How is it legal to vote for athiests when they believe this?
How is it legal to vote for athiests when they believe this?
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It's the best explanation for life that science has to offer. Evolution doesn't suggest that we came from monkeys, rather that we share a common ancestor. Do you have a better explanation, Christfag?
honestly i don't care what anyone says, the truth is that there were aliens guiding this "evolution" and that all biblical communion with "being from the sky" who tell us what to do and how to act are essentially accounts of encounters with aliens who genetically engineered us to be their gold-minding slave race, because gold contains various electrochemical properties that make is useful for them with their technology (part of the reason its used in computer chips)
That seems somewhat likely and also doesn't preclude the basic idea of the infinite versus the finite or god versus concrete/finite life. Have you ever heard of the Star Trek Voyager "sky people" episode?
O did you mean banylon 5? Nerdcucks DISGUst!
No, it's the dumbest explanation for life. Darwin heard voices and had visions telling him to create this theory.
Emphasis on >theory
Lol Voyager is major cucked, and they piss me off at times. But I still like the sky people aliens created you meme.
There is no reasoning with them. These are the same people that think the Universe is a million years old when the Bible says it's 2,000 years old.
>alien race powerful enough to travel to other planets and genetically engineer the evolution of life on that planet
>needs someone else to pick their gold for them
>only like 0.0000001% of the humane race is actually doing this anyway
retarded /x/ autism but actually more plausible than most religions
never heard of the star trek thing but basically sure, i never saw why people view it as mutually exclusive that our bible and religions are based on communication with aliens and that a higher power in the universe can still exist.
they're certainly NOT mutually exclusive and i think both of those scenarios are pretty much likely.
even the teachings of jesus christ, which if im not mistaken have a lot less to do with what would be deemed alien encounters and "miraculous" shows of alien technology, and a lot more to do with humanity and the esoteric philosophy of human life, would not be incompatible with the idea that everything in the old testament, and all of that sumerian writing and shit, was all just a record of our association with our otherworldly slave masters to begin with :(
Serious question
Is there even one non-American who doesnt accept the evolution theory?
>stick very conveniently covers up vagina every time
Why is the artist terrified of pussies, Sup Forums?
its not that evolution doesn't exist, its that Darwinian evolution is extremely flawed
they're so fucking stupid
>Darwinian evolution is extremely flawed
But Darwinian evolution is not the current theory my cholesterol enriched friend
Have you ever seen a vagina? They're fucking disgusting. Thank God I never liked roast beef to begin with.
>moses talking to a bush is any different than random voices
Ken Ham. And he moved over here, so take that as you will.
.00000001% of the human race is picking gold because most of it has been picked. it's now kept under lock and key in places like fort knox, and there's a LOT of indication that it's essentially not even there anymore. so where is it? either way, YOU the public are no longer allowed to view it OR own it privately in your own home.
not only that, gold is just one mineral. just ONE of the rocks we sought and worshipped in ancient times that were USELESS to us then, but have been found to be useful in technology that has come into existence in the modern age.
and what are you suggest? that they would pick the gold themselves? that they would travel to a planet, that might possibly not have the proper living / temperature / air chemistry conditions for them, to mine ALL of the fucking gold on this planet??
why would they not use clones / genetically engineered people to do it? it seems like the most efficient way? it allows them to "set it and forget it" and then come back thousands of years later to collect the bounty.
IF they were to use advanced drone technology it would still take them an inordinate amount of time and it would deplete their manpower in space as someone would need to be running the drone.
they themselves may be AI but that doesn't mean that they're going to have a sixth sense to magically know where all of the gold is, so unless you put a few million (at that time) to a few billion (now) mindless, gold-seeking drones out to explore things, you're not going to find it.
so your argument is really the autistic one. it's not thought through. you're just assuming aliens would "magically be able to gather gold" and wouldn't need a human apparatus for doing so, but in reality the practical considerations would require exactly that.
we would in fact be the perfect apparatus for gathering gold and there's really no other reason to explain our historical fascination with it and attraction to it.
but evolutionists aren't supposed to believe in the supernatural whereas religious people do so it doesn't go against their beliefs whereas evolutionists are going against their beliefs
and lastly there could always be some other purpose to us putting us here as well that is beyond our reach for even imagining, the mining of gold and other minerals is just one hypothesis, but it's the one that makes the most sense :(
Because religion isn't about doctrine, it's about a shared Tradition and collective Truth. These ideas form a special bond between a community and the universe creating effects that we can only explain as magic.
By shoehorning aliens into the equation, you stomp all over the power of the human consciousness, and violate the sanctity of Tradition.
While your theory is reasonable, it ignores the Truth behind religious mythos, simplifying them to a simple "history" rather than the complex web of metaphysical wisdom.
Statement that requires confirmation or invalidation; generally used in science as a claim to explain various phenomena and tested against facts, experiments etc. to determine if it's true.
Validated set of explanations for a given phenomena with no evidence against it. Meaning commonly mistaken as that of "hypothesis".
By the way, evolution doesn't explain where life did come from.
So you believe that some random imaginary friend from the sky made us because "idk lol i was bored, decided to make some people that look like me", of whose existence you have 0 evidence about, and you dont believe about evolution, which is something that has lots of evidence leading up to it? You're a special one are you not? If god existed, then why would he let kids in africa die? Is he able to help them and willing? Then why isnt he doing it? Is he willing but not able? Then he isnt a god. Is he able and not willing? Then why are you worshipping him?
>implying the epicurean argument hasn't been btfo a million times already
fucking greekfag. pay dents
i don't think so, this is only your personal interpretation of what religion is. everyone has their own personal subjective interpretation of something that powerful and personal and spiritual.
i would say if you take the bible 100% literally, it's obviously not compatible, but most people don't take the bible 100% literally. i mean most people don't go out and kill gays for sodomy, or sacrifice their children, or do any of the other fucked up stuff that's mostly in the old testament. they masturbate. they engage in premarital sex. they implicitly recognize that it is not "the literal 100% accurate word of god" and essentially the teachings of christ mostly contradict everything in the old testament.
in the old testament its "kill gays", in the new testament, when jesus shows up, it's "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". it's "be accepting". "be nonviolent".
i mean it's literally impossible to take the bible as being 100% infallibly right and accurate because it literally contradicts itself between "old testament" and "new testament" at every turn.
so why are the teachings of jesus, who was just a person really and never referred to himself as "the son of god" or any of that (that was decided 300 years later at the council of nicea by a bunch of corrupt socialites), not compatible with the idea of a higher power that exists outside the bounds and realms of the alien race that's enslaved us? that came down to us and told us to do basically everything the opposite of what jesus told us to do?
they're not exclusive at all. the two ideas existing together actually makes an extreme amount of sense if you really get into it :(
There's a lot of holes in evolution. Why haven't we seen consciousness begin to appear in any other species?
Where are all the in between states from "common ancestor" to man. Why don't niches get filled?
Why hasnt anything resembling consciousness been seen in any animal?
You know In the history of our studies, despite allegedly having high iqs, an ape has never asked a question.
I don't discount evolution, it's a decent idea, but to regard it as a fundamental Truth is laughable, there are simply too many questions that it has left unanswered.
1. Because evolution doesn't aim for anything, sapience was a stroke of luck.
2. pic related
3. see 1
4. I'd have to read about it. Maybe apes don't have curious mindset or they are unable to think abstractly.
Your statement makes as much sense as your ID
the old testament was appropriate for its times. jesus didn't disavow it either. for example, when it says not to eat shellfish, it's because their diets weren't accustomed to the high amount of cholesterol contained in shellfish. and if they started acquiring a taste for shellfish back then, then it would've had a detrimental impact on their health, environment and ecosystem
>female hunters
lol what
Their explanation for the universe is that nothing became something.
Like WTF? That defies everything in science and maths. 0 cannot be equal to 1.
Not saying a man in the sky made the universe but its more plausible that the universe was created by a life force of some kind.
this makes no sense there are tons of populations in the world that lived on diets of entirely meat or seafood, like the eskimos, who literally ate a fatty diet full of cholesterol and NOTHING MORE because everything else was frozen, and they lived very long and healthy natural lives, moreso than those who didn't eat that sort of diet.
not that any of this is relevant. jesus essentially died for opposing the status quo and teachings of his time. he was a heretic. and it was joos (followers of the jooish books in the bible) that crucified him, so i don't know what you're getting at or what you're talking about no offense
what don't you understand. religion doesn't claim that every facet of life can be broken down scientifically. if you believe in aliens but firmly believe there's no God then you're an intellectually impoverished hypocrite
we're not talking about eskimos or other populations in the world. people living in the region of the middle east weren't accustomed to eating shellfish but if they started to acquire a taste for it they would've become amerifat tier and wouldn't be able to survive. eskimos can survive on eating high amounts of fat because they live in freezing climates. their bodies absorb the fat at much quicker rates because their bodies are always burning off energy just to try and keep warm
I believe in both evolution and the supernatural, what now?
Life force? That isn't exactly plausible you know. That's more super-natural than anything else.
Listen buddy, you need to grow up before you start posting on Sup Forums. I feel like you're an /x/ crossposter. You gotta understand that /x/ is trash and unfitting for actual discussion.
You completely disregarded my idea because it challenged yours. You didn't incorporate, challenge, or even regard it. You dismissed it as "subjective", because you couldn't understand the point I was trying to make.
Not an argument
You're opinionated about an idea that's hackneyed and unoriginal. Everyone knows the "ancient astronauts" theory. It's a meme.
You're attacking Christianity which shows a complete lack of maturity as you haven't digested the ideas fully. There's Truth in it. It's not a logical Truth. It's isn't a "if then" sort of deal. It's more complex than that. It's something deep and elusive, metaphysical in essence.
The "contradictions" you bring up are inherently inconsequential, the same way a typo is a written argument. Just as every word of a paragraph is read then distilled in the mind to create a single idea, so too do all the ideas within a book of wisdom form a collective Truth. It's big picture thinking like this that allows us to understand the Universe, despite its infinite nature.
If you're going to hang out on a right wing board, learn to show some respect for your cultural Traditions. Stop subverting a belief system with your cliche fan fiction, and start trying to understand the world around you rather one that's already passed.
then you become a scientologist
whites didnt evolve. they were created by the black ebbanoids.
That's foolish.
It's clearly been shown that consciousness is one of the most dominating features a creature can have. It increases fitness like it's no one's business.
Furthermore, Humans actively breed for intelligence in numerous species. The fact that nothing even close to consciousness has shown up must be addressed.
then who created the life force of some kind
By life force, I mean a being of some kind. Intelligent life
The set of all sets contains itself.
The God of all universes is his own God
lol wut? be honest, you just made all of this up and this is nonsense, right?
no, eskimos can't eat all fat just because they live in freezing climates, lol, and there have been many societies of primarily meat eaters in more temperate and even warm climates too.
people living in the middle east have no medical aversion to shellfish, or seafood, or processing cholesterol or anything like that. what the hell are you talking about? it's just not true. it's mental gymnastics lol. look dude, i dunno, i mean have your religious beliefs all you want, they aren't the worst things in the world. they're positive things and much better than atheistic nihilism IMO, but the stuff you're saying about shellfish is not true and nor is the stuff about the old testament and jesus's views and experiences towards it. jesus was a heretic who ran around with hookers and thieves and spoke out against the established order and jooish way of thinking (meaning he literally spoke out against the old testament). he was an apostate to those books. and he died in rebellion of their insanity and repression of humankind. jesus christ? great man. hero among heros. gave a far better social doctrine by which to govern ourselves and made the world a better place at the expense of his own life when he was executed by the state. but the stuff you're saying about him is not true :(
“When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so,” Francis said.
He added: “He created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfilment.
Even the pope believe in Evolution christfags
There was always something but never nothing.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another.
So like an extra-terrestrial or something like that? Unless you're referring to some sorta otherwordly being or spirit of some kind which would be pretty supernatural too.
He said God made humans and then let internal laws dictate their growth.
Not quite on line with the theory of evolution.
ITT. bait thread, retards who think life spontaneously generated after some magical invisible dude in the sky farted
>it's been 10 years, and people still take the bait
What we would consider supernatural could have scientific bases behind it.
At one point we thought the sun was magic.
For all we now, our universe fits in some Alian scientist's test tube.
I don't have the fucking answers but to say we came from nothing is BS. Something has always existed. The universe did not come from nothing.
didn't say they only eat fat. they can survive eating a lot of fat and cholesterol because their bodies are used to it given the environment that they live in. it's not that hard to understand. societies that lived in temperate climates all learned agriculture for a reason. you're just straying from the argument here. do you even know how much cholesterol is contained in shellfish. do you even understand the implications of letting a society that isn't accustomed to that sort of diet to suddenly draw a taste for it. and your whole perspective about jesus and the bible is just drivel. it's pretty clear that you've never actually done any sort of in-depth research on the subject and just believe some stupid shit from /x/ or something
For example, that we don't know how it came to be and therefore can't make other species sentient on purpose and knowingly.
How consciousness is "one of the most dominating features" if there are still other animals than humans? Intelligence is nice to have, but it doesn't automatically make a species better. If a sentient creature without manipulative limbs or in sparse resource place came to be, it wouldn't have any meaningful over better suited animals.
>do you even understand the implications of letting a society that isn't accustomed to that sort of diet to suddenly draw a taste for it
why don't you tell me all about it and please include some sort of scientific citation, por favor. i know it's obnoxious to ask for such a thing from a stranger but honestly, with the claim you're making here..........
shellfish is pretty healthy and the fats in them are omega 3s, which raise HDL cholesterol, not LDL. like i've said, huge amounts of cholesterol are not generally a concern for people and there's no real evidence to suggest that it ever was. a cholesterol problem comes from the cholesterol that your body makes and produces on its own, not your dietary sources of cholesterol, generally.
the reason you probably got that idea is because a long time ago the sugar industry essentially rigged academia by paying a number of high profile "scientists" to falsify reports and basically make meat and cholesterol out to be the cause of heart disease. it was never real. it was ALWAYS fake. it was always based on corruption and bribery.
unless you're telling me that jesus christ couldn't see through a fucking bribe by corporate america, your entire hypothesis is null and void and totally wrong.
and if you want to tell me more about jesus, and why im wrong about him, im all ears. always up for this sort of debate and discussion.
i don't look down on you or hold your views in contempt, i respect them frankly, but you are flat out wrong about some parts here IMO
>reject evolution
>holocaust never happened
pol in the nutshell
Your idea on how the universe was created is wholly unfulfilling, it's just nothing but "what ifs" and "maybe it was this" with nothing but vague word salad mixed into it. The universe might just be nothing but a realm stuck inside some Alien's test-tube but it's just pure speculation. At least when scientists speculate about the Big Bang theory it's done through the laws of physics, a frame to work from. Your crackpot theories don't even have a leg to stand on. I suggest you put down that necronomicon Hans and start reading some textbooks.
It's honestly disgusting what they are teaching kids in school nowadays thank god my kids are homeschooled
i suggest you should open yourself up to the possibilities of "what ifs" because i can almost promise you that you don't have the full story and the full picture right in front of your eyes, no matter what angle or common belief system you're coming from.
it's pretty hard to deny that human beings are in an inherently solipsistic state in our world. this is even true when it concerns things on our scale, that we can touch and feel and see, but even moreso when we're talking about things out of the human scale, far larger or smaller than we can even conceive. to say you "know" anything or have any solid grasp or idea of what the truth is, IMO, is very much an act of hubris
What I'm suggesting is within the laws of our universe.
You can't create or destroy energy.
All I'm saying is that something always existed. This is explained by basic mathematics and everything you were thought in school.
Nothing can't become something.
The Big Bang never happened and scientists are not claiming it did. They just use it as a way to describe the creation of the universe from nothing to something which on its own goes against the laws of physics.
If you're genuinely interested in consciousness and you've got an open mind for a theory with lots of explanatory power, I suggest you check out On the Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.
The gist of it is that humans didn't have true consciousness until about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago because the two hemispheres of our brain didn't communicate in the same way as they do now, and that increasingly complex language is what allowed us to be able to be aware of our awareness.
haven't you heard of the experiment where they transplanted a healthy african bushmen into america and fed him a high calorie american diet who pretty quickly became unhealthy. you can't expect people to suddenly adapt to such extremes in cholesterol intake
>a long time ago the sugar industry essentially rigged academia by paying a number of high profile "scientists" to falsify reports and basically make meat and cholesterol out to be the cause of heart disease. it was never real. it was ALWAYS fake. it was always based on corruption and bribery.
have you ever met anyone who were medically evaluated to have high cholesterol levels who were also healthy. no, you haven't. we could all appreciate some conspiracy theories once in a while but seriously. high cholesterol isn't healthy
and you don't need to conflate the two subjects either. jesus said himself he didn't arrive back then to do away with the old laws
>haven't you heard of the experiment where they transplanted a healthy african bushmen into america and fed him a high calorie american diet who pretty quickly became unhealthy. you can't expect people to suddenly adapt to such extremes in cholesterol intake
That says absolutely nothing about Middle Eastern farmers and their capacity to tolerate shellfish 2000 years ago.
>this is what atheists actually believe
This is true.
Kill the infidels