I just want to say that if you are a nazi, your political positions are absolutely insane.
Nazism is against everything that makes western civilization great. genocides are brutal and they only harm us
I just want to say that if you are a nazi, your political positions are absolutely insane.
Nazism is against everything that makes western civilization great. genocides are brutal and they only harm us
>implying any genocide happened
>genocides are brutal and they harm us
stopped reading right there
>genocides are brutal and they only harm us
You Jews are in control of the world and you got your own ethnostate. Seems like a genocide helped you out quite a bit.
National Socialism is the distillation of all the values that make great civilization possible.
Makes sense because this was the end of my post
There was only one nazi state in history and it almost completely destroyed europe
Consider the following:
>OP is being a faggot
What makes Western Civilization great are white people. Also, 6 million Jews were not murdered via gas chambers, and I challenge you to prove it happened.
There are no more Nazis user, they were from ww2
But what does National Socialism have to do with genocide? You should look up The 25 points of National Socialism.
> genocides are brutal and they only harm us
Not that you know how this actually feels, jew. Don't worry. You will come to know what a non-faked holocaust is like in due time if there is any justice in the world - first we have to clean up the muslim mess you made in the European countries though.
>they only harms us
That's the fucking point
I may be an anarchist but nationalism in any form is better than globalism. The economy can be fixed but demographics are destiny.
Socialism killed more people than Nazi's ever dreamed they could do.
You won the second world war kike so what does it matter to you? You've already pulled the greatest deception on humanity ever, the small group of Nazis that exist currently have zero chance of rising up against the jewish masters, you run everything from hollywood to the banks. The only thing being hurt here is your bottom line as you kike the world
The values of ethic homogeneity, concern for the greater good and strong leadership weren't invented by Hitler, user.
Shame about Ol' Winnie trying to conquer Europe, I hope losing the Empire was worth it for that little escapade.
Gas yourself
>almost completely destroyed Europe
After jew bankers waged war on them, sure
Nazis are socialusts, user.
In name maybe
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist, the greatest deception in history was convincing the world the jews were victims
the nazis were socialists.
national socialists.
nat soc
My trips of truth have spoken. OP is a faggot
>genocides are brutal and they only harm us
Jewish banks have been actively yet slowly promoting the genocide of Greece through economic starvation.
You all deserve fate worse than death. At least the NAZIs were honest about it.
>they only harm (((us)))
>lives under an army on illegally occupied land
>responsible for long drawn out genocide of Palestinians
>promotes superiority of its ethnicity and cultural homogeneity
>successfully colonised the minds of a majority of the worlds population with its victimisation propaganda and history
Every time I see an Aussie post I get a hard on. This is natural, yes?
they did not believe in surplus theft
that is a pretty fundamental dealbreaker
Hold tight, Shlomo. The influx of the naziboos from Stormfront is going to get worse over the summer
There were no death camps in ww2, the Germans wanted Jews out of their country, and modern "Nazis" want the same thing. Basically Muslims, blacks and Jews out of our countries ASAP and then we'll go from there.
You should go back to Europe then whiteboi, and leave Canada to the natives.
>Taking advice from a 3rd worlder.
I'm not giving him advice, I'm just asking him to be coherent. If all ethnic groups should stay in their original countries, then white people should go back to Europe.
Last I checked, France and Britain declared war on Germany. Britain started bombing German civilians long before German did the same to them. Over 10x the casualties in the British raids. Then, the USSR starts building an army. If Hitler waits, the army will be ready to level a Europe that's still in the middle of a terrible war that's exhausting their supplies and populations. So Hitler's only recourse is to launch an attack almost a year before Stalin would be ready, more important was that Stalin had only focused on an offensive army. Stalin got outplayed so hard he hid in his home for over a week. Most of the damage east of Germany was from the Soviets. Most of the damage west of Germany was from long, drawn out battles, where Hitler offered time and again to cease hostilities, and was time and again denied.
So tell me, who destroyed Europe again? The answer is the Allies, then the Jews. The Allies, of course, being led by leaders who were surrounded by racial Jews. Fuck off and attend to your own genocide of Palestine, kike.
"western" civilization has been dead for over 100 years, what you mean to say is consumerism via (((them))) and it's not great at all