Should we be happy or bothered that the Trumps are likely here, furiously fapping to your caps of lefties in meltdown?
Trump Jr on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm pretty sure we have a direct line to the most powerful person in the world here. Also, there is no way any of those fuckers post here. They're lurkers.
We shouldn't fucking care because Trump and his entire cohort are now irrelevant and cucked.
this probably
most people lurk and are too pussy to post
also CNN: "Eric trump likes alt right white supremacist tweet"
My brother reads pol nonstop and still won't post. I have no idea why people would be scared to share their opinions here. It's semi-anonymous, and if you live in the US there is literally nothing to worry about.
if that were true then why isn't our agenda being carried out?
I don't think it can be denied that Trump owes his victory to us. We memed him into power, and we battled the jewish overlords at Twitter, Facebook, CTR, and an endless army of shills to keep voters on target and on message.
I feel the least Trump could do is actually listen to us and do what we want him to since its thanks to us that he won.
If you're here, Donald Jr., I'll vote for you after your dad's second term is over.
He browses and OPs pizzagate threads from his sons iphone
True that. Sup Forums is either the biggest uncontrolled psyop to ever happen, or they can't Shut it Down
Well, he does what he can within the bounds of his power. This isn't some 3rd world dictatorship. At least for another 6%. Look at the pushback at an executive order he made that was 100% cut and dry within the bounds of his legal rights?
What do you expect?
Pic related
>lost resoundingly
Was this not a GOP held seat for nearly all of recorded memory?
52% vs 48% is hardly "resounding", I'd call that just scraping through.
Makes me happy.
>Spend $22,000,000 on an election
It is, but having an opinion in the US is 100% protected speech. Nothing to worry about. It's anonymous enough that my employer will never know, and it's not against the law to shout Nigger in a crowded theatre.
>shout Nigger in a crowded theatre
some one please do this and upload it ahahah
that was from Melania's twitter before that post was made. i don't know why people think 0 reverse image hits means it never existed anywhere online before.
It was controlled very heavy in the beginning.
DARPA project.
I thought we already knew the Trump family posted here? I mean for fucks sake the main guy(Robert Mercer) who founded Trump's campaign is a white nationalist who wants a repeal of the 1964 civil rights act.
They'll send them to /k/ first.
Take a look for yourself, though 5k likes it's hard to get through, maybe ctr+f
I'm gonn dub aren't I?
22 million dollar dumpster fire.
Dude... If that shits real, I'm speechless.
>mfw it's actually real
When we say Sup Forums is everywhere, we aren't joking.
Yeah, we president now
>mfw it's real
This is not good optics for him. E-celebs can associate with Sup Forums because their audiences don't care but associating with Sup Forums as a mainstream person is asking for trouble. A leftie outlet could put out an easy hitpiece by showing how racist and Nazi-sympathetic this place is.
I've been thinking recently that since 5 said Trump was unaffiliated and that he himself was also unaffiliated, that it might be possible Trump or Jr would maybe have decided to take on a persona... like in fucking batman.
Even if untrue, pretty neat.
I like this in a way, but I also wish that 4plebs didn't exist.
>but associating with Sup Forums as a mainstream person is asking for trouble
That's why we have to encourage this kind of behavior.
>an easy hitpiece by showing how racist and Nazi-sympathetic this place is.
Why contain it? It's cool.
>This is not good optics for him
As if the liberal kike media and the Clinton campaign didn't dedicated TWO WEEKS smearing him over the Pepeposting he did on social media.
After the Up/Down vote on the refugees youtube today, I think the overton window has shifted towards pol. Even if a leftie hack does their best, I think the right has learned to stop worrying and love the memes.
look at the money raised and spent kiwi bro. 30 million to 4, bot counting super pacs so it was closer to 50 million, and the dude lost
Pepe is not obviously racist though. Sup Forums is
I sure hope so
when do we get the wall?
and all the other promised shit?
Sup Forums actually started because moot got banned from something awful but still needed some place to shitpost about anime.
that comment section is pretty great
Yes but the tweet says
>Jon Ossof spent over seven times more than Handel and still lost resoundingly
Where it should have said
>Jon Ossof spent over seven times more than Handel and still lost
Because it was not a resounding victory, the money spent and the fact that the big spender lost is absolutely significant, but the size of the victory (difference in vote count) was not large.
You can buy these, which they probably did by accident.
I oughta buy some too. The yolk is the best part.
As long as abu ivanka al amriki isn't here, I'm good.
Confirmed, you'll have to scroll down a bit to find it among his likes or ctrl f
We should be happy.
Imagine not living in the US right now. I'm so sorry to the leaf and the euro.
Hi guys, Don Jr. here.
Keep up the good work.
my agenda is being carried out, dunno what yours is but out of the two of us I'm the one person that is Sup Forums, so feel free to attach your s u c c u l ar manifold to a testicular substrate.
Also what did he mean by liking this?
Why are you surprised he follows the account
i wonder when the last time happy negro was actually posted anywhere on Sup Forums
>36.3% black
>still can't win
Because Sup Forums news was banned 3 times, well after the election. Their Sup Forums campaign operator is no longer on the payroll.
So it's really something he would have to go and search out to follow.
Phone posting is shitty, and to be fair to them, they do a decent job on the headlines when you're not infront of a terminal.
>tfw Trump Jr. is phone posting right now, probably responding with BRAPPP to every roastie thread
And the hilarious part about this is normies didn't have a FUCKING CLUE what hillary and the DNC were going on about
Fuck, I still can't help but laugh at them talking about the white nationalist nazi symbol - pepe the frog
he's posted on cripplechan before
Shame cripplechan's basically dead, although the remaining posters are dedicated to the place.
I don't like there not being a little-brother website to Sup Forums. Bugs me that there aren't more websites allowing anonymity. It really should be done everywhere.
>Sup Forums is racist
Sup Forums is a multi-cultural board of peace
So how many times does this need to happen before liberals start killing themselves?
I will do whatever my President tells me to do!!!!
How have I not seen this before.
>you are going to be so tired of winning, that you'll get tired of winning!
i am dying of cancer australia please shitpost me healthy
He's done this many times, very subtle though.
Trump knows he was meme'd into the white house. Trump knows about the paradigm shift. Of course he has lurkers keeping up with the memes and what's going on on social media / pol. I bet they take notes too.
wtf i hate (((Sup Forums))) now
i"m now officially a #9mm9gagRound
This is the second most important thing I've ever seen, just after the evidence that Taylor Swift is a channer.
I haven't seen this, where do I find this?
I'm onto you, Jr.
Is there some kind of study or stat on how much money Dems raise for elections vs Republicans? What's the average ratio like?
I've seen him browsing Sup Forums before on his phone. It looked like he was on /diy/ though, but very good chance he comes to Sup Forums.
>too pussy to post
don't act like a tough guy because you post on an anonymous image board
it's more about being dumb enough to reply to bait with arguments that blow them the fuck out as if it doesnt happen 200 times each time the same bait is posted day in and day out, than being too pussy to post
and then you have the people devil's advocating for the otherside with a counterargument just to advance the dialectic, since the left itself is actually too dumb to form arguments, too much reliance on appeals to emotion, authority, so on and so forth
The DNC outspent her 7 to 1. They were both unknown until April. The seat was only deep red because the previous incumbent never had any serious competition.
With the amount of money they threw at the race, yes. They got blown the fuck out.
Several threads supporting it, but the best one is when trips named her new kitten.
They way overreached on this one. Anyone who used the internet for any sort of meme related site knew Pepe well. Pretending any sort of outlier Sup Forumsmeme is mainstream won't work.
Don't know anything about either of them and It's not my state.
Switched to republican for the presidential election because trump was who i wanted to vote for, but realistically; I don't adhere to "my party" rules,
just whoever is best for the moment in time.
Everyone should deeply consider what the long game they're after is and decide accordingly rather than "well this is what my party wants"
>using digits on Sup Forums to name your cat
what did she mean by this? is she secretly a kekist?
wtf she's the daughter of literal satanists, that means kekism IS satanism wtf i hate kek now
Pol is just a tool.
Sorry, this was meant for a different thread.
Not sure how I fucked that up, message is still good though.
I have been so goddamn smug since November 8th
America is becoming great again
It was 70,000 votes between three states. Trump owes his win to the_donald alone and Sup Forums created and fed the_donald. 100% we won it for him it's not even a question.
Trump wouldn't have won even the primaries without Sup Forums and its offshoots.
it wasn't us, it was those falseflaggers at
>our agenda
And what would that be? Telling everyone from everyone European country that they're not white?
Her parents are satanists? Like for real? What if she is secretly black pilled from being raised by freaks and seeing the horrors of Hollywood?
Nah, I'll do you one better.