It makes me sick that we are now completely controlled by Republican thugs and have Trump as President. I was at my mom's for the holidays and literally broke down crying there thinking the world my daughter will grow up in. I was screaming and lashing out at family dinner, since most of my relatives voted for such a racist, sexist, and Islamophobic piece of shit. My aunt had to give me a valium to calm down. I still wake up crying every night knowing that America, the country that once embraced progress and voted for the First Black President and had a chance to break the glass ceiling and have the First Woman President, actually voted in the embodiment of Hitler. A man who literally wants to throw gays and Muslims in camps. FUCK. I need to go calm down. I can't believe uneducated white people did this to us.
I literally can't believe what is happening now
>I can't believe uneducated white people did this to us.
stopped reading right there.
I've been litterally shaking for 7 months.
Form a communist commune with like minded individuals. You're free to do that in the US because the US is a free country. Enjoy!
What in the name o' Davy Jones' locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I'll 'ave ye know I be the meanest cutthroat ever to sail the seven seas, and I've led numerous raids on cargo vessels, and repelled over 300 invaders. I be trained in hit-and-run pillagin' and be the deadliest with a pistol out o' all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothin' to me but another source o' loot. I'll 'ave yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. Ye think ye can hide behind yer newfangled contraption? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contactin' my secret network o' pirates across the sea and yer port is bein' tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, scurvy knave. The type o' monsoon that'll wipe ye clear off the four corners o' the map. Ye're sharkbait, bucko. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o'er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o' the line with a cutlass, but I 'ave an entire swashbucklin' fleet at me beck and call and I'll damned sure use it all to wipe yer limey arse clean off the edge o' the world, ye bilge suckin' dog. If only ye had the foresight to see what devilish wrath yer jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed that last remark. But ye couldn't, ye didn't, and now ye'll pay the ultimate toll, ye brazen buffoon. Yar, I'll unleash a torrent o' fury all over ye and ye'll drown in the depths o' it after walkin' the plank! Dead men tell no tales.
We get it. Now you can stop.
stopped reading right there.
>I can't believe uneducated white people did this to us.
Fuck off with your racist bullshit you virtue-signalling hack.
the russians won
if the secret health care / tax cut for the rich bill passes, we are well and truly screwed
those who only voted with their middle finger will have to grow up or die off at some point
It's because of people like you not keeping their pussy feelings to themselves
If you had shut up with your SJW shit the white man wouldn't have backlashed on you.
Don't bite the hand that feeds
I want to go back in time and skull fuck your whore mother into a coma before you're born
the country that once embraced progress and voted for the First Black President
>half white
OP please drink bleach thank you and fuck off.
Nice bait, but if you're actually serious, allow me to bathe in your deluge of liberal tears. Don't worry, there's only 7 and a half years left, and maybe you'll get a chance to fuck this country all to pieces again. Hopefully not though.
Greetings faggot. Why are you on Sup Forums?
Second. It *literally* warms my heart knowing weak idiots who have invented their own straw-man in Trump and then gleefully attack it (Gay/Muslim camps? The fuck are you talking about retard?)
And "wake up crying". Good. GOOD. Now you realize what a dumb fucking idiot you are. Move. Leave the country. The pendulum is swinging right. FINALLY. Look at society. It's turning into a shit-pile of degeneracy, lust, social-confusion, mistrust, mediocrity. The political Left is an anchor around our necks. If we can shed it we will prosper. Churning out these fucking children (aka. you) who have actual mental breakdowns over our president is why we're eating shit right now. The country was build on the right. Classical Liberalism (also known as "far-right" by todays utter skewed university rainbow-hair standards), self reliance, self responsibility, NO handouts is what keeps us strong. Let the weak DIE. Let them be cast off into the gutters. Fuck you if you can't take care of yourself or figure out how. I'm SO HAPPY that you have to deal with Trump for 7.5 MORE YEARS. Hopefully it ruins your health. Hopefully you spiral out of control. Hopefully you end up on the streets. Hopefully your family cuts you out of their lives because you deserve it. Try reading some fucking books you dumb cunt. Learn why people are on the right. It's not because we're "uneducated" (the most retarded leftist trope there is.) - most of us were hardcore Leftists until we realized we aren't fucking morons. I'm going to go to sleep tonight thinking of you being in utter misery. FUCK OFF.
sto --
This is some ancient copypasta
Op here. This was from a post in r/Politics
Your Aunt is a drug dealer and enabler. You should be shaking.
Fucking Reddit pasta
you're a fucking idiot. Obama's plan was to destroy america and turn it into a middle east style caliphate. i guess you want your kids heads chopped off
link this shit
>I can't believe uneducated white people did this to us.
If Sup Forums was so unintelligent, how was Sup Forums able to manipulate events to ensure your disenfranchisement and eventual suppression and (perhaps) destruction? Before this century is over, you and your kind will be extinct. Nothing more than a footnote in the history books, after they've been sanitized of your corrupting and insidious ideas and beliefs. You will end, and no one would care or even know you existed. Fare well. You will NOT be missed.
If Russia really wanted to destroy America they would have let Hillary win.
>the country that once embraced progress and voted for the First Black President and had a chance to break the glass ceiling and have the First Woman President
If Shrillery helped you wymins like obama helped the blacks
nothing would change
Your anus got raped, bro. How's it feel? Salty.
You weak cunt.
stopped reading right here
You're a sensitive soul. Tomorrow is a new day.