When the Saxon began to hate.txt
>This post
>A leaf.
You're alright. You can stay.
reminder he was arrested for this
reminder we 1984 now
rude as fuck
looks like it's a shame they don't run a VPN
It was worth it. Every normal person reading this had a laugh.
idk where to post this
Why aren't the Police looking for the other two guys?
The independent witness said to other guys fled from the van the scene of the accident.
Kiwi news interviews an independent witness a New Zealander who saw it and helped out. His interview is at the bottom of the article....
The fire rises
they drugged poor Welsh bastard and made him commit horrible crimes, then they fucked off to report back to May
>we 1984 now
doesn't your ((((conservative)))) PM literally want to build a new internet that will be government controlled, while saying that she is willing to remove human rights that get in her way
lol is that how muzzies grind their rape skills?
>tidy job
Top bantz
yes, she also lost majority shortly after saying those things
still, i can't wait until hate speech is a thing of the past friendos
Seriously, though, why isn't everybody on the right up in arms about this? They sure as shit defended that shitskin whore and her 'kill all white men' hashtag. This is why I don't care much for "conservatives." They're weak nigger loving juden trash that deserve the rope.
Was getting caught part of the plan?
please tell me this isn't fake news
Oh shit
Good. No more backing down. The gloves should be off after a suicide bombing of girls and young women, in addition to all of the other evil stuff going on almost daily now.
no he wasnt
learn to read
>men are waking up in the west
>even women are starting to break the conditioning
Anglos will have to save the west again.
not yet. This is like textbook "hate speech"
>They drew first blood, not me!
Top bantz
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.
>tidy job
proof he got arrested for joking about steam rolling muslims?
I would like it if the Saxon began to hate a lot more.
The result. Wtf?
They aren't saxons you mong
Most of their Saxon blood was buttfucked out of them a while ago, also Saxons aren't English either, they themselves were conqurwrs if that pathetic country.
Bongs will do fuckall just like they have been, there is no recovering from pic related
Because all the kebab said there was only an evil white man saying fuck Islam so that's the story that Bongistan is going with
They don't believe white eyewitness testimony anymore
The sad part of the fact that he was probably forced to do this by the other two is that after he sobered up enough to understand what happened he probably thought to himself" well if I've got to go at least I did it doing something right".
I fucking live the Bards and not a single one deserves to go down with the disgusting Anglo ship that is england
Literally nobody cares you fat inbred native american.
why does he look like he got beaten up?
>Don't push it...... don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe....