when will YT disable comments?
when will YT disable comments?
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Am I going insane or was the logo "whited out" for a few minutes as if someone erased all of the refugee part and most of the tube in Youtube. I was about to make a post about it but it's already reverted back to the original logo. Should have capped.
looks like you brushed over it in paint
just 300K more dislikes and this video will make it on wikipedia's list of most disliked vidoes of all time.
I'm pretty positive I disliked that video earlier today, but when I just went back, it wasn't showing that I had disliked it. I wonder if youtube is fucking with the votes.
Not me
Well that backfired.
wow that is so problematic. Don't you want all those truck driver-doctor/engineers? Someone else will take them, that'll show you
Hitler comment had me in sides
>direct link to The Young Turks
Hooktube that shit to prevent views
I'm all for immigration as long as they are vetted properly.
as predicted
kikes gonna kike, their cycle is up now they die
just that they won't respawn anywhere else this time, kek
They will probably do what reddit does, start boosting likes to be double / quad of what they actually are or they will reduce the weight of dislikes.
They hold all the power, they can do whatever they want.
>that top comment
That but also societies shouldn't fucking lower standards of qualifications, and generally lower the bar across the board simply because the retards immigrating in are lower IQ average than the natives
the wealth pool is getting smaller and smaller. the only people who want immigration are major corporations,capitalists/globalists.
I thumbed down twice. Fuck rapefugees and their kike enablers
flagged for promoting terrorism
Fuck off. We're full.
We should be mass deporting them.
I said to myself before i logged in(about 5 minutes ago) that if I get no good news off of /pol today, I'm logging off for week.
Who'd of thought that such good news would come YT pushing thier agenda?
That thumbs up ratio though 78,000 up votes v 203,000 down. That's just mind blowing when you think about it.
how long did you expect to get away with it
We shall step up to the window once more
This comment is why your reddit flag has replaced the rainbow flag as the faggiest fag flag
nice ty
>tfw white women the biggest virtue signalling scum
So what should we do about this problem
Was that supposed to make me what these people here?
People are just sick of the "diversity is strength" meme. No one is buying it anymore.
Raise better white children. Faggot.
Women are only as decent as the most influential man in her life. Period.
Wew fucking lad.
thats a bot
white women are cancer to white societies
they have no sense of honour or beloning
they betray white men left and right
then stop trying to protect them like a cuck
Somebody re-edited the video
When will Jewtube understand that their virtue-signalling isn't popular?
The like/dislike bar on the video prolly indicates that even SJWs didn't care enough to mass-like that steaming piece of shit.
>they add diversity and a whole new variety of people to meet
Unavailable in French university, what a surprise.
its part of the animation
Flag it for misleading content, do your part.
>open video
>pause video
>close video
too late, flagged for promoting terrorism already
>I'm all for immigration as long as they are vetted properly.
What the fuck does that even mean? What does it mean to vet someone properly?
It's such a retarded thing to say, because you're all for something so long as only good things come out of it.
Well that's not how the world works, sunshine! You have to at some point dare to take actual principled stands. Even if it's just on Sup Forums. You're worse than the ancaps. At least they have principles.
white women were a mistake
fear is a good reason bitch, not being alienated in a sea of shit-tier foreigners is a better one
Christ - there are now videos about tracking the downvotes!
This has blown up in ((their)) faces - just like a fucking "refugee"
It's like she wanted to respond in the most brainwashed way possible.
>Are you scared of Muslims
The one's that want me and my country dead, yes.
>What would you do if you were in their situation
Try to invade a country under the guise of refugeeism and make their country terrible.
What a fucking retard
Man, maybe its the canadian in me but i wish there was a way to help these people that doesn't involve importing 100s of millions of 3rd worlders to Europe and the commonwealth. I mean, there totally is and one would think if helping them was the real goal we would be exploring those avenues but whatever i guess...
My gfs white and was disgusted when read her some of the females comments. Granted she was probably just agreeing with me to shut me up.
and this is why so many white women get raped.
mass scale mercy killings is the most compassionate solution
Would worship those feet
fuck off donald fag
How russia stopped the blietzkrieg that video is really cool
It's not that white women were a mistake
It's having them rights that was the mistake
Why are our women so fucking stupid.
This fucking argument man.
My neighbours are pretty awesome. Adding new ones will just make things worse. If you have a 9/10 neighbourhood, adding in 5/10 people will not make it better.
haha jokes on here, I can't even get a job at McDonalds because I'm not a mexican.
why are all leafs such faggots?
is it in the water?
Did they take down their repost with comments disabled and an even worse like/dislike ratio?
I think the only worthwhile assistance would be fundamental cultural and religious change. The problem is that Islamic fundamentalism doesn't compromise and will use force in order to prevent compromise. Nobody really wants to do missionary work in the Middle East...
Stefan Molyneux made a really good video where he talked about the financial dynamics of helping these countries and he argued that helping them in their own countries is far cheaper. The Saudi Arabian tents come to mind.
"Refugees" in general piss me off
lol Kikes are up, video is off trending tab
>when will YT disable comments?
Who cares, we have the screencaps, we can just make more videos.
This is a great propaganda opportunity for those who advocate free-speech, maybe even an exit from yout
Wait the old dude has been living in greece since '67 and he still doesn't speak greek?
Epic win youtu.be
her post sure makes me think thoughts Ive never thought before. all these years arguing for restricted immigration.. wasted...
>"I'm more than a refugee. I'm a culturally enriched animal".
Breddy gud, but missed an opportunity highlight the faggot refugee loving white boys...
210K Dislikes, video is off the trend, VICTORY!
Youtube Ceo Susan Wojcicki is claimed to be the most powerful jewish woman alive.
It seems that the Jewish Overlords may have to gas one of their own after this clusterfuck of an attempt to further brainwash the mass.
Jewtube letting spammers do their shit to kick down top comments
White Sharia. Duh.
>nu-Sup Forums
Video is back on the trend with different thumbnail CONTINUE THE SIEGE!
The real question is why don't they stay in their own country and improve it? Perhaps because they are all subhuman savages.
Shite editing skills.
Duh, google doesn't allow me to create a 6th account to spam dislikes
Maybe because they smell and look like shit? It's enough we can't get rid of downies anymore to have a whole population of mongrel downies coming in. I don't even mind the terror attacks, they're entertaining, I just don't want Arab mongrels roaming around.
Death is the only correct choice. They will get a gorillion virgins when dead anyway, let them have it.
This is the ceo of jewtube.
oh right forgot it was summer
White men a worse. They enable these women. That said, it's not a competition. It's bad on both sides.
(((Susan Wojcicki)))
The like dislike ratio on this video is actually giving me hope
>all these people with google accounts and no proxies are now on a list for (((hatespeech))) and will have their life turned miserable by the government from now on because "potential right-wing terrorism"
It's a tyranny, right?
Same thing happened to me.
Here last name is actually icki?
>I hit that dislike button
>winning yayyayayayay
>ahmed is fucking some white wimmin oblivious to some youtube video
You win guys.