of pinpoint-level demographics (race, age, voting, laws). In other words: info tools the FBI and NSA have access to in real time.
This breaks the pattern you were hoping for.
What do the populations in these areas look like?
It doesn't though. This chart is plotting suicide rates, not homicide rates.
You'd want to look at the data before and after these laws were passed and compare any change to regional and then national trends. When you do, these laws are meaningless.
his whole study breaks apart if he factors in data from other countries, such as Switzerland or the Czech Republic (which is why he is not doing so).
Just another case of politicized research. Sad, really.
>Smart family gun safety
>A child with a compact .45
A 9mm carbine would be a much better choice.
stay pissed fag
Well neither is your post. It is no surprise there is a positive correlation between accessibility of handguns and gun-related deaths, but this correlation is irrelevant. You really haven't posted anything of value. What you need to post is something like murder and crime rates relative to accessibility of guns.
That alone wouldn't matter if it isn't measuring the consequences of the worse of evils: long term road to tyranny.
In effect:
You could put the entire population in a labor camps with chain around their ankles, everyone monitored in bubbles and reduce the murder rate to 0%, but it becomes a sick statistic to justify the end.
Because the lefties love using this non-argument all the time to dismiss points.