I'm debating on starting this. What's the quick rundown?
Soylent or Goylent?
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dude are you fucking serious?
It's people
Some like it spicy
Some like it hot
Some like it stinky
Some like it with snot
literally the consumption fedora
Its a gross soy protein shake with ground up multi vitamins in it.
Probably isn't great for your gut flora, and I doubt you actually digest it the same way you would solid food.
It's for nerds who want to pretend they're futuristic like in Star Trek or something. You'll probably end up sick after a few months.
Buy some flavoring to mix with it, thank me later.
fuck these fags, OP
if I don't feel like cooking it's a healthy food instead of going to McDonald's or something
not sure if srs or just viral marketing
you can make it yourself you know
So it is soy? Fuck that then.
I only know one guy who buys this. He's autistic. Like an actual autist.
I've been drinking a quarter gallon of soy milk a day since I was 8.
Is there any way to reverse this?
Almond milk is better
it tastes terrible it takes every social aspect of food away it will make you depressed it makes taking a shit burn
go vegan or some other trendy faggot diet instead
ur a niggerfaggot
that pretty much says it all
>Its fucking people
It's a great meal replacement. If they sold it in stores I'd not eat anything else.
Humans aren't evolved to chug down this kind of unnatural shit, but instead eat normal, proper and healthy food. Actual meat, vegetables, fruits. Don't skimp out on making yourself some food for it, because all this product seems to tell me is that people who buy this shit either don't know how to cook, are too lazy, or don't know any better.
fuck that bro whites evolved to metabolize dairy as a adult because we cultivated cows and selectively bred
the famous black and white cows in america are actually a german bred cow
How do you milk almonds? They don't even have nipples.
the idea behind it is good.
the implementation is bad
also, it costs way too much. and I don't believe we yet know enough about the human diet to say what's really optimal. we should be working towards having a soylent-like product in future but I don't think we can do it yet
technically dutch but they are germanic
pic related is wife material
Oh, and Soylent BTFO anti-GMO dipshits
It's got soy protein. You got problem with that?
Just saying I have tried it and usually I try and stay healthy with organic stuff and homegrown foods, but soylent is some of the nastiest shit I have ever consumed
>What's the quick rundown?
Shit makes you fart bad.
Look up "meal squares" as an alternative. I haven't tried them myself, just muddying your waters with another option.
99% of trendy health drinks have their molecular compounds break down to a point where they are not as effective. Its better to buy yourself a blender. Throw in yogurt for probiotics, fresh fruit and veg, ice, and a little bit of a liquid of your choice for better blending.
>Flax oil and cottage cheese is the absolute best for antioxidants (basically cleans out your cells and prevents cancer)
You have to activate them first.
Its a product that is designed to suck another small part of your humanity out and piss on it. Why enjoy food and the spiritual value of cooking when you can drink this grey slop? It saves time and it's good for you! Fuck off.
Jesus fucking christ, you Americans suprise me every day with how retarded you get.
I did that and i liked it for about a month. I ate one solid meal a day and then 2 of the soylent. I did notice some small weight loss. Back when I did this they didn't have the different flavors they do now so I think I might have stayed with it longer if I would have had the variety.
Honestly i'd say give it a try, good amount for the price and get more than one flavor. Just don't expect to get totally used to it for awhile
Are you in Oregon?
>REEEEEEE a single product with all nutrutional needs is bad
humans, like all animals, like eating.
This will never satisfy your desire to eat, only the reasons you have to eat.
Unless you have incredible will power, or autism, you'll go back to normal food after a week. You can't fight millions of years of evolution.
We don't even know all nutritional needs.
who would ever tought
The stuff was designed by programer nerda who were too busy and unskilled to cook.
Thke that as you will.
They say they were thinking about busy programmers and other workers. They also thought it could be a cheap way to fight hunger in troubled areas.
>Why enjoy food and the spiritual value of cooking
It's obvious that some of you find great pleasure from these activities. But for others, both are just a chore. I would never eat again at all if I did not have to.
Expensive and makes you fart 24/7
by the way the default flavor tastes like milk left over after eating cereal. now they have chocolate and some other flavors.
>400 cal drink
what the fuck
and it probably tastes like an asshole
ive been rubbing my gooch all evening and i don't think im doing it right
Your body can't always break down shit that has been extracted from it's source or chemically made.
The issue is that it focuses purely on micro and macro nutrients.
However, there are different plant based materials like antioxidants, alkaloids, and fiber. As well as benefits in things like probiotics.
A well brewed IPA, when unfiltered and unpasturized, will over your body physiological benefits while being rich in antioxidants. I short-mead can turn 1 million probiotics per tablespoon to 1 billion per fluid ounce.
I inject it directly.
While it would be a significant convenience, the problem is that our bodies just could not run off of this for a longer period of time, even if it says that it contains all of the nutrition that a normal body generally requires, which I heavily doubt. Either way, our digestive system isn't supposed to run off of this chemical mush, nor our minds will associate it with anything pleasant or worthwhile.
At least try to eat something organic on the side with this, because this shit just doesn't sound like it'd go down well by itself.
This is your future on a soylent diet.
The powder's alright for meal replacement smoothies. Just don't try to live off of it and avoid the other crap they sell.
is he dead?
(THEY)!! Are trying to normalize Cannibalism...youtu.be
On the inside, soon to be on the outside too.
Why bother living if you can't enjoy a good meal?
If it got to a point where everyone was just drinking this stuff instead of eating, I think I'd just end it.
The intro to this classic..If you haven't seen don't watch this youtu.be
ask fit for help don't do gomad
Newfags don't know
Gave follow up fucking Psy-ops kek
Newfags don't know
Take your meds, faggot.
So its loaded with estrogen...
I wouldn't touch that shit.