I will not deny an expectant mother the healthcare she requires.
Healthcare for all
ask a REAL fucking leaf on what they think about state healthcare,it fucking sucks i honestly dont care if Im taking the bait.
Cuck pussy
UGhhhh a natbol.
You won't give it to her either, druggie bernout
Why do disingenuous leftist fags imply the notion that millions will lose coverage. Sure they would, but because they're not being fucking mandated and FORCED by the gubberments to get it. these faggots love big brother to hold their hand their whole life
Meh weed's Ok so is any other drug as long as its voluntary.
is this fagget still alive?
I didn't ask faggot
is PCP included?
Unfortunately yes. This Guy is "anti-big banks" while quietly taking they're Money.
If you don't like your government, then move.
> but mah right to where I'm born
Counties are property of its citizens, and the majority decide what happens.
All forms of government suck.
No refunds
>I will continue the nigger breeding program goyim
he is basically a chilean politician in USA. completely disgusting
>All forms of government suck.
Governments are the price we pay to live in civilized society.
Real leaf here, our healthcare is fine. I've had one surgery and only waited a month for it. Doctors are busy and sometimes you have to wait a week or two for an appointment for something not life threatening but that's no big deal.
The horror stories that Americans pass around about our healthcare are hilariously exaggerated.
a white expectant mother...and that is called NatSoc
Why arent you in Somalia yet ?
>Real leaf here, our healthcare is fine. I've had one surgery and only waited a month for my hip
I had to wait a bit longer for mine, but they are good about phoning you if they have more free time than they expected.
I keep forgetting were like a safari ride for redditors....
Get Back in the fuckin vehicle and only turn headlights on if it's absolutely necessary
Who gave that mother the right to another's labor? Be against slavery.
That's fine. Just don't make me pay for it.
I agree, I think you misunderstood my comment. Nobody should be forced to give their labor to another, thats not a right. Thats entitlement.
Translation: I will force you to pay for another man's child.
>Translation: I will force you to pay for another man's child.
You can't force anyone to do anything. But you can make it preferable for them.