The CIA is being retaken by patriots on our side as we speak.
We came rather close to having a state media blackout via a "Ministry of Truth".
There is an obelisk on phobos.
An ocean under the moon.
Global warming is a hoax created by the globalists to cripple western industry.
The globalist elite believe humanity are the reproductive organs for a machine consciousness, interdimensional beings are real, and that stars act as gateways to other dimensions, if you believe their conversations as revealed by Wikileaks. Extraordinary!
Elite pedophile technocrats are the globalists, including the Bilderberg group, the Club of Rome, the Davos oligarchs and of course Soros.
Facebook and Apple are CIA tentacles, attempting total information control.
Canada is even more fucked than we imagined.
Chemtrail and biological weapon testing on citizens was legalized under Obama.
JFK, the last gunslinger, was killed for trying to stop secret societies embedded within the Federal Reserve.
Neil Armstrong killed for trying to speak about secret space program,
Obama's mother was a CIA sex operative, and that's literally declassified.
CNN is part of the CIA Hollywood disinfo division.
Patriots now in open rebellion against elites, an intelligence agency internal coup is underway - Wikileaks came from within patriot agencies.
The globalist elite believe they communicate with extra-dimensional beings.
The globalist elite want to enslave humanity and wipe out the remains with bioweapons.
9/11 was a combination of bombs inside the building and reshelled drones. Fly-by-radio drones have existed since WW2, now highly advanced and widely deployed.
Truly tremendous scientific advances will be released thanks to trump.
Trump is really truly honestly /ourguy/ and possibly the savior of individualism