>be me >Everyone thinks I'm a Jew >Jews at store call me "brother" >Jews I work with tell me 100% I'm a Jew >Parents not Jewish. Me Christian. >Have dated Jews and love Jew pussy >High IQ >Doctorate degree >Hard working >High income >Look down on others >Hate mudslimes
How do I find out if in a Jew? Does 23 and me DNA test say that? Not sure if I should gas myself or join them and control the world and enslave the goyim. How do I find out if Jew?
Ask yourself how you really, truly feel about the White race
Grayson Morales
Not curly. Nose slightly large but not hooked. I was gonna do 23 and me test but I think it only names general geographic regions (Europe, etc)
Aiden Martin
>Jews I work with tell me 100% I'm a Jew
If a Jews Jewdar is going off there is a very good chance you are a Jew. Welcome to the tribe.
Michael Mitchell
I don't like people in general but whites, Jews, and Christian's are the best of the lot imo. The rest are low IQ rabble
Aaron Gutierrez
23andme will tell you if you're jew
Austin Wright
>23 and me test but I think it only names general geographic regions
It has a whole kike section actually
Cameron Brown
How do I know for sure tho. There isn't like a DNA test? Could sworn I've seen some posted on here
Wyatt Parker
>Will DNA test tell me if I'm a Jew? I don't know. Will DNA tests tell me if I'm a Christian?
Ryder Gutierrez
youre a fucking retard
Jaxon Jones
I've seen screen caps it just says "European, african, etc"
Luis Thompson
23 and me says straight up
found out i was like 46% ashkenazi and 54 percent irish
get micked
Xavier James
All the real jews died, the ones that remain are inbred/race mixed abomination.
Jayden Peterson
Alright I'm paying for it. Not sure what to do if it comes out positive though. I don't want to wear the fucking hat. But aside from that controlling society seems pretty dope
Chase Young
pic related
Oliver Rogers
>>Parents not Jewish But is your father really your father?
Jackson Mitchell
>(((dna tests)))
Andrew Allen
Judism is a religion dumb fuck. You're thinking of Semites
Asher Gonzalez
Jew actually has a large genetic component due to in breeding for millennia. It can be cultural, family, religion, etc. See "who is a Jew?"
Lucas King
Can u post it? Any test in particular or just the general one for $150
Mason Edwards
wrong again idiot
Ian Johnson
Rub your hands together and see how natural it feels.
Blake Miller
This was 23 and me? Alright doing it ty. Will post once resulted
Jordan Nguyen
Ivanka's tests just came back 0% Jewish DNA, but she's Jewish.
Carter Lee
>Does 23 and me DNA test say that? Yeah think so
Nicholas Harris
pretending to be retarded doesnt make you funny or smart
Jacob Richardson
she's a shabbos goyim. a shiksa to bait all the shagetz
Justin Cooper
Yes you're a kyke
Evan Moore
It is possible to convert do you have a picture of it?
Ryan Cruz
Better test is whether you want to shell out $150 for some test. You know you are Jewish by searching your feelings. If you are unable to search your feelings, you are not Jewish, as we have genetically evolved to carry this property.
T. Jew
Xavier Kelly
But she's Jewish , without Jewish DNA (presumably). I don't know the ins-and-outs or the social aspects of proper acceptance. I'm going by genetics. I don't know what you mean or what you're asking.
Isaac Williams
Oliver Brooks
Do you have a picture of her DNA test?
It is possible for people to convert to Judaism without actually being Jewish, if her mom did that she would be Jewish without having Jewish dna.
Isaac Sanchez
The Jews don't really accept her though, it's just a show. To them she's not even human.
Dylan Long
True. Yeah I def feel it but want to know if there's objectivity behind the feeling before doing a long ass conversion which I've heard is a pain in the ass. But definitely identify more with Jews than others.
Easton Howard
You mean, if you can pay 150$ for a piece of fakakta paper you probably aren't Jewish.
Brayden Brooks
If that was the case she wouldn't be married to a Jew.
Levi Ross
It's a fake marriage, she's a marionette.
Robert Baker
They have kids
Lucas Evans
>Do you have a picture of her DNA test? No. I'm using her as an example. Because no one here knows of Wendy, my neighbour that converted last year. I thought Ivanka would be someone most have heard of. >It is possible for people to convert to Judaism without actually being Jewish Yes. You become a proper Jew. It's an order in the Bible and the Talmud even. Book of Ruth? Ruth was a convert. >if her mom did that she would be Jewish without having Jewish dna. Well that's what I'm trying to go by .Wrong. See above. This applies even more so to the ultra religious Talmud reading Jews even.
Justin Diaz
Isolated individuals are always easy target for larger religious groups/ nonprofits / etc.
Keep it in mind before getting too attached.
Ryan Murphy
So? The kids are half human. A daughter he can rape and a fresh foreskin to savor.
Luis Bell
the REAL JEWS are in mourning
Easton Cox
I didn't know nose envy was a thing until I read your post. Now I have it.
Chase Young
>be me >Everyone thinks I'm a Jew >Jews at store call me "brother" >Jews I work with tell me 100% I'm a Jew >Parents not Jewish. Me Christian. >Have dated Jews and love Jew pussy >High IQ >Doctorate degree >Hard working >High income >Look down on others >Hate mudslimes
You know you're lying otherwise you wouldnt be here
Logan Powell
>Because no one here knows of Wendy, my neighbour that converted last year.
So you don't know whether Ivanka is genetically Jewish or not?
I have most of the qualities you describe & I assume I'm not Jewish, haven't taken a test though.
Jonathan Peterson
dude dont be a satan jew, be a jesus jew.
look up messianic judaism
Brandon Cook
lol you'd be surprised how many jews browse Sup Forums. why would you wont your speech controlled when you have an innate knack for verbal ability?
Jacob Scott
And btw >Hardworking You're definitely not a Jew
Tyler Stewart
>So you don't know whether Ivanka is genetically Jewish or not? Are you not understanding? Let's take Richard Spencer as an example then. He did that Genetics/DNA test and it came back 0% Jewish according to his paper. He then converts to Judaism. He's a Jew now. >inb4 you ask me if he's really converted :)
Leo Martin
All 100% true. I'm flattered by your disbelief though ;) not everyone on this cesspool is a neet
Caleb Campbell
>messianic judaism so does the rabbi with herpes bite the foreskin off before the baptism or after?
Kosher fable, goy. It's confirmation bias. You act like you think a jew would, drop a few words here and there.
>Jews I work with tell me 100% I'm a Jew
you basically act in a way to make people think you're a jew and when it works you use it as an argument that you're a jew. It's as if you were wearing beard and a funny scullcap and say "god willing" here and there and then would be excited people think you're a muslim...
>Parents not Jewish. Me Christian.
A dead give-away. You're either a bastard, a hospital mix-up, or you're making shit up because jews would know they're jews. especially often can trace it down by parents' / grandparents' surnames.
>Have dated Jews and love Jew pussy
I must be an Asian now, oy vey guize, I'm one of you! Why do you scoff at me making slitty eyes with my hands?
>High IQ >Doctorate degree >Hard working >High income >Look down on others >Hate mudslimes
wtf Asians are jews guize!
that explains it. you retards are truly a nation obsessed with rejecting your national identity.
Adrian Sullivan
If you're using an example instead of stating a fact, it's good to say "Here's an example, lets say..." or something like to let people know.
Parker Thomas
Yeah u never thought about it until so many Jews tell me it. Unless I just look it. They say it with conviction too as if they are revealing something that I missed
Christopher Martinez
I prayed to God I didn't have the ashkenazic corruption in my veins, and I don't. It was like I was on Maury Povich and the kid wasn't mine.
Brody White
Is your nose particularly Jewish looking or something
Joshua Robinson
>I've been tested by 23andme, zero jew. It has a dedicated ashkenazi section. The caps you see are from people that have zero and only choose to display what they have in them.
Chase Fisher
A feeling only niggers and really white trash ever feel
Bentley Taylor
Debating whether to spend 99 bucks on 23&me? What'da you think?
David Watson
Jews have average IQ of 120, I wouldn't mind being a smart jew. My trading bots would make even more money then. Jews are so smart because of 1000 years of anti-semitism. Just liek blacks are so fucked up, because of 60 years of welfare. If you make life more difficult for someone, he will adapt and become better, if you want to make their lifes miserable flood them with welfare. If you hate the jews, you should be for welfare for jews. Every time you attack jews, you make them stronger, better, superior. So just stop being an idiot and don't work against your own goals ;)
John Brown
>Jews have average IQ of 120 Nop
Andrew Bennett
I was assuming you're smart enough to see what the actual argument and point was. After all, you're Norwegian, not a Burger.
Logan Campbell
Landon Cook
Only Ashkenazi Jews have like 111 average IQ or something, the other Jews have arab tier avg IQ. 90 or something.
Jonathan Bailey
Here's how not to be a fucking subhuman kike
Jonathan Russell
Same problem here, OP. I still think it's just Mediterranean Italian blood. But I get a Jew comment at least 2 or 3 times a year.
Carter Sanders
If you get a bad 23andme don't go crazy and hurt anybody. There are better places to get a DNA test done. I'm not sure of the sites though but heard it from reputable people
Michael Morris
Germany/Norway are basically the setting of Berserk so they are highly advanced in terms of personal struggle, my ancestos originate from Germany/Norway and I have an extremely high IQ(learned Norwegian, German, Japanese and C++) and I have the proper stats to be a knight. High Int + Str + Dex = Paladin, the greatest path a man can follow
Noah Rodriguez
>23 and me No need to hand over any shekels for DNA tests mate – you're a Jew shill.
Jackson Sanchez
>Jews have average IQ of 120 for real polak? i met few of them in my adventures.
anons, who is pushin that IQ thing and for what purpose?
Anthony Barnes
This You guys know Jared kushners parents didnt like her because she wasnt Jewish. Ivanka didnt want to convert or become religious but in the end she had to convert or not marry him
Mason Jenkins
Go retribution spec, trust me
Eli Hughes
What would be the IRL equivalent of that?
Henry Miller
Hardcore Christfag
Levi Davis
>Actually fearing the prospect of finding out you're Ubermensch. Somehow I don't think you have the high IQ you proclaim to have
Landon Ross
You're a jew. You hate jews, that's your first sign.
Can confirm this. Was dating a Jewess for a few years and her parents (who are pretty cool and liked me) did mention that they'd want me to convert if I wanted to marry her. They're very much about preserving their religion/lineage.
Logan Stewart
>(((eternal mick))) oi bagorrah its anudda famine
Camden Rogers
kek, underrated
Jonathan Ramirez
holy spec stays at church prot gets in to politics ret gets in the streets and makes a difference
Michael Wilson
1/8 Jewish ancestry and proud. Still enjoy the ideas of national socialism more. Glad y'all got your home state.
Dylan White
Jack Edwards
I think you both kinda missed the point of what he was saying.