Should he have reached for it Sup Forums?
Philando dashcam footage released
sounds like the wife/girl friend/side chick REALLY gave a shit about him... she sounds like this is not her first rodeo.
wow he knew he fucked up as soon as he did it; not even a debate he was a complete retard
hopefully he just throws himself to the wolves to prevent another nigger riot blowup
Serves him right for reaching out for his gun.
Typical nigger.
Cop should be charged with second degree murder
Not sure why there is such a cop circle jerk on Sup Forums though. For everyone supposedly being pro gun to fight against a tyrannical government, they sure go out of their way to defend the government killing people for no real reason. And yes, I know a lot of the time the media really misrepresents the situation, but sometimes, like this case, it's clear the cop should be strung up by his balls.
You realize this was already settled in court, right? The officer was acquitted, and for good reason. If you look into the details of the case you'll understand why the jury reached the verdict it did. And no major chimpouts seem to be happening as a result
jesus christ he just fucking unloaded on that fool
>Don't reach for it
>B-b-but l have to for...
>*reaches for firearm*
Bang bang
Wow what a surprise.
No, because although Castile alerted him about the firearm, he did not disclose the location and the wallet was supposedly on the floor of the driver seat. I would be just as jumpy in the situation if I smelled weed and knew nothing of the location + the factor of the robbery report
>No, because although Castile alerted him about the firearm, he did not disclose the location and the wallet was supposedly on the floor of the driver seat. I would be just as jumpy in the situation if I smelled weed and knew nothing of the location + the factor of the robbery report
That's because you are a coward
you have to take that into account
>I has a fire arm, officer
Don't pull it out
>>>ignoring cop..keeps reaching>>keeps reaching
because when we bring up ruby ridge and waco we lose our jobs, and all the "cop haters" think LOL
>Second Degree
Do you even know what second-degree murder is?
The most this could have ever been based the wildest allegations from Black lives matter was Manslaughter.
Instead, it was a response to someone who was refusing to follow an order to not reach for a deadly weapon.
This is lawful self-defense on the basis of an objectively reasonable person, which precludes the perspective of Canadian chuckle fucks who probably think shooting more than once is evidence of malice.
Dude, just because the nig nog told him about the gun doesn't exonerate him completely. You have to be outspoken and assuring and detailed when you have a firearm during a traffic stop. It's just common sense, plus you get told this when you get your gun permit. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the nig nog should have been shot but he was treading on a innocuous line by not disclosing the exact location of the firearm, then the officer would have exactly NO reason to open fire while he was reaching for something the officer couldn't see
It is criminal a Leaf had to say it.
>Cop: Please do not reach for the firearm. You are reaching for the firearm. Stop. Stop now.
>Nigger: I can't mayyyyne.
>Cop: Fucking niggers PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW lmao owned
>Nigress: Oh noes you did not just kill mah boyfren
>Niglet: Waaaabixnoodaaaah
>Cop: FUCK!
dude, just because you are a pants wetting coward does not justify your murderous actions
did you miss the St Paul chimpout a few days ago that fucked up I-94 for like 5 hours and brought us real life kangposting
>ok dont reach for it
>dont pull it out
which part wasn't clear? I don't even live in the US and I know you dont pull out a fucking gun ''''innocently'''''
Not an argument stop shitposting faggot
That is so racist. Can someone ban him/her/it?
not 2 shits are given about the cop. he doesn't sound too good after that
Do you even know what manslaughter is? because it involves a vehicle.
ok coward
>stop shitposting faggot
Not an argument :^)
Ontario human rights commission will know about your intentional mis-gendering and you will be speaking with my attorney
I saw this two or three times on the news. I don't think I heard the cop ask for ID before he shot, only Castile stating he had a gun and told not to move.
These retards illustrate why dashcams and gopros are utterly useless when it comes to public opinion. The cop told him three times, very clearly, not to reach for the firearm or pull it out. Dude reached anyway. You don't wait around to see if the guy disobeying your direct orders and, presumably, reaching for a handgun intends to do something with it - you stop him immediately and, potentially, lethally.
>ban a proxy
see, this is why the Jury ruled him not guilty.
Fuck off with this shit, a dead nigger is a good day but lets not coast on our wins. We'll have more soon enough.
So you want to try being a cop then, one in a diverse neighborhood?
That would be "vehicular manslaughter"
>I saw this two or three times on the news. I don't think I heard the cop ask for ID before he shot, only Castile stating he had a gun and told not to move.
>be me
>just robbed liquor store
>run into my car where my kid and wife are.
>cops see i match description of robber
>its cool, i tell my little girl, dad has a gun I'll pop this cracka ass pig if he pulls me
>lights me up, I pull over
>tell wife to get ready to facebook live while i teach this cracka ass white boy a lesson in dealing with a real nigga
>Cop pointing gun at me telling you not to reach for gun.
>reach for gun anyway cause nigger
>get shot
You do not have that privilege cis scum.
Be quiet British boy , you people don't even have guns and for good reason , they are violent .
Are you seriously saying that only because he was BLACK???
Soon as those sirens pop.. the gun that's on me, gets thrown on the back floor behind my seat, i then inform it's there. If i were a nig nog, i wouldn't be dead
White cops don't belong in "diverse" neighborhoods. let the Black man learn to manage his own problem children
Cop should get a medal of honor imho
dumbass nigga can't follow directions
go back to Facebook fagit
Fucking this, this is exactly what happened. Both videos show this.
>That video
Jesus Christ he literally shot him as he was getting out of the car like he was told
He was outspoken wtf!
america is the great satan
was he outspoken about the location of the firearm?
'hey officer i have a gun......ok ill get my id'
What's that shooting have to do with this one? That cop was fired, pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and battery, and is sitting in county jail awaiting sentencing.
What exactly is your point, autist?
>Licence and registration please
Ok sir but just letting you know i have a gun
>ok just don't pull it out
(thinking) ok I'll just get my licence then
>don't pull it out!
(thinking) ok i wasn't going to anyway I'm just trying to find my licence
(Still trying to find licence)
They want cops out of their hoods. I'm ok with it.
>“It was a Chinese police officer that shot him. He’s Chinese, he’s about five-five, five-six and a half, heavy set guy.”
>asked to comply
>doesn't comply
>met with lethal force
We have the non agression principal for a reason
What if him/her/it is actually a ze? Learn your pronouns motherfucker.
You post on Facebook much, boomer? Why do you type like an old faggot?
You don't say "Just so you know, I have a gun" and then reach for something without:
1) Disclosing where the gun is.
2) Disclosing what you're reaching for.
3) Waiting for the cop to respond before you go grab something.
Add on to all of this that the cop told him three times not to reach and he did it anyway. The man should be in the running for a Darwin Award.
>trying too hard
Someone tell this summerfag to tone it down on the Discord grp
That's not what actually happened
He didn't rob the store
He pulled over immediately
He gave his license and registration
He informed the officer "now sir I must tell you I have a firearm"
Then he went to get the registration for his firearm
"No sir I'm not reachi-"
"No sir I'm"
That was a responsible gun owner and it's a shame the cop didn't get executed like any other murderer should be.
I didnt support mike brown, fuck King, fuck Trayvon Martin. But holy fuck this was an innocent man and an example of how terrible being a firearm owner in the US is. The NRA should have defended castille
Blacks simply don't understand authority. Violence is pretty much the only thing they'll respond to.
You can demand a black follow verbal commands, and he'll try to argue with you on the spot, like hes somehow going to employ linguistic wizardry and convince you to not give him the ticket. Everything about them is just painfully stupid. They just can't listen, even when their life is on the line.
Still doesn't make sense why you posted the second video? You a mongoloid or something?
>The NRA should have defended castille
Do you know what the NRA is? do you know castille was black?
>“It was a Chinese police officer that shot him. He’s Chinese, he’s about five-five, five-six and a half, heavy set guy.”
Was he reaching for the gun or his wallet ?
If he wanted to use his gun he wouldn't have said to the cop that he had a gun.
>just robbed liquor store
did he really? Like how Mike Brown stole some cigarillos before getting shot?
>If he wanted to use his gun he wouldn't have said to the cop that he had a gun.
1 post by this ID
>says not to reach for it
what a dumb nog
And they should have nipped that in the bud and got some new credit. It was a legitimate brutality issue affecting a concealed carrier, it should have been talked about.
The NRA is a racist organisation user, they don't help black people
Fuck off, faggot.
I hate the summer vacation months. You little cunts should be in school year round.
Castile literally should have been in prison. If he was in prison where he belonged he never would have been shot.
The guy has been convicted of driving without a license a dozen times since 2002. Any other state would lock someone up for that in an instant, they'd lock a white man up for it in a heartbeat. Castile though kept getting leniency because he had a job at a school. Liberal activist judges kept ruling that he was a good boy who dindu nuffin.
He had two drug charges against him too, both dropped for the same reason. Videos of him and his ugly bitch driving around smoking weed around their toddler proudly posted on facebook. He had been charged with no less than 55 prior crimes, convicted on most of them over the past decade. The world is better being rid of him.
That's why one of their major public faces is a young black dude, right?
You'd be surprised how many convicted if DUIs are free and still have a license.
And as far as I'm concerned, this is just another case of a nigger made "good".
The cop is a little hysterical. Philando was trying to unlock the seatbelt, after telling the cop about the gun. That was stupid, granted. but the cop overreacted.
Why are you LARPing a Leftypol poster? By the way, you need to say "porky" more.
Driver: "I do have a fire arm"
Cop: "Ok.."
Cop: "Ok don't reach for it then..."
Cop: "Don't pull it out"..
Cop: "DON'T PULL IT OUT!"...
Bang bang bang bang bang....
Playing the devil's advocate...
If you're siding with the driver.
You can argue that he dindu nothin.
That the cop's reaction was disproportionate.
That he gave the driver no time to cooperate...
If you're siding with the cop....
Cop sees the driver is black.
> Deep down he's thinking: Oh Shit ! no surprises , they're statiscially more prone to commit crimes but i gotta pretend to treat him like everyone else because muh racism and the dashcam is filming...
Being a Cop sucks. You get paid like shit and you risk your life on the job. And if you don't have quick reflexes , this is the type of shit that can happen to you:
That's the reality of this fucking job.
I don't know much about the driver , or why the cop had to repeat his orders. (i've noticed that blacks rarely ever cooperate on first warnings , maybe it' an IQ thing or something else...who the fuck knows)..
Anyway...Cop had a pavlovian reaction.
(i.e. sees black with a gun , pulls the trigger). He did warn him. Some would argue that it wasn't enough. Maybe so....
But you wouldn't be saying this if you were walking in the cop's shoes. You have to keep in mind that he's training for this shit.
Probably has a family...His life must've flashed in front of his eyes as soon as he saw that guy pull a gun.
a single mistake and you can lose your life in this business. No chance for taking "risks".
That's why many people often wonder why cops don't shoot criminals in the legs or arms..That's because life isn't a hollywood film. During that split moment , it's either you or him. If your life would be on the line , you'd probably react the same way.
Things could've gone differently had the driver listened at the cop's first warning.
After telling him not to move. I'll watch this video and see when he asked for his license, like many claimed he was asked to get.
Can I get the discord URL? I can prove I'm an oldfag
>You get paid like shit
Benefits seem to be pretty good, retirement too .
He never reached for the gun, he had just informed the cop he had one. The cop should have move away and clearly point the gun at the suspect. Philando never saw the cop's gun and I believe never had time to stop the movement to unlock the seatbelt.
nice bait
he actually dindu nuffin
Michael Brown was attacking a cop before he got shot.
>He had been charged with no less than 55 prior crimes, convicted on most of them over the past decade. The world is better being rid of him.
Oh ok...Good riddance then
I dont care if the spic cop was in the right or less nig nog
Not good enough...Certainly not considering the risks involved. (when you life is potentially on the line). And i'd also argue the same for firemen.
How fucking stupid these niggers can be
At some point I used to believe this "police brutality" meme, but now its obvious that their fucking stupidity knows no bounds.
So he was the driver? He hands over his ID and whatever else, then tells the cop he has a gun. The original narrative was he was reaching to get his ID after saying he has a gun.
when everyone is armed, stupid shit happens.
fuck being a burger - ever
Is it just me or is the woman's reaction kinda casual ? You know...The way she says "you just killed my boyfriend..he wasn't reaching.etc.."
She sounded kinda relaxed considering the situation.
When nobody is armed, gov. raid your b/c you post mean things on the interwebs. See UK & germany
Fucking this. She'd probably been on many ride along drive-by's and saw this shit every day
She high.
Guns today, guns tomorrow, guns forever.
What if the cop shout "DONT MOVE" "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE WHEEL"
At least "DON'T MOVE"
"Don't pull it out" when he is not pulling it out, is not a clear order. He was -not- "pulling it out", that's why he did not stop moving.
fucking idiots
Obama is loving this
this is why he had police slaughtered
so the other police are jumpy
he probably has people putting up triggers and larger black faces, guns, pushing people to talk about police deaths all the time to push police over the edge
this is all intentional, there's teams of people dedicated to pushing police over the edge right now
what happened to the guy that was shot?