It seems like an outdated site, some of the members there have like 80k posts. They have done nothing to "take America back" in 16 years. At least David Duke is actually out there, risking his life. We have these LARPers at stormfront that do nothing.
What does Nazi Sup Forums think of stormfront?
>We have these LARPers at stormfront that do nothing.
stopped reading right there.
>right there.
Stopped reading right there.
>stopped reading right there.
stopped reading right there.
I heard something about infighting destroying the community, beyond that... I don't know. Any White Nationalist oldies got any insight?
That's the dailystormer, not stromfront. The dailystormer is based.
Stromfront is basically old people. Not really worth anyone's time
fuck I had them fused in my mind as the same entity for some reason.
Azzmador has fucking balls of steel. Loved watching the oathkeepers get cucked like the limp dicked faggots they are
You mean StoreFront?
>implying it wasn't always kike controlled opposition.
>the dailystormer is based
Hey guys vote for Corbyn -- he's anti-kike. Who cares that he's a commie, or an EU-shill, or pro-open-borders. He's the man that will save the UK.
So are the conservatives pretty much
It was partly a joke, but also a statement that voting "conservative" won't change jack shit
>know whomever you endorse is probably gonna get less votes because you're so vilified in the UK you'd probably go to prison if you lived there
>know that the UK political situation is absolute shit
>just enter your default anti-kike mode and start talking shit
sounds like an hour well spent
I'm tired of people lumping Rockwell's Nazism with Hitler's National Socialism. I mostly just like the economic side, but I understand such an economy cannot function with the ever present Jewish threat.
It's not even fucking complicated. Hire American, buy American. Incentivize good white families to have kids. Take care of your own. Fucking simple shit and we can't even manage it god.
Racially, I know the problem of demographics is going to resolve itself one way or the other. I'm certainly not going to back the colored over my own race.
I'd like to see acceptance of white homosexuals since I am one. But, the community as a whole is easily manipulated and prone to bolshevism. It would need reform. Perhaps something as simple as better propaganda sent their way besides Lady Gaga. Whites are intelligent we can certainly be reasoned with or guided down a healthier path. Instead of adopting nigger babies they could hire a poor white woman to carry their child to term, and still contribute to their race. Both by employing another white, and making another white baby.
That's my tangent on nazism in general I guess. Stormfront has its uses and 99% of people haven't even heard of it so it's not like actually colors people opinion one way or the other.
so do they cry about how much more influential Sup Forums actually is in comparison?
I can see that, but if anyone actually cared about the UK, they would know that the first step to fixing it is getting out of the EU, and if you have to deal the conservatives, then so be it.
Anglin actually has a lot more influence than people realize and I wouldn't be surprised if people voted based off that article.
Wtf it was funny first time, not anymore. Stop forcing your shitty meme and switch your flag back to kekistani.
>stopped reading right there
>I'd like to see acceptance of white homosexuals
There's no big secret to being accepted as a white homosexual, just don't be a flaming fucking faggot. Keep your deviancy to yourself, stop spreading diseases, don't adopt children or use a surrogate. You are abnormal, your genes must die.
Fair points all around.
Do you think it would be better for white homosexuals to abstain from having children vs using surrogates? I'm honestly split. After a little bit of thought I figured the simplest solution might be the best. The more white children the better.
You could explain to them that it's an abnormality and to not follow their example. Encourage good behavior etc. Still, as someone who was raised by homosexuals (lesbians), I know first hand that even if they are relatively normal it's never quite right. Course, what kid has a perfect home.
>I heard something about infighting destroying the community
hmm really makes you think.about the current state of Sup Forums
Are all Leafs this retarded. That's anglin's writing style, he's very sarcastic when it comes to that sort of thing. I'm sure it was something like "BASED LABOUR CANDIDATE" also
>You could explain to them that it's an abnormality and to not follow their example
If it's a genetic abnormality, they might not be able to avoid following your example. Did you feel like you could avoid following your mother's example of being a homosexual?
I used to post there a fair bit until like 4 or 5 years ago (got like 4000 posts in like 3 years). The main problems they've got now are
>a lot of the old retainers died, often by suicide
>many betrayals by cucks who decided to become SJWs like that Mjodr fag
>too high a tolerance for people who are very clearly trolls
I see a difference between that and the current white nationalist trend. The current trend is younger and they don't go around saying nigger. They can effectively show that white people do need a movement.