The T H I C C meme is a jew psyop created to normalize and celebrate obesity and indolence...

The T H I C C meme is a jew psyop created to normalize and celebrate obesity and indolence. This is done in order to reprogram our basic sexual urges, so that what we find sexually attractive subconsciously promotes a lifestyle of passive over-consumption, waste and materialism. Don't fall for their tricks!

Other urls found in this thread:

>thin legs

There's no way that bum was developed from doing butt workouts

thicc women are ideal for breeding. s t i c c is the psyop


>Be thick
>Give birth
>Die from heart attack

Anything over 22% bodyfat is unhealthy.

Implying this wasn't a meme on /fit/ 4 years ago

Some women are just built thick naturally, but that bitch in your pic has had injections.

Funny how I don't let bullshit on the internet fuck with my taste in women because I'm not a spineless bitch who needs others to tell me who or what I should be attracted to.

Who is that i want to see her naked and for to open her tits for me and that sweet ass

Yeah no shit.

They couldn't push "fat acceptance" so they had to force it through a meme.

However your pic is unrelated as butt implants are a different crime against humanity altogether.

Wide hips and a thin waist is a sign of fertility.

It is actually not funny and disgusting, reminder liking asses is literally a nigger thing.

It matters not, war is coming. natural disasters are coming. Everything is about to be ramped up to 11. Prepare yourselves.

Found the guy with an asslet girlfriend.

checked and


This is THICC
This is NOT

>non-white spic
proof that thicc-niggers are degenerate and have no problems with race-mixing
>french flag
oh, nix the race-mixing part

yes maybe something built like a skinny dude is better in your opinion is it not? stupid ass...

>thin waist and wide hips is a sign of fertility

That's Exactly why all you dumb gook worshippers should try getting a Latina their thicc as fuck and know how to cook

Not really, skinny minnies weren't always the beauty standard. That can be taken too far too.

'Thicc' doesn't mean obese.

Whatever body type is natural for the woman is what is best for her. If she is sickly skinny or sickly fat it's not appealing

No-one gets implants these days, they all get injections.

See what I'm fucking telling you? These niggers just want to mix races. OP is retarded, it has nothing to do with finding fatties attractive. THICC bodytypes are extremely common in non-whites and this shitty meme is promoted by Jews to get young men to race mix. Stop falling for it, you dumb goyim.

Retard posts an obvious photoshop.

>posting a middle-eastern pseudo shit skin
like pottery

That's very principled. Would you rather not breed at all because you couldn't find a match within your ethnicity or breed with a white enough hispanic or med and one day have almost huwhite grand-kids? Just don't breed with niggers, arabs or squatemalans.

Most white women don't want kids, they want to ride the carousel or focus on their corporate job until they hit the wall. You can't make them a mother if they don't want to.

>"muh photoshop"
Fuck off you will never know what's it like to get laid

Thicc only looks good if it's natural.
Implants always look like shit because your mind isn't fooled by them and you can tell it's fake as fuck. It take a womans natural muscle and fat allocation to make an ass look good. Fuck with it too much and it's just repulsive.

She's hot though. It's ok, you can admit she has a nice breeding body.

>Fuck off you will never know what's it like to get laid
That has nothing to do with what you're doing. You don't need to keep posting photoshops.

No benis :c

Why do mouthbreathers always think women get implants? Why would they get implants when injection look much more natural and feel natural?


>continues to post shoops

>Thicc is just a me-

For men, for women it's a bit higher


Either you're a Jew that's really shit at using your kike-tricks or you are a completely lost degenerate. Either way you should definitely kill yourself.

THICC isn't fat, fuck off tumblr. There is nothing wrong with BIG MEATY THIGHS.

>"everything I don't like is photoshops reeeee"
Seriously give me one reason why latinas aren't great wife material


Mouthbreather? I'm breathing through my nose now, all it takes is proper posture. :^)

And I don't know shit about implants or injections, and I never pretended I did. I just think humans have a good eye for what is fake or real on another human. Like people who get way to much facial plastic surgery always look uncanny as fuck.

Anything over 15% for men is unhealthy. 22% for women.

They are both obese and look decent only in clothes.

Arabs are caucasoids and halfies will be white-passing.

My racemixing test is basically whether the kid will look white or not. So:



There is no reason

Its natural to not put in some basic effort to be attractive to men.



No, not everything I don't like. Your last two pictures are literally the product of a popular image manipulation program. I can tell by the pixels and having seen quite a few shoops in my time.

Why do you think so many burgers marry spics? Is it a fetish or is it because there aren't enough white women that want to become wife and mothers?

Should these men go incel just because they can't find huwhite wife material? What would you tell them?

That's ain't photoshop, but they've had injections. A lot of pornstars have cosmetically enhanced bodies.
Women get away with it because we aren't addressing it for what it is -- it's injections, Brazilian butt lift.

Jesus, why is it always you fucking Euro-niggers that fall for the (((thicc))) meme? Are spics "exotic" or to you dumb asses or something?

i thought it was mostly the hispanics, muslims, arabs, turks and other shitskins who didn't want to feel bad about having sex with apes

When women and gay men gained control of the fashion industry.

>he doesn't want a thicc wife

2nd girl has to be JoJo in WWE

i wonder if Jesse is Vince McMahon's new WOMANHOSS

I prefer thick white women actually. And I'm not particularly an ass man.

holy fucking amazonian mama

Look at this :
This is what was considered sexy years ago
Notice how the butts are not nigger sized

>Not liking thick women

You some type of faggot? Men have liked THICC for millenia.

Also this man is currently fucking JoJo, and his wife found out and divorced him

Bray wanted that T H I C C

they are expensive to keep happy


that ass is just gross my god its not bad to have some curves but god damn

who even likes that ass to be that fat and gross?


More and more minority women are getting bleached.

It's the inevitable consequence of fathers moving to the West. Their women become property of the white man. blacks know this so intimately that they have to watch blacked porn to make them feel better about it.

A large waist and a small hip in a man is sexually attractive to men the same way broad shoulders and small waist in a man is sexually attractive to women.

You're not going against "psyops" you're going against basic sexual selection.

>Unironically putting ((())) around thicc
T H I C C is the future. Get used to it faggot

>Reminder that if you wouldn't bone the shit out pic related's ass, you are a confirmed homosexual who should kys

yeah, that sounds really bright. date a chick who makes every nigger lick his lips when she walks by

we know who'll be wearing the pants with the freakishly huge ass in them in that family

Have you noticed how kikes push giant asses and overweight brown women in popular culture? Look at Nicki Minaj or the Kardashians

Oh look, another freak trying to normalize pedophilia.

Keep to your cartoon lolis and I'll go for real women, thanks.

Iskra has had injections. And she dates niggers.

It made me appreciate actual girls more

>>thin legs
>There's no way that bum was developed from doing butt workouts


It's the shoulder to waist ratio, man. It has nothing to do with cellulite asses, it's just that these hoes try to pass as thick when they are obese.



it is the other way, too skinny women were a psy op

thicc ok, obesity bad

learn to know the difference

Do people really consider this woman attractive?


>For men, for women it's a bit higher

You mean made up numbers served up for the masses, specifically women, to consume. Yes, double meaning.


MOAR. I need to create a colonization porn folder

>Nicki Minaj and Kim Kardashian are overweight
You retarded, nigga?

>This is considered the standard of beauty in the mongrel nigger kike shithole known as Weimerica

Julius Evola was right about Amurica

> thinks about putting a wifi and sensors in that butt

This is lela star for anyone who is curious

Both of those have had injections, and the Kardashians date niggers.

you don't understand thicc

low IQ.


It also celebrates homosexuality.

>That's Exactly why all you dumb gook worshippers should try getting a Latina their thicc as fuck and know how to cook
>Retard posts an obvious photoshop.
>>"muh photoshop"

Gigantic fucking head. Ugly as hell. Shit tattoos. Fake ass. ugh.


Now that's just nigger-thicc

muscle girls are the only true representation of a healthy thicc body type, if you wish to have strong offspring you must choose a strong mate, it is simple logic my friends.

I understand it perfectly. It started as a meme on /fit/ and then some obese autistic teenagers took it seriously.