keep being establishment shills instead of actually fighting for people
is that really the source of that fag-ass pic?
>hot chocolate
I think maybe you could try insulting the largest demographic group a bit more. You are going soft on whitey
>he isn't actively hostile to blacks
>I'm so insulted
t. """whitey"""
I personally feel we should insult white chrisitans more and call them names until they recognize our intellectual superiority
Maybe if the Democratic party accepted their loss, looked within to find a platform that fights for all people instead of defending minorities and other people who NEVER FUCKING ASKED the Dems to represent their interests, they'd have a decent shot in the next election cycle.
It's a classic.
> december
> cold
This. Double, triple, quadruple, no, QUINTUPLE down on identity politics, race baiting, racism, and hatred of Christianity. I think this will make those white, christian, working class people like you more.
December is winter in the northern hemisphere.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
tfw to intelligent for dumb white trash with imaginary friends I want to replace with mexicans
imma white boy
Simple: Democrats are #Resistance now, not Americans anymore.
Reintegrate or leave.
>enter christian hate phase in middleschool
>eventually realize they are usually good, moral people and (((the current year))) is what they were warning us about
Apologies m80s.
Nah. Been lurking my link friends on Facebook. The plan is fuck "Trump fuck racist sexist xenophobic et al white people and I can't wait for baby boomers to die."
Essentially they're prepared to triple down. The best salt supply was a friend saying something to the effect of "Democrats won't win until we get out and out vote Republicans". Like nigger that's how elections work. How the fuck did you think it worked!?
drumpf and his pathetic administration will give us the next century elections
This how my liberal colleagues react to the working class genuine concerns.
>Working class: I'm going to lose my manufacturing job because the company is moving to china.
>Neoliberal: They took 'er jobs!
>Working class: open border and surplus of cheap labor are lowering my wages
>Neoliberal: You're a racist who hates brown people
Bernie sanders is the only real democrat fighting for hard working Americans trying to make a living.
The democrat party is a party of neoliberals in bed with corporations.
My man Bernie knows corporations should pay wages to Americans and taxes to the united states government not china.
>taking that shitty bait
I have burny poops because I like spicy food.
As someone who worked for the Kerry campaign in 04, I can guarantee this is a winning strategy
Was facebook Kerry's strategy? No wonder he lost.
I think we will win by Autisticly shrieking at people who disagree with us, shooting democratically elected representatives bashing free speech activists and destroying other peoples property.
Fuck white people and Fuck Trump
No, but genuinely believing that an "Anybody but Bush" campaign had any positive appeal sure as hell was.
Its going to be 2000-2004 all over again. Trump will spend 4 years being kicked around by everyone, until the democrats roll up with another old, bland, "safe" choice of a presidential candidate. Every centrist will (rightly) just stay home because "why bother?"
>fuck white people
>ahhh white people help
That's it
Idk, I think dems are probably gonna put someone radical up next time. Their party is getting more radical by the day.
Those were both GOP strongholds that were closer than they should have been.