Alt-right women

want your money

both Jewess yentas

most jews do

>inb4 finnshill

Because they are totally the same...

people who make content that appeals to you want money too...
you've cracked the case Pip!

kikes will always be kikes.

and I want lauren's boipussy
even trade

>be my Patreon
be my Patreon
>be my Patreon
be my Patreon
>be my Patreon
be my Patreon

They are, but OP is retarded. Alt-right women don't exist and if they did then neither of those whores fit the bill or come anywhere near. One of them is hot though.

i wonder what southern looks like with no make up. she wears more than anyone on the planet.

What if the finnshill is wearing a different flag?

>but OP is retarded
Don't be like that! :(

im watching you buddy

Looks like OP is a faggot too


Watch closely...


If you stop talking about them, then they won't get any.

So they're no different from ordinary women? What's the problem?

So Fin, do you even look at previous comments or do you just go straight to shilling?

>Sup Forums white knight watch 24/7

You've actually taken the time to change your flag to "pirate" mate. I posit that you are the real-deal 100% genuine dyed in the wool faggot.

My sad prediction on this

>jewci will continue to post "red pill" videos
>hordes of men will start flocking to her channel
>SJWs and feminists will leave but e hordes of new subscribers make up for it
>every video she makes her cleavage will show more and more
>"if you like my videos support me guys"
>faggots will do it
>not before long rolling in make cash and attention
>she will play in a virtually barren field with little competition cause tits
>eventually, after a while she will slowly revert back
>at this point people realize the truth
>they were played like idiots the whole time
>titci is old by now, busted and gets attached to some guy
>goes into the sunset richer than she came in after taking the money of lonely men who fell for her act

let them be useful idiots, don't give them a dime though

I do it for free so why would I?

>calling vaginal jews greedy little shits is somehow whiteknighting
Do you not know what that term means?

No.... N-no. T-that's not me. I'm super straight! I mean... Women, right? Right??

>pay to get your opinions confirmed by a woman

Well jokes on them, I don't have any!

>why would I?
I just find it humorous when someone posts "inb4 x" and then "x" promptly happens.

>How dare you insult my waifu, you must be paid to say those mean things

all women want your money

>women want money
Water is wet