Non-Americans of Sup Forums, how would you say standard of living in the US compares to your country. Better, worse, about the same?
Pic related: Chicago, USA
Non-Americans of Sup Forums, how would you say standard of living in the US compares to your country. Better, worse...
>Pic related: Chicago, USA
stopped reading right there.
I'd sure hope so, they were the last words to read.
>last words to read.
stopped reading right there.
Chicago is nice if you stay away from the chimp neighborhoods.
stopped reading right there.
>stopped reading right there.
stopped reading right there.
Which is all of america really. Anywhere in the states can be great until you interact with POC
meh bout the same as Russia, more money oppurtunity here though. No lolis allowed in Russia though(((
Stopped reading right there.
ok, it's obvious but i'll comment. i'd never ever move to the US. too many niggers and spics. also, everything in the US feels artificial. while the standard of living in terms of infrastructure maybe good, it's not as good as switzerland. the lack of genuine culture, tradition and customs is unbearable for me. and yes, i lived and worked in the US for almost 7 years.
"Stopped reading right there."
Stopped reading ri...
Continued reading right there.
I'm pretty sure the standard of living in NZ is lower than the US. NZ is a socialist shithole, everything is expensive, no right to bear arms, etc.
the differences though, spics and niggers are like everywhere, My city has low amount of shitskins though luckily. Also less alcoholics in children's playgrounds here. Oh and fuck paying for literally everything when I don't need to, like insurances.
>Socialist shithole
Stopped reading right there.
We're poor as fuck but we have NO
And we're happy this way, because there are thing money can't buy.
add to my comment, i really like americans, very open and interesting people, never had any problems. some aspects of america are awesome, how the country came to be, the awesome history of the settlers, the "land of opportunity" aspect.
And what country did you say you come from?
>le sigh
back to tumblr faggot
I would say something about the glorious patriotism in living in the States, but you're living in a nation that's too pacifistic to really care, I'd think.
Switzerland isn't pacifist, it abides by armed neutrality. It'll mind its own business, but will blow up bridges and snipe you from the mountains if you dare invade. It's what America has been, and should be.
Romania. But most of Eastern Europe fits the description.
>poor as fuck
>makes 300 bucks a month with a masters in economics.
>japan style demographic crysis
>gypsie welfare leeches and thieves everywhere
>fair amount of sjw rising
>probably one of the last european country to fall,but it will fall to the hands of the muslims.
>would kill to live in the us
this guy is right
military and war is a huge part of our history and our national soul. we have an amazing gun culture and most people wouldn't have to think twice to die for our country if ever invaded, even lefties usually like guns and have been in the military.
In due time the US will start investing heavily in eastern Europe. You are our new buffer, and buffers of the US (Israel, South Korea, Japan) tend to suddenly become wealthy.
Yeaah boyy, we have a US military base here.Senpai will notice us, finally.
Yes, and our political correctness level will also rise to be like yours, but likely it's gonna take a while.
>one of the few advantages of being 50 years behind everybody else
You can imagine my response with just a look to my flag
>Kill commie dictator in 1980s.
> Foil (((EU))) cultural sabotage in the 2010s.
Is being born Romanian the ultimate redpill?
Is being born Romanian the ultimate redpill
The wealthy live better... but the poorer people really look down and out in a way that seems sad.
Chicago is majestic... but so was Detroit at one time.
It's tragedy that they became so dysfunctional
Las Malvinas son británicas