Can I get a handwriting analysis on this please? Is it multiple people or one person with different pens?
Can I get a handwriting analysis on this please? Is it multiple people or one person with different pens?
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Nice birthdaycard
the 'f's look similar, the upper case Ys look similar. the 's's look similar
a few of the 'r's look similar
It's no more than 2 people, no less than 1 and it's definitely not 3 people or a ghost.
One person, multiple pens. They also can't spell.
That's one person, and they're obviously trying to change their handwriting, but the "s"'s are a dead giveaway.
Partially retarded woman.
its 2 at min 3 at max, unless its one who is so crazy they tried to look like multiple people and was too stupid to do it.
probably a girl too
no man has that many colored writing utensils
same person. yourself.
This, the "o"s and lower case "y"s too. Definitely 1 person.
This guy knows what's up.
Same person, different pens, the "O"s are a dead give away. They all start from the top middle and loop around from back toward the middle.
Definitely looks like angry lesbian vandalism.
If you commit suicide, you can get that person jailed.
a o s y seem similar, my guess would be one or two persons.
Pink, penis, faver, green, black and red are the same, blue maybe.
Yes, it's the same person. It's a shame someone would deface your yearbook like that. Also, you have to be 18 to use this site.
Every single "u" is the same.
All the vowels are.
Look at every s. Exactly the same.
pressure applied to the pens, and vowels (especially 'u') seem to indicate 1 person.
can we get a backstory?
Holy shit
That woman must be amazing in bed.
She's going to destroy your soul though.
One person with very low IQ/muscle coordination
Literally looks like they are trying to write in spurts as they run by without breaking pace
the e's are the same
look at the u's and the s's, one person trying to make it look like multiple
nice get, kind of wasted itt
>can we get a backstory?
my money is on facebook liberal attention whore with a story like
"i was just literally raped by this letter that was nailed to my door when i got home, here is my gofundme page"
they even wrote that fucked up e in blue the same way
the weird underlining is consistant as well.
Every s gives him away
Tge points on the marjer where he lifts also reveal his deception.
2 ez
One person.
Nice thing about highlighters is that it's easy to tell where the start and end points are.
Seriously every s tail trails in the same angle for the same stroke length. This is baby-tuer deception and as a manipulator by nature, I'm offended.
i see a "HAGS" which is have a great summer...this is someone yearbook being signed. its probably fake because why the fuck would you give your yearbook to people that hate you...also getting a "HAGS" signature is the polite way of saying i hate you but im nice. its what you expect when you go up to the hot girl and ask for a signature but your below a beta male and she doesnt even know who you are despite probably being in class with her for years....its that type of thing.
I think its fake desu.
Points on the marker o match the lift direction on the pen o
Not worth studying further. 1 person.
The 'U's are all exactly the same.
Notice how the tail is separate from the body of the letter and has a little flick on it.
Same with the 'E's, they have continue the line so it bisects the letter and protrudes out of the left side on almost every one.
Also the very obvious spelling mistakes make me think they have tried very hard to appear as though it was more than one person. Nobody misspells "YOU".
Conclusion, it is one person who wants you to think it isn't.
Someone defacing their own yearbook for attention seeming likely.
>vowels and S are the same
One person
Probably fat or Jewish but not both
oy vey, shut it down
In that case I fucking nailed it.
Kids fake shit like this all the time now. They'll even go so far as to make false rape claims. These people took over the Emo cliques in schools.
Well done
I can't handle the amount of cancer pouring out of pic related
The "U"s and "Y"s in "Fuck you" and "You are a dick" are the same. It's also extremely unlikely that someone would write the Us two different ways in "Fuck You" unless they are deliberately trying to change their handwriting, which seems to be the case here.
"kill yourself" in blue was written with the non-dominant hand. You can tell from the Ls and the pixels.
The "s" in HAGs and in "shit" were written by the same person, indicating that the whole thing is probably fake and a single person wrote the whole page to post on the internet for attention.
you know what that means? give them some real rape. that way they'll actually have something to complain about. unfortunately for them they'll end up enjoying it as it means they'll get attention.
Is she a teacher or something? What's her relationship with the kid? Doubt she faked it but some other kid probably did and she just fell for it. Or the kid did it himself.
GJ sherlock
>please drop them by plateau espresso
21st century 4d hypercube marketing
>"kill yourself" in blue was written with the non-dominant hand.
This. Also, whoever wrote this is right-handed. Not that it helps because the majority of people are right-handed, but still.
she's a fat loudmouthed cunt
Ding ding
>fuck yuo
Thanks anons. You guys are the best.