The Putin Interviews

So I've watched 3 of 4 interviews, and I'm convinced at this point that Putin is doing what is right by his country.

He is so honest and open, even at times that I believe Stone is being too forward with his questions. Seriously, some of the questions are just too ballsy; but Putin gives an honest opinion every time.

These interviews have removed any doubt in my mind that Russia is the cause of bullshit happening here and abroad. In fact, Russia seems to be a place that literally wants to be left alone bu the rest of the world just WILL NOT stop fucking with them and trying to make them an enemy.

Your thoughts?

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Why does Sup Forums have such a hardon for this broke ass Slavic mafia state? These are the guys that raped and pillaged through Germany. Hitler wanted to gas these fucks.

Because OP is a proxy shill

The small part I watched was just the same.

It's not like Putin has to adjust the international rhetoric much. It's already a reasonable policy.

Go to bed Kasparov

whatever dude. he's a commie. fuck him.

read 'Putin's Kleptocracy'

Stone sounded like a real shill in the interviews I heard, but will check out his new doc from TPB.

he did a real service with JFK, but then screwed the pooch with Chavez

before putin, russia was infected with the toughest, most depraved mafias in the world. Mafias that made the MS13 guys look like kindergarteners.

Putin beat the crap out of them to the point where we don't even talk about them any more.

The guy is an absolute badass and has no compunctions. Killing journalists, planting radioactive materials on opponents and even killing political opponents in plain sight and arresting their supporters as the "perpetrators".

so yeah, I agree with you. leave the fucker alone

>It's not like Putin has to adju

hes not a commie duh. he is a kleptocrat and reinstating the church as a means of pacification

watch 'Putin Family Values' doc on TPB

>Putin is doing what is right by his country
Fuck off RIDF