My ex girlfriend dumped me last August. It took until this month until this month for me to finally fully & confidently realize where I want my life to take me next.
I've come a long ways since then - learned an incredible amount, matured well beyond my years, and am busier now more than I ever have been.
However a fucking song will come on, or something in general will trigger memories of her, and for the next 20 minutes I'm running through all the memories we had (99% positive and timeless) and it fucking kills me
I hate it because I want to move on and get a serious forever after girlfriend now, but I feel like I'm being held back by these moments of crying ..And not really missing her in a romantic way, but feeling bad that what we had ended. Been almost a year now and it'll still hit me from time to time.
Will getting a new girlfriend end this? I've had chicks since then, but nothing serious
You'll be fine lad, time heals all wounds. In time you'll meet a great woman who'll make you wonder why you even dated your ex in the first place. Chin up champ
Julian Murphy
Stop being a pussy and don't let a pussy run your life
Asher Price
How old are you? If you're under 40, you're gonna have several more girlfriends anyway, don't sweat it. Breaking up sucks, but you'll do it a few more times, don't worry. Work on yourself, purge degenerate things and people from your life, build self worth and value, then deal with bitches.
Julian Reyes
is that way buddy
Anthony Davis
You'll probably never find anyone to love you again. I mean she dumped you for a reason. You should probably kill yourself
Xavier Nelson
Sometimes I think about my first girlfriend while fucking my wife. You can change the past and it's always easy to remember good times and forget bad. You can't change it, just move on you'll get over her.
Adrian Gutierrez
after reading the OP, I have to concur you sound like an annoying brad >fully & confidently realize where I want my life to take me next entitled as fuck, kill yourself OP
I'm sorry for asking but was she your first serious girlfriend? Did you lose your Virginity to her? If so, It's only natural that you feel specially attached to her and cherish those memories dearly since are the only ones you have. Don't kill yourself, seriously. In a few months you're gonna look back at this and notice how it wouldn't have worth dying over such a little matter.
Julian Brown
focus on the fact that all the pain, if dealt with head on like a man, will reward you with the privilege of falling in love again
Bentley Smith
There's more than one of them.
Jeremiah Moore
Yeah I forgot to mention, she was my first girlfriend.
So literally, I don't know and am genuinely asking if a legitimate unconditional loving girlfriend will help me get over her
I'm just tired of TO THIS DAY crying from time to time, when I'm busier and more successful than I ever have been - socially, creatively, financially, education wise
I really did focus on myself like fucking mad, but a song or something will come up, and bam: I'm picturing us together talking about how we'll get married and have 3-5 kids together, planning where they'll go talking school and what their names will be and what they'll look like. Who'll get invited to the wedding, where it'd be, etc
Hudson Fisher
Can I have your stuff?
Evan Moore
Can't imagine why she dumped a crying little bitch.
Tyler Hernandez
Yes exactly, see: It's fucking driving me mad.
I'm scared that I shouldn't get a new girlfriend I'd I'm still crying over my ex, and the pain is fucking gut wrenching when it pops up.
Whew fuck. The next girlfriend will just have to understand that I'm not crying because I miss her, but rather because I'm sad that it ended. It'll sound bad or whatever and I will feel guilty...
Asher Peterson
just picture her not giving a single fuck about you,, while being fucked by chad, face it, thats what happening
she probably tells her fuck boys all about her faggy exboyfriend, and how she cheated on you all the time, and you never knew, always a fool in love, and they laugh at you, then they fuck some more
Evan Cox
Yeah she's definitely getting plowed by other dudes. I wonder if she's been spit roasted
Henry Harris
I probably banged and saw more girls than she has guys, if she banged any guys besides a new boyfriend (if she has one, I don't know).
And honestly it wouldn't help either way, would probably make it worse
Aiden Carter
Stop being a faggot.
Joshua Perry
Do the Jordan Peterson autobiography workshop. Its designed to put shit like that behind you for good. Stop being a faggot, live isn't easy and you are guaranteed nothing. Now clean your fucking room.
Jose Jackson
Why did you post this on Sup Forums?
Was she bluepilled and you and her couldn't interact with eachother anymore?
>I probably banged and saw more girls than she has guys
So what you're saying is she wasn't really that special at all since you seemed to have moved on quite quickly to be able to find more women to mate with, m8.
Why don't you take a trip down to /soc/, Chad? Your kind are more comfortable there after all.
Hunter Taylor
I would feel the same user, i have my first girlfriend for the past 6 years and it would kill me inside if she leaves me.
BUT if that would happen and i wouldnt be able to handle it. I would see a psychologist on regular basis. You have to get yourself together because this feeling of bliss can come back. I hate to say it but you have to sort yourself out.
Note: Everyone who is young and kills himself is a retard. (something like cancer is an exeption) You have your whole life before you. It would be naive to think it wont be better.
Cameron Wright
To reiterate :
Unless she can top my story of going to a club with a chick, getting abother chick's number while at the club, then being driven home in my car while puking in my passenger take a mop to the passenger seat the next day to clean the vomit to pick up yet another chick
It's not that I haven't got my mind off her
It's how she still creeps up, and it's completely soul crushing and makes me want to give up entirely, and for an escape to end this sporadic pain.
I hope a new girlfriend will help end it, but it'll be hard to explain to her why I may cry over my ex
Elijah Peterson
Bro, sex creates permanent pair bonds. This is not emotional, it is biochemical, and unstopable. You literaly cucked yourself by believing in the liberal free sex meme. Cultures all over the world recognized the dangers of sex before mariage, subconciously identifying the patern, and then inventing the morality meme that created social cohesion, and those societies with it were healthier. Adding another bond will do nothing to the already existant bond, but if that relationship fails, you end up more broken then you started. You must live with your past and suck it up. This is the new normal.
The only release of your pain is to become an hero.
Andrew Mitchell
Just find someone who makes you better, and you won't even remember that cunt's name.
John Barnes
Justin Ward
Will you stop shilling that cuck? He's like the nega Jared Taylor
Robert Scott
Temporary problem, permanent solution.
Don't do it OP. Just think of the thousands of possibilities that each individual choice you make opens up.
Accept the pain, learn to live with it, become stronger.
Ethan Barnes
or fuck at least 50 whores, that why you will immunize yourself from "love", forever
Ryder Ramirez
fuck this place is pathetic now.
you MAGA cunts brought this on us
Jeremiah Wood
get on my level
>gf of 1 year dumps me 3 years ago >thinks im ok >2 months later suffer a mental breakdown >hear her name in my head constantly 24/7 >start crying randomly in public and at work >quits job >stops looking after myself >stops eating >stops talking to friends and family >stops answering phone, then throws phone away >stops answering door >can't get an erection to masturbate >this last for 2 years >decides fuck this i'm a man >tries to get help from doctor, gets anti-depressants >brain says NOPE, not gonna work >have lost 4 stone in weight and 2 teeth, now under 9 stone >barely sleep 8 hours a week >starting to go bald >no friends left, family on ignore for so long they've stopped knocking on the door >nothing left I was only with the bitch for a year but it's literally ruined me. I don't hear her name anymore but have fucked up my life for good. I've decided to move to London in a few weeks in an attempt to kickstart my life again. Hopefully I get allahu akbard on my way there
Charles Foster
and by whores, I mean actual prostitutes, not sluts