Trump supporters are the world's only sore winners. It's like they care more about gloating and rubbing shit in others' faces than about actually doing anything worthwhile with all the power their party has.
Like, seriously, does ANYONE think it's a good idea to negotiate a health care deal in secret in a back room? Does anyone believe that shit is gonna help make their lives better when it passes? Why aren't MAGA folks making their own party do something good for them? You have power. You won! Now stop gloating and go do something good with it, or you won't have it long
Trump supporters are the world's only sore winners...
Other urls found in this thread:
umm no sweetie, glumpf will be impeached. i cant believe someone still unironically supports krumbhf
>Like, seriously, does ANYONE think it's a good idea to negotiate a health care deal in secret in a back room?
We wouldn't gloat so much if you didn't always brag about winning at the start of the competition.
demoshits still act like they run this shit
He's doing exactly what he promised you stupid shill. He didn't promise us heaven.
Impeachment means nothing unless they can make the charges of impeachment stick which they can't basically the only reason they are even considering an impeachment is because whine autistic faggots won't stop moaning about it like it will make some sort of difference
How can President Donald Drumpf supporters be "sore winners" when Hillary Clinton had a 99% chance of winning,
Hmm I wonder if anyone can find that video where dem cuck news channels were claiming state after state was being won by shillary while everyone else was showing Trump in the lead
He will return with a Vengeance.
Oh! An angry Democrat thread!
Getting comfy...
I'm sure Democrats would do the same
if they ever won anything
oey vey that's a lot of jews.
Hope OP didn't get all mad and leave already...
replying to bait, against my better judgement...
most trump voters didn't give a rats ass what the man did once elected. voting him into power had nothing to do with post-election policies or changes. we voted him in because there was a dragon at the gates of our beloved city, and we needed a dragonslayer.
if you dislike trump as president, cool, but don't get mad at the people who voted for him. get mad at hillary. that bitch rigging the primary in her favor is the sole reason trump won. i'm pretty sure almost no one voted FOR trump, rather than AGAINST hillary. sure, there were more qualified people on the republican ticket, but none of them would have shown up to a debate with a cadre of bill's rape victims. we didn't vote for a president, we voted for a dragonslayer. i can't say if he's doing the right things for our country, but i can say he slayed the bitch that would have burnt it down while hoarding gold.that's all i needed.
he isn't the hero we deserve...
you have been shill talking in many threads. Ignore this thread and this soros shill.
>Like, seriously, does ANYONE think it's a good idea to negotiate a health care deal in secret in a back room?
What's it matter? They're doing it to replace a bill that was passed "so we can find out what's in it".
I'm still waiting for him to be literally Hitlerâ„¢
>Trump supporters are the world's only sore winners.
We will never know what kind of losers we are...