SALT IN THE FUCKING WOUND! This guy has a knack for infuriating Liberals, and it's just so goddamn amazing.
SALT IN THE FUCKING WOUND! This guy has a knack for infuriating Liberals, and it's just so goddamn amazing
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5 and Oh?
There's a good chance that we're gonna see another disgruntled Democrat terrorist pretty soon after this.
O my rubber kek
My eyes are literally bloodshot red from crying for the last hour, and I just threw up from the stress. I can't believe we lost again. The president sexually assaults people, the Republican in Montana bodyslams people, and this bitch in Georgia refuses to let women with breast cancer get treatment. And the worst part is people still vote for them! It's happening. We are in 1930s Nazi Germany. We must resist.
chubby is I need
What did he mean by this?
Kek. Trump posts on Twitter like he's on Sup Forums. Maybe he is on Sup Forums. Hey Mr. President!
I can't wait until the bully liberals point out that Trump doesn't know what a zero is, as he sits in the most powerful position in the world, and looks down on all of the zeros.
No idiot he put O! as in the oprah network
When are you guys gonna send some people to help us make this shithole great?
He just doesn't give a fuck lmao
We can send a few nukes but thats about it
Alright, fine by me.
We can only get so much winning before they snap.
say what you will about Trump
but the man is a Winner
That's my president!
>mfw watching news analysts try to figure out why he used an O instead of a 0 but then actually used a 0 at the end
= 0
How can other countries compete?
le tromb face
= 0
Did he really make a retard joke about democrats
I don't even care about this election
I just came here to laugh at libshits
Pls be troll
i love trump
thats the saying
you dont say "five and zero"
>inb4 some retarded connection to the two scoops and calls for impeachment
The man is a lunatic for doing this on purpose, he must be impeached now
The civil war cant come soon enough.
I predict it starts in US/France or UK first. Some liberal or Muslim will trigger it.
>liberal news analysts spend next 5 days discussing what he meant by the difference between O and 0
>in the end it was Trump doing ironic misphrase like 'diamond dozen' or 'doggy dog world' but for 'Fine-an-O"
>most expensive house race in fucking history
>Dems from California just poured money in
>still lose to a basic bitch Republican woman
This is pretty hilarious
We'll trade our SJW's for the few based leafs.
10 to 1 is a good deal for Canada, right? Please tell me the winters are brutal.
Have you had an A1 Thick and Hearty recently? I have. It's like a little piece of Trump's New America wrapped up in butcher's paper..
Send them to manitoba
Why are you people celebrating? She barely won in a GOP controlled area because the lack of whites. The dems are going to start winning soon because white the population is declining. Soon, dems will be a super majority because whites will be a minority.
More of this pls, Donald
I love this man so much.
>$30 million
What was the big deal about this election? Isn't it just a state election? Why am I getting news alerts and seeing a bunch of threads on it and Trump tweeting about it?
>soon soon soon
They better hurry the fuck up because the BTFOness isn't waiting on them, kek.
>put a subtle typo while obviously getting message across
>grammar nazi dems spread your tweet when they wouldn't have otherwise
>double the number of salted wounds than without the typo
>whites will be a minority
I would think about that 'dos' paco.
O as in "zerO"
it's so fun watching these cunts flip out at the slightest of bate
Its awe inspiring
Psssh minorities are getting more and more woke to the fact that Dems see them as nothing but a vote. They've destroyed the inner black communities since the late 70s and it's all starting to catch fire
also pic related
The dems spent 5x as much money campaigning there and lost by a large margin.
The Spinach Question will soon be met with the border solution, and the black population although massive and unified, is starting to decline, and more of these alt-lite niggers are popping up which destroys the black-Dem cohesion.
The reason why Dems are fighting so hard now is that they're finished. Trump as a populist scares the shit out of the fat left, but moderates realize he isn't a typical Republican, and is willing to push against party lines to get things done. Hes growing in support with minorities, and while our ultimate goal is to force them to exodus, their use as short term pawns is highly valuable.
This race wasn't just Rep v Dem. This race was local Georgia money vs California Dem money trying to buy an election, and the Dems still lost even when they stacked the deck in their favor.
America's inner cities and more "urban" areas will no longer have white flights, only resurgent white tides. Hurricane Caucasian is coming, and we'll have 25% of the Latino vote welcoming it with open arms.
It would be shocking in the DEMS won. Election was in heavily republican districts/populations.
Same election a couple of years back the republicans won by a 23 points.
Losing by 3 points is an improvement.
No, it's a congressional election to replace somebody Trump put in his cabinet. It's not actually a big deal except that Democrats made it one. It's a victory in the same way the Superbowl was a victory.
Well they're giving it a good start by dropping the "win" and focusing solely on achieving the losses! Congrats, dems.
Because Dems were hoping for a #resist #bluewave type of thing, only that's never going to happen until they radically change their anti-white, anti-American policies.
That's literally how it's pronounced, so he emphasized that by using O. This isn't even 4D chess, it's just how you would read the tweet out loud.
Pretty terrible effort. You can do better.
>tfw you only knew about this election because liberals were bragging about a lead earlier in the New York Times.
>Losing is an improvement
>not getting mcdonalds fries
It's like you're not even trying, user.
Hardest I've laughed all day.
In that same election the Democrat spent $14,000, though.
What an obnoxious ass hole, I love it. Anti-Trump shills all need to fuck off this board forever.
We don't even deserve him, honestly.
Can someone explain why the Dems are pouring so much money into small races like this? Is it because they lost so much ground and are trying to change the momentum for 2018? This clearly isn't sustainable.
Hail to the Chief user!
No, they aren't. Niggers voted 90/10 Democrat in the last election. Spics and chinks voted 70/30. The idea that coloreds are "waking up" is delusional.
The ONLY promising result of the last election was Hillary getting the lowest percentage of the White vote in more than 30 years. Even then, Trump didn't get more of it than Romney.
There is no hope for the future of this country. We already know Europe is fucked. Sweden = lulz. Germany = lulz. France = lulz. Britain seemed okay, but it appears they're going to bend the knee to the EU.
The district has changed a lot as has our country, not to mention the $50 million or so mostly from Martha's Vineyard and Beverly Hills dumped by the Democrats to sway a small district in Georgia. You're so desperate for a win but can only score a loss. Sad!
If the dems just gave 5k to each voter they'd win. Here's an idea, how about allowing money into the process but only in the sense that a person can buy or sell their vote. The parties, instead of paying 14k per voter in advertising and campaigning, just bid on each vote.
They think they can pump soros money into small elections and then take over on a local level.
Libfags can't even do that. What a bunch of retards.
Never stop tweeting, Mr. Trump.
Maybe he does his Tweets through speech-to-text?
A big fat zero. He wanted the fatness emphasized.
This. Easily the best burger on the menu.
>the Republican in Montana bodyslams people
Oh Ya!
They see the writing on the wall and know that their era is coming to a crashing end where they no longer control the narrative or can bully people into thinking and acting as they want. They have ample cash funds from 8 years of war chesting and want to start publicly winning again.
Thankfully this has very publicly and embarrassingly failed. Their last mouth piece, the ever offended media can only last so long when all the leaders and officials are right leaning. Sooner or later their funding will be pulled or their favors all spent and they will have to radically scale back their bias and begin reporting somewhat honestly.
I wish this were real
oy vey remember the 25 trillion goys
holy shit, what is this even supposed to mean?
here we go. wsbtv Atlanta is already starting to hint at baseless allegations of voter misinformation and fraud
>Send them to manitoba
Northern Mordortoba is the final black pill
He also uses the "door in face" tactic ALL the time
It goes like this. A salesman shows up at your door. Has a shiny new vacuum to sell you. It does a lot of cool stuff, but you don't really need a new one. Your budget can only allow you to buy a $100 vacuum.
"So Mr. Trump, how much does this mediocre new vacuum cost me?
"Oh my friend, it only costs $2000!"
(You 'slam the door in his face')
:::Knock Knock Knock:::
Trump: "OK OK I can sell it to you for $300, but don't tell my boss he will kill me, I may get fired, I'm barely breaking even on this deal! UGH!"
"HAHAHAHA you idiot! I'll buy it. Wow I'm such a good negotiator!"
(In reality you just went $200 over your budget, and probably bought a $100 vacuum for 3 times its value)
"Mr. Trump, how absurd!"
(slam door in face)
:::Knock Knock Knock:::
Trump: "OK OK OK, how about just "extreme vetting"
I love our president so much.
I don't care if it's copied, it's jut too damn good.
He's back boys! 4d chess mofos
This is my favorite fucking clip