AUSPOL kangaroo edition

>The NBN struggles to pass its first test in regional Australia

>Robo-debt And Denial: The Protocols Of Centrelink

>Pauline Hanson says autistic kids should be removed from mainstream classes

>Could the world’s new superpower be on the verge of collapse?

>A decade on from the NT intervention, the 'torment of powerlessness' lives on

>'One of the most disturbing coffee breaks of my life': Halting 'child rape' holidays in Asia

>Is Australia Day about to change? Councils across the country vote to MOVE national day from January 26 - because it's 'RACIST'

>Politics live: Government strikes Gonski 2.0 deal to unlock billions for Australian schools

>Coalition says it will make migrants wait up to 15 years for pension

>ALP staffer linked to Simon Zhou used shell company to donate $45,000 to Labor

>Penalty rate cut: How much have you just lost?

Other urls found in this thread:

tfw Australian born chinese
tfw going """"back"""" to china because australia doesn't want me even though i was born here.

Il let you stay if you convince two other chinese people to leave. Hows that sound?


dont come here slant


Time to pack your bags slope.

fuck you. china number 1


>Australia Day
More like "Invasion Day" lmao

I am going to hang every last pussiboi Chink in the street then fuck their girlfriends

will that include your landlord and your boss' most valuable clientele?

My liberal brother (LGBT-specific Psychologist) and his fat wife just got their green-card or whatever to move to New Zealand.
Have fun with that.

>Pauline Hanson says autistic kids should be removed from mainstream classes
Minor autist here and I completely agree desu. Nearly every class here is suffering because of this shit.

I don't mind them calling it Invasion day 'cos that means they lost.
To the victor go the spoils

Fuck off coon lover

>The Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL) identifies occupations where there is a sustained and on-going shortage of highly skilled workers both globally and throughout New Zealand.

>mfw my field of study is on this list (engineering)

what do you think boys? im sick of the zero jobs meme here. might as well go where the work is, and since its new zealand i dont have fuck about (as much) when applying for a visa

Pay is really shit in NZ, also the NZ dollar is worthless.

The rest of your life is going to be a non-stop stream of suffering, better to kill yourself now.

Fuck off, we're full

Zero fee brokerage coming in August lads.

The invisible hand of the market will set you free.

nice email, (((jacub)))



Let's try again.

i signed up for it a week ago. not getting my hopes up t b h, dont really expect it to be as vast as robinhood. im guessing you'll only be able to trade shares of companies that make up the dow jones index or s&p 500

anyway im too busy trading crypto and sucking at it

>Invasion day
Okay. That means it was a war, and England took Australia by force. Therefore the current government has no obligation to listen to you and you are lucky to be alive.

Feel free to leave or try and take it back, in which case you will be put in the ground.

>KYLIE RITCHIE, NBN CO: But I really stress that it's a wholesale speed. So what people receive in their home may not be that speed, or is likely to not be that speed and that's based on a number of factors that are outside of our control.

>hey let's sell wholesale internet to ISPs
>what would a good maximum speed for australians be?
>1 gbit?
>nah fuck that i'm not made of money
>100 mbit?
>50-70 mbit but we'll charge you for 100 mbit and every time it rains it will drop out?

Pretty sure you have access to their entire "shop" which looks pretty extensive.

>Coming to NZ for jobs

Finished a business degree.. applying for jobs

This shit is depressing as shit


>be me
>ancestor was Sergent Major in His Majesty's Royal Marines
>fought against Napoleon
>fought against Indian Nationalists
>helped bring about the freedom of the press in Sydney
>retired to New South Wales
>unironically celebrate invasion day

Fuck I love that we invaded this shithole.

YOU took OUR land.
YOU raped OUR women.
YOU stole OUR resources.
YOU murdered OUR children
YOU destroyed OUR culture

And then you turn around and expect us to "celebrate" the day when this all began to happen? No. Fuck off and fuck Australia (Invasion) Day.

>YOU took OUR land.
no, it wasnt 'your' land, abos didnt believe in land ownership, so they didnt own it. hell, they didnt believe in ownership of anything!

We don't want reconciliation, we want a TREATY

A "thank you" would be nice.

why do you think you deserve a treaty? what do i get out of giving up shit for nothing? what does anyone?

Also, Queenslanders get fucked

To make up for centuries of colonisation and genocide. You would be marching in the streets with us if you had any decency at all.

Here you go, go back to the dreamtime.

What did he mean by this?

i dont march with leeches who provide nothing to society. stop being a commie fuck and think of ways you can contribute, then we can talk about "marching together"

Although I should, I will not apologise for saving you from yourself.

Do Abos have high enough IQ to use the internet? This is clearly an abo/white mix, right? You should thank the Australians for colonizing your grandma's pussy, mate. Otherwise you'd be a fucking retard.

you're supposed to die out, you were weaker.

>how humans have operated for 150K years
>Sorry your ancestors didn't fight harder

>you took our land
Your peoples had no concept of land ownership
>you raped our women
You were raping your own women long before we got here, and rape is still rife in abo communities
>you murdered our children
No we took your children from you because you were murdering them and cannibalising them.
>you destroyed our culture
Your culture was cancer

You should in fact celebrate Australia Day as the day civilisation came and save your sorry black asses.

You sicken me.
How about stop marginalising us and developing structures which oppress Indigenous people?

Tfw we gave them toilets. Now abos > poos.


Keen for some pasta and State of Origin tonight. Can't drink because I'm on bluepill anti-depressants.

All of the "cities, universities park" were built by and for the white invaders. You did NOTHING for us.
I'm of the Yamatji people and proud of it.
But we didn't die out, we survived numerous genocide attempts. We're the oldest culture on earth.

Good larp user

But I have seen them poo in the car park of Newman shopping centre in WA instead of using the available public toilets.

As long as you don't sound Chinese you're alright. I fucking hate Chinese engrish so fucking much your fucking language is some R2D2 bullshit.

here is your explanation as to why abos are so unevolved and monkey-like in comparison to most species

it is a good larp, im having fun with this :)

>We're the oldest culture on earth.

Yet somehow the most primitive.

and here is why cunts dont deserve shit

A good what?
Look, if you're just going to spew racist insults like "monkey" and "primitive" then I will not engage in any conversation with you. This just shows how immature and vile you are. You have no facts, so you just resort to racist outbursts.

One more chance to be civil or I'm out of here.

This is my last (you) user, use it wisely.

>life expectancy goes from 35 to 60
>child mortality drops from 1 in 2 to 6.2 in 1000
>literacy rate goes from 0% to 78.7%
>annual mass starvation ceases

"Done nothing for us"

Gascoyne nigger

We cant even use fucking pepperspray for self defense and they want more guns gone. What the fuck is wrong with our government

ooga booga i dont like to look at pictures that provide context to an argument bix nood we wuz originalz dream time dust monkeyz n shiieet


>Primitive. Relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something.

>Culture. ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.


>Is Australia Day about to change? Councils across the country vote to MOVE national day from January 26 - because it's 'RACIST'
Urge to grab a rifle or a plane ticket rising.

So sick of this shit and disgusted with this country. Don't think for one second it is just melbourne, even rural Australia is pozzed.

What are the oldest permanent built structures on the earth? Not the pyramids.

Hint: most Australians know nothing about them because of retardation.

Let them move it.
>Take every Jan 26 off work
>go full redcoat Larp in your local park.
I'm not an abo. I don't need government approval to celebrate my history.

>About six miles from Urfa, an ancient city in southeastern Turkey a archeologist named Klaus Schmidt made one of the most startling archaeological discoveries of our time. Klaus had discovered massive carved stones about 11,000 years old. They crafted and arranged by ancient prehistoric people who had not yet developed metal tools or even pottery. The megaliths predate Stonehenge by some 6,000 years. The place is called Gobekli Tepe, and Schmidt, a German archaeologist who has been working here more than a decade, is convinced it's the site of the world's oldest temple.

Still not as old.

so if i took a road trip up to the NT, could i bring some 18 year old abo pussy back to my place in Sydney, put her on birth control and just root her as i please?

Alot of them are full of entry essay questions about multiculturalism and diversity.

Could they ask stuff about non-politcal questions . I just want some slave wages or better to get out of sydney

>"Coutts hypothesised that the fishing facilities were up to 3500 years old, based on radiocarbon dating of habitation sites in the region such as earthen mounds and shell middens. Reconstruction of ancient water levels in Lake Condah by pollen expert Leslie Head revealed that while some traps could have operated 8000 years ago, most traps corresponded to water levels of the past 2000 years."

Fuck off larper

I'm definite that no raping was done between white men and abo women.

probably yeah. no one is going to give a shit and she wouldnt know where to go to find out the name of the father in the first place, but i wouldn't if i were you. those cunts arent exactly what you would call "pristine".

haha , cunt even I'm ABO and I hate your brainwashing

Go fucken be a waste of time somewhere else you halfbreed white looking ABO

There are no abo women.
There are abo men, and abo men with tits.
>how do abos reproduce?
>they drop spores as they walk around
>then they masturbate on the ground
>a fire is required to hatch the fertilized spores
>titty abos feed them coon milk until they're old enough to sniff petrol
>White people didn't know this
>This is where half breeds come from
>Half breeds have cunts

Moving your National Day is a country straight up saying they have no pride in themselves. It's a sign the country is doomed.

I can't wait for you to get BTFO in the referendum, no one outside Melbourne and Sydney wants a treaty because we don't change the rules to appease 2% of the population. Why don't you think gays cant marry m8?

Our country has always been fucked.
>maximum population for effective representative government is 300 000
>have 24 million

As soon as the boomers are gone the entire world is going to collapse.
Let the country fail. Join together with ethnically and ideologically similar people to save the knowledge worth saving and go form a high technology ethnostate of your own.

Never let it get larger than 300 000 (send out settlers to other regions when it gets too big)

Finished a teaching degree, applying for jobs within the government schools. The diversity bit is depressing as fuck. but im in a fairly wanted position as well because I can 'teach' maths and physics.

Goodluck mate , I keep seeing heaps of teaching jobs pop up now. Just don't stay in Sydney.

We wanna be friends, we can't live together though it's too weird for all of us

>structures that oppress abos

They only oppress people who are lazy and want to have to government pay for everything. Its just a coincidence that the Venn diagram overlaps like that. Like it or not Europeans built this country to what it is and its in your best interest to work with the systems in place to make yourself better off instead of whining on a Peruvian basket weaving imageboard.

got 20 on qld tonight t b h lads

Dude are you that same guy that keeps carrying on ?

I thought you left already to go back to the mainland

Paying the poor tax on the jewball.

>muhh evil joos

They don't bother to practice the language which is why they are terrible. Then they complain about their shit scores in the English language tests.

Nbn was never supposed to work, it was an 11th hour promise from Conroy/rudd to capitalise on the ADSL availability problem that was created by John Howard.

>How is that possible!?

Telstra wanted to fibre to the door in high demand areas (cities) but they were blocked by lib/Nats unless the upgraded the country too. This is why the copper network was neglected, and now all of your traffic is routed through nbn gateway's.

Obviously rural areas do not need high capacity internet infrastructure, they need working broadband though.

Turns out there's no such thing as a free lunch or broadband network. You're paying with your privacy.

Inb4 "but muh digital economy and muh fibre" the answer to that is stop being a fucking socialist. Any gubberment project is bad news.

Actually the Royal Crown of England took their land, we came here as fucken convicts - little better than SLAVES.


Fuck-sake this country is already only a small push away from becoming the next sweden.

>mfw my field of study is on this list (engineering)

There is no work in NZ and the work that exists will pay 15-20K less than the same position in NZ.

Treat yourself to sucking my white cock ya black dog. You're probably just another self loathing half caste rape baby who LARPs at being an Abo.

Go steal a bic lighter, get arrested and kill yourself in custody you genetic dead-end.

Imagine if you cunts received equal or greater pay, then you'd be the ones demanding that fucking stupid agreement that allows free migration between our countries. And you'd get a 700% increase in Maoris.

You might even get your Africans back

Evening lads. Pretty whitepilled about the comments dislikes on that latest #Morethanarefugee propaganda than youtube.

How many "silent majority" types do you think there is in Australia and how redpilled do you think they are?

Its growing user,

I'm a westie from Sydney..... Man its fucken third wolrd enclaves out there. I live near the cbd now but fucken hell.

I think people are frustrated about this all.

our predecessors came as slaves, but were given the opportunity to rise out of that position if they contributed to the construction of towns and infrastructure.

>700% increase in Maoris.

No thanks, you can keep them.

There's already more Polynesians in NZ than in Polynesia.