>Wtf is wrong with people, this shit is getting out of hand. Why are more and more people getting braver and braver in public, saying racist shit like this?
Because we are sick of foreign, alien peoples coming here and changing the character of our towns. Indians, Chinese, Arabs, Africans, etc are not Canadians.
"brown" doctors. the bitch obviously means someone who speaks english.
Normies are waking up and realizing it is now or never.
>Theres a line between being red pilled and just being flat out racist.
Shut up nigger.
fucking nigger comes to talk real quick.
>nod da whate or da blake canaeanie doter
it's code speak for 'motherfucking english'!
why are the pakis popping off? talk about tense, shit would go up if i was in the place. you but out of medical situations.
>acting like a stuck up nigger in public
>not already knowing the doctor you're sending your fucking kid to
>letting the minorities see this level of weekend
She's kicked off the white island, someone go get her white privilege card, she's not allowed anymore.
>not already knowing the doctor you're sending your fucking kid to
In Canada, because we have universal healthcare, we have multiple clinics where you can just walk in and see a doctor as soon as one is available. So its not uncommon to see a different doctor if you dont feel like going to your family doctor.
you gonna call them pakis behind their back, when the nigger comes at you you need to go full democrat mode and reverse racism that bimbo.
You want to see a doctor who speaks english? wow you fucking racist bigot maybe you need to be checked into a hospital!!!
>my kid is part not white
she must know of the quota system
I've been in this situation before.
It's literally no use.
Shtiskin doctors don't listen to you, they just nod then send you the fuck off an don't do shit an you flat out tell its cause you're white.
That's fucking horrible. I have had the same doctor since I was 13. He knows what my blood work should be, he knows me medical history, and he knows that I wont take any pills so he never offers. Way better than being another piece of paper in a file.
>reverse racism
I didn't say she was wrong, I'm suggesting that she's acting like a nigger. She should take her kid to a white doctor. She shouldn't be going to some poor minority clinic with her kid. It's hypocritical and she's giving white people a bad reputation. We're above those niggers.
bet she was skinnythicc before the kid too, must have been awesome for the guy who fucked her to make that kid
>Go to the hospital
Sounds like she went to a maternity clinic for illegals because she doesn't want to give the copay.
This, the poo in loo doctor I had was terrible
They tried hard for massive dysgenics, but it only provided natural selection in a society where it's been eliminated for every other ethic group.
Think about it.
>That's fucking horrible. I have had the same doctor since I was 13.
Retard. Ive had the same family doctor since I was born, and still see him regularly for my checkups and health issues. You still have a family doctor that has all of your history, your treatments, your diagnoses, etc. In fact, everytime you visit a medical office that ISNT your family doctor (whether its a hospital, and ER, or some clinic), they have to fax the records of that visit to your family doctor.
It means theres way more options for treatment, so if you have something small. instead of travelling across the city to your family doctor, you can just go to a clinc in your area, see a doctor and quickly get a diagnosis and prescription. If you have a long term health issue, thats something you would need to obviously see your regular family doctor for. And if you have an emergency or life threatening issue, you go to the hospital obviously.
Boy what I wouldn't do for a white uprising
> instead of travelling across the city to your family doctor
what the fuck is this pleb shit?
Does your doctor not come to your house when you're sick?
Do you live in some backwoods town in the yukon?
Is this a poor people thing?
Holy fuck, how 3rd world is Canada?
Get used to it, Paki. Go back to your shitfucker country or off yourself. OPEN UNASHAMED RACISM NOW! White interests first.
fucking leaf, you just get here from reddit you newfag, who gives a shit we all die at some point probably by some form of isis extremist bullshit that the government is covering up. in other words shut the fuck up about the semantics racewarwhen 1488, #muzziesarescum
i cant stand the sound of badly pronounced Canadian. by the blacks and muslim indians. "go do duh hawspidol" "y do you go do duh hawspidol". mississauga and brampton are filled to the brim with non whites who talk like this. or talk even worse.
Everyone's just tired of pretending that they respect each other.
>Theres a line between being red pilled and just being flat out racist.
No there isn't.
Typical leaf faggot.
You need to leave.
Send all those piece of shit Somalis, Pakis, etc back to their shitholes
Führer Trudeau won't allow this.
who else was racist and turned on CC to understand what the filmer said?
gee why would she want a white doctor
its happening as much as ever, (((they))) are just pushing the race war propaganda more and more by showing us when it does happen
Trudeau will take her kids away from her, just you wait
>Asking for someone white that speaks English is racist
The word "Racist" has literally changed in recent years from meaning you hate a race to just being insensitive.
overusage does that.
same with "communist" and "antisemite".
lefites have btfo themselves.
feels good to be castizo. white enough to not be knuckle dragger but brown enough to not have 'white privilege'.
You want to see a doctor without brown teeth? wow you fucking racist bigot maybe you need to be checked into a hospital!!!!
Let me tell you about not getting a homogeneous doctor you can trust understands you, and relate to - and be assured he takes you problems seriously. In Swedistan 34% of doctors are now immigrants. Some are actually qualified for the profession, while a large portion aren't. If you live in a smaller municipality, chances are that you're getting the bottom of the barrel.
A few years back I started feeling constantly bloated and occasionally getting pains in the stomach, especially after meals or some physical activity.
>usual district physician retired years ago
>contact healthcare for an appointment with a GP
>someone with crude accent answers
>state desire, explain symptoms
>"ok we make telefone to you sometime next week, maybe.
>what the fuck
>get a call at work after lunch, Thursday the next week: "can you come tomorrow 9AM?"
>"ok welcome to see
>show up 8:50, register in reception, sit down waiting
>burkas and niqabs everywhere
>finally called in 9:15
>The doctor speaks really poor swedish, and no english
>explain symptoms, in detail - because apparently they hadn't been logged in my journal
>not sure he understands me
>mfw he tells my I'm overweight
>tfw 95Kg @ 189cm
>he tells me if I feel like that after eating - eat smaller meals
>"try go on toilet, more"
>feels like he's being nonchalant and careless
>time is up
>feeling paranoid as fuck
>work in warehouse
>go back to work, stressed out - gotta see another doctor
>after lunch, lift boxes to stack on trolley
>feel like I was stabbed, groan in pain
>ruptured abdominal aorta
>I had Aortic aneurysm which could've killed me
Now I always demand to see a native Swedish doctor.
Thankfully, we have a law Sweden that ensures you the right to choose your caregiver, and they have to abide to your demands if they're within reason. I've had all kinds of rude remarks tossed at me, but it's worth it considering it'll probably save my life.
this exactly. They destroyed any use it any had. The word nazi used to mean something. As of now, it means "You don't agree with anything left of Mao, so fuck you and die".
The amazing part is that as long as everyone arms like fuck, at least in murica, we have a system of voting. While it's questionable, it's a needed pressure value in a system. "The right" needs to silently arm and be civil. Anyone who values the founding American system needs to trust in it right now.
>ruptured abdominal aorta
tfw conflicted about affirmative action cuz it helps us compete with the chinks
About three minutes in reveals it's a coal burner demanding a White doctor for her shitskin spawn.
she has a point though. street shitters make awful doctors. theyre hardly understandable with their accent and their education is a joke compared to what someone would recieve in the west.
>my kid's half not white
oh el
Nah, fuck you nigger loving Muslim or whatever the fuck you are.. Enjoy the shit show that ensues due to your precious mulicult. I know I will.
I think she just got hit by reality desu...
>Non white staff
>Non white doctors
>Non white patients
>Non white kid
Its hit her all at once and shes freaked out. Some part of her still idolizes her own race above others. (She wants a clean cut white doctor with good teeth).
I think her refrence to 'shooting herself' was in part anger at her stupidity in having a mixed child and (probably) being a single mother.
>says "brown skin" with pure disgust
>says "somebody that speaks English" with pure hatred
>shitskins absolutely triggered
>tfw bitchy 35 year old soccer moms begin channeling their frustration against niggers instead of against retail workers
Shitskins are going to feel the pain
>tfw your last canadian proxy location gets banned
FUCK, leafposting is the easiest guaranteed (You)s in history. I envy you bastards that still have functional proxies.
She is asking for a doctor that definitely didn't get into college based on their skin color.
I don't go to doctors unless they are white males. I don't announce that to strangers, but there is no way in hell I'd go to a black doctor or a Muslim doctor. And I am weary of Poo in the Loo doctors because Indians don't wash their hands.
Also people should have to right to ask for whatever they want. Other people can judge. Who gives a shit?
>I'd like to see a white Doctor
>my kid is not full white
A coal burner that all of a sudden wants to associate with whites when things get serious
> quality
Ah but quantity has a quality all its own
> t. Stalin or Patton or some shit
She says he kid is mixed race
This nothing unreasonable about wanting your child to see the most qualified and intelligent doctor available.
Without knowing anything else about the provider, you can at least be sure that a white (or east Asian) doctor wasn't:
1) Educated in a third world shithole medical school with a designated shitting street (Pajeets)
2) Admitted to an American medical school with a 3.2 GPA because muh diversity (Blacks/Hispanics)
Whites and Asians can work together user. Whites take up leadership and strategy roles while Asians take up management and tactical roles. They're good at refining processes and making things more efficient. We're good at creativity.
Your analysis is spot on, New Zealand.
Chink doctor:
>High IQ
>Smooth, easy to understand cosmopolitan accent.
>Parents made him do it.
>Is grateful to parents for selecting good career for him.
>May have cheated in school.
>May not care about his patients, but never shows it.
>Good bedside manner.
>Seems to get satisfaction from actually solving your problem.
>Calm, polite manner.
>Generally competent.
Curry doctor:
>Average IQ
>Accent is thicker than the curry he eats, expect to ask him to repeat himself.
>Parents made him do it.
>Resents parents for selecting career for him and takes it out on you.
>Cheated at every opportunity he had in school.
>Definitely does not care for his patients and lets you know it.
>Terrible bedside manner.
>Seems to get satisfaction from sending you away without having solved any of your problems.
>Bullying manner.
>Obviously incompetent.
There's a crazy amount of brown people for being in Canada
Non-white doctors are total shit they don't give a fuck. They don't care about quality treatment. Don't care about you as a person. Have no empathy at all.
I'd want a white doctor too. I already make sure my doctor is white (non-Jewish) if I have to go see one.
It's not racism really because it's true. Do you want to fucking die or live? Because that's a real choice. The shitskin doctor you have a 100x higher than of dying.
If people caring about their own safety is racist, kill all the shitskins then.
To be fair the Pajeet doctors are hard as fuck to understand and deal with and they're like 90% of the doctors for kids now
The chick lives in Toronto people are blowing it out of proportion. Majority of doctors in Toronto and the GTA are all pakistani or Indian, reek like shit, and can barely string together a sentence without slurring or sounding like they're snorting a loogie.
The celebrated diversity of Toronto just leads to a bunch of people that can't understand each other speaking shitty english. I've had tons of foreigner customers that cant speak english well because when you stick some thick accented russian beside some thick accented paki nothing will happen adn they just both get mad at each other.
>Shtiskin doctors don't listen to you, they just nod then send you the fuck off an don't do shit an you flat out tell its cause you're white.
I had a "jeep seat" surgery a few years back. Deal is they cut open the top of your arse and scoop the nastiness out and put it back together.
You've got to try and not sit because it spreads open the wound and you've got to try and avoid infections because it's right near your butthole.
So mine was not healing properly. I'd had multiple infections that were setting me back and also sitting down for my job was probably not helping.
So I go to a doctor, it's a pajeet woman. I tell her my story and ask her to write me off for a couple of weeks so I can heal and not get infected again.
She says to me:
>(stupid lazy australians!!)
She's a hero
And a real human being
Fucking niggers can't shut their cunt mouths
It's good I wasn't there. They would need a doctor. I'd fucking kill them
Can we PLEASE have a fucking white uprising already? I'm serious Sup Forums, please make it happen. It's the true endgame and we are overdue.
The Asian doctors may get slightly higher GPAs than white doctors but I guarantee you white doctors have more empathy and will be more helpful. Asians, like other races, have no empathy and are just "phoning it in" and don't give a shit what happens to you
>white supremacist
ahh yes
>Why are more and more people getting braver and braver in public, saying racist shit like this?
Did you fucking retards never hear "do the time, do the crime"?
If I already get treated like a racist fuck just for being white and thus have to deal with all the negative consequences, there is no reason for me to not actually do racist shit and also get the positive aspects of it.
I think they're starting to wake up to this in medicine but they're not sure what to do about it.
How do you let in whites with shittier scores than the elite-tier chinks flooding into our countries?
If you gave them some ability to select based on empathy that would be abused to let in more shitskins, I'd bet money on it. Because the alternative would be saying whites are good at empathy and browns are awful at it.
I'm thinking of moving to New Zealand or even Australia. I'm fucking tired of this multicultural shithole that has replaced a once glorious white nation. When the endgame happens, we should all choose the same country for all whites to migrate to, possibly Poland or Australia or New Zealand.
is it racist to point out ones own oppression?
Kek my mom has done the same shit when I was young, demanding an American doctor who speaks clear English.
She's also a nurse herself so when anyone would give her a hard time she would say IVE BEEN IN THE HEALTHCARE PROFESSION FOR 20 YEARS and just shut everyone down
I love you mom
If shit hit the fan and all whites migrated to Poland and made it a white only country, within 15 years it'd be the greatest country on Earth.
You can only push people so much until they have had enough.
If she was Inuit, demanding an Inuit doctor, no one would dare call her a racist.
White doctor:
>High IQ
>Speaks perfect English
>Became doctor of own free will, parents didn't force him. He wants to actually HELP people.
>Least likely to have cheated in school
>Most likely to care about his patients, at least cares more than the asian and shitskin doctors do
>Generally polite
>Generally competent
The worst thing whites will do is anonymously post nazi frogs on an anime imageboard. We have too much self-restraint for our own good. We will still be rationalizing to ourselves "This isn't worth ruining my life over. I don't want to go to prison. I don't want my family to be harassed." even as the sandniggers slit our throats.
We have public and private here. In public settings a lot of the white docs are hit or miss.
If you want the good white ones you've got to pay for it.
The personality of you Australians is different, I think because your ancestors were all criminals that were so terrible they had to literally be shipped to another continent.
Skulle ringt 1177 Vårdguiden ackliga svennejavel
Wanting a white doctor is one thing, but throwing a fit like an entitled bitch because the practice that you went to doesn't have any is another thing. If she wants a white doctor, then she can find a practice with a white doctor.
You're a cuck and you underestimate the power of women complaining and making a scene.
Guarantee that whore is a hardcore feminist/SJW, but when she requires medical attention, the truth emerges. Fucking dick sucking cunt. Fuck her.
>my kid is part not white
she's throwing a fit because of this
>letting shitskins impose on your native people
cucked again
We have the same system in France, but you can ask for a particular doctor when you walk into a clinic, unless if it's ER of course. You'll just have to deal with the waiting time.
Also more often than not you're followed by the same doctor anyway.
What fucking infuriates me though is that I had to wait in ER for two hours with a kidney stone mangling my shit while having paranoid mothers having priority just because their fucking child sneezed once a few hours ago.
But I'm blaming incompetent ER secretaries for this instead of actual doctors.
Id have issue if my doctor couldnt speak proper english and had brown teeth
if the doctor is gonna treat his own teeth like shit, what makes you think he will treat my health any different?
Black doctor:
i fucking hate leafs
They weren't that bad, the brits just couldn't handle the bantz.
Here is Canada's secret: Our doctors, and our healthcare system are fucking awful.
I have been misdiagnosed so many times and given bad prescriptions that I do not even trust doctors. Also, these doctors are sometimes third world trained migrants. I do not understand how they have licenses to practice since they are wrong about things most of the time and blatantly retarded.
What's wrong with being racist?
The only real Canadians are the first nations.
It's not cause you're white, it's because they probably don't know what to do and would do the same with their countrymen, too. The 'pajeet intellectual' is largely a myth, it's mostly posture.