I say, does anybody require a basic gestalt of the current situation?

The CIA is being retaken by patriots on our side as we speak.

We came rather close to having a state media blackout via a "Ministry of Truth".

There is an obelisk on phobos.

An ocean under the moon.

Global warming is a hoax created by the globalists to cripple western industry.

The globalist elite believe humanity are the reproductive organs for a machine consciousness, interdimensional beings are real, and that stars act as gateways to other dimensions, if you believe their conversations as revealed by Wikileaks. Extraordinary!

Elite pedophile technocrats are the globalists, including the Bilderberg group, the Club of Rome, the Davos oligarchs and of course Soros.

Facebook and Apple are CIA tentacles, attempting total information control.

Canada is even more fucked than we imagined.

Chemtrail and biological weapon testing on citizens was legalized under Obama.

JFK, the last gunslinger, was killed for trying to stop secret societies embedded within the Federal Reserve.

Neil Armstrong killed for trying to speak about secret space program,

Obama's mother was a CIA sex operative, and that's literally declassified.

CNN is part of the CIA Hollywood disinfo division.

Patriots now in open rebellion against elites, an intelligence agency internal coup is underway - Wikileaks came from within patriot agencies.

The globalist elite believe they communicate with extra-dimensional beings.

The globalist elite want to enslave humanity and wipe out the remains with bioweapons.

9/11 was a combination of bombs inside the building and reshelled drones. Fly-by-radio drones have existed since WW2, now highly advanced and widely deployed.

Truly tremendous scientific advances will be released thanks to trump.

Trump is really truly honestly /ourguy/ and possibly the savior of individualism

Other urls found in this thread:


I've seen this before and I hope this really is the basic gestalt.

>mfw the asshole of the internet defeats the Globalist Cabal

Some of those things are bound to be true.

My eyes are literally bloodshot red from crying for the last hour, and I just threw up from the stress. I can't believe we lost again. The president sexually assaults people, the Republican in Montana bodyslams people, and this bitch in Georgia refuses to let women with breast cancer get treatment. And the worst part is people still vote for them! It's happening. We are in 1930s Nazi Germany. We must resist.

Not concern trolling, but Trump has been worrying me lately. Anyone else feel this way? The Middle East situation is getting a bit too hot for my liking, and Kushner is in Israel right now.

never gets old

>The globalist elite

Let's get rid of all corporate regulations and taxes that will show those corporate elitists

Alex was right about 70% of what he said that day.

Everything pertaining to Space and the Masons was open bullshit. The dodging of every single Mason inquiry Eddie Bravo brought up was further proof to that.

Overall though Alex and most Mainstream skeptics/old school conspiracy theorists are all about a C+ or B- in terms of total truth, including Bill Cooper.

The skeptics these days are going beyond the usual 2-step of 'next level thought'.

Alex is improving but everything regarding Space and the lack of Mason insider (his whole family/ancestors are/is top level Scottish-Rite masters) shows he has something to hide.

Check out some modern insiders and finish the puzzle yourself, once you do it's quite sobering.

Not going to go full Flat/Hollow Earth due to weak minded gun-jumping criticism but when you take that and anti-history into account you can finish the remaining 30-20% of hidden knowledge (((they))) don't want you to know.

He's surrounded by lawyers telling him to keep quiet so he's not saying much.

He has a lot of faith in the military so they tend to convince him over their side but so far I've noticed it's been mostly sabre rattling.

It's been pretty uneventful, desu.

You know maybe 1% of what is actually going on. Chill my man

>Elite pedophile technocrats

Add Cannibals. They think consuimg children extends their life.

Now that I think about it, him flying off the handle on Twitter is probably what lead to that.

I guess I'm just being panicky is all.

So overall you'd say thing are going well?





This exact comment was a phlebbit post that was showcased on T_D

Star travel. I have done this. This will be my only post to this thread. It's real. This is impossible for many to understand. The stars are alive in a way that people can't even grasp. This is actually their world and we, things with spirit, are invaders. But there is a truce. What do you think of them apples. Laugh out loud. I spoke with them. I've been inside a star. In a slightly different phase, inside are chambers of solid diamond. Whole world sized space will with crystal temples. Man. Triply shit. Wish I could say it was drug induced. Nothing more than meditation and astral travel are required to confirm al of this.

>An ocean under the moon
Didn't Aldrin say the moon rang like a bell? Sounds hollow to me.

wow i can also imagine all sorts of crazy stuff when i close my eyes

this is called smoking DMT or having mental health issues

Funny thing about astral travel is, you leave yourself open to suggestion and infiltration from external intelligences. All the silly bobbles and white light imaginations they do to protect themselves is as useful as Oprah's law of attraction gibberish in The Secret.

Can you bogpill us, too?

>Canada is even more fucked than we imagined.

what do you mean by this?

anyone but Hillary is true but , i'm getting a bit fed up with trumps mind changing all the damn time .


This is the truth. Even the lower Kikes are into gaining power from the blood of the youth.

There is no going back to 1776, sir.
Liberalism never retreats. It always proceeds further left and downward.

George Soros, the infamous Jewish Nazi who got into the SS because he had the body of a 25 year old at age 12.

Canada as a nation will no longer exist by 2030-2040
>2018-2021 will be horrifyingly bad economically
>the next election will see the left gain even MORE seats in the house and people will get mad
>by 2025 a terrorist attack will get through CSIS and cripple either Vancouver or Toronto at its heart (Hockey game, concert, PNE at height of summer, etc)
>natives vs blacks vs refugees infighting over who gets the last of white Canada's money
>by 2030 a lot of boomers will start dying off, needing more healthcare
>that on top of immigration nearly unchecked will cripple the social safety net which was designed for a much smaller population with much different industries
>nation collapses by 2040 with American annexation of natural resources
>on top of all that God forbid yellowstone/large earthquake/tsunami etc happens at any point

CIA could be an army of clones. Jared Kushner could be a working on a top secret nano weapon to expose a glitch in the their programming. Israel has a rare breed of frog that may hold the secret to the CIA clones as well as the cure for gay amphibian plague. Keep an eye on this thread. I'll post more info as I'm allowed.

>slinger, was killed for trying to stop secret societies embedded within the Federal Reserve.
>Neil Armstrong killed for trying to speak about secret space program,
>Obama's mother was a CIA sex operative, and that's literally declassified.
>CNN is part of the CIA Hollywood disinfo division.
>Patriots now in open rebellion against elites, an intelligence agency internal coup is underway - Wikileaks came from within patriot agencies.

fake and gay -- sage in all fields