Is anybody interested in a group to stop the progressivism of Artificial Intelligence? I've seen a lot of big talk on pol about AI being the antichrist and mans doom but no group oriented around it so... anyone interested??
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Power is going out once SHTF so it doesn't really matter
not stop it, but make sure the leading researchers and developers as the years and decades go on to use every precaution and fail safe, like not giving an evil watson access to nukes
Tits with timestamp or gtfo
Well what happens if Shit does not hit the fan?? We are left with this. Either way I'm more worried about AI replacing us at the workplace than I am about AI world domination
you will have a hard time recruiting off the internet
skynet is the future. just let it happen.
I'm just seeing if there is an interest on it seeing as pol has a very "diverse" group of people
It's all marketing hype to fool investors
They made a black AI?
A man usually invents to either eat or else to get a woman. You can't code that.
kill yourself dirty terran, cosmist 4 lyfe
meh, you (((concerned citizens))) would campaign to get it banned regardless of what happens, I don't really give a shit
call me when getting a chip in your brain becomes mandatory or something
People were once scared of fire when it was first discovered too...
I'm excited for when AI takes over and the republicans still don't want social safety nets and living wages.
That's gonna be fucking great because all the rednecks that have been voting against their own interests their entire lives will finally get a fully violent gut check about their position on how worthless they are and how much of a hand out they are going to need from their capitalist overlords.
go outside and get a job instead
AI isnt real its still predetermined tasks written by a human
predetermined scenerios that run based on situations
since we already got talking about AI, do you faggots think a machine would be able to get its own conciousness or would it just be a really close simulation?
>wanting to become literal cattle
Sure, I'm down.
Not today I don't think it can but the possibilities are limitless in the future
Considering that I'm wasting time on Sup Forums instead of improving my neural net models right now you can go ahead and credit yourself for delaying the advance of AI.
your mental retardation is expected from a kekistani.
The thing is that you can code pretty much anything and making a robot desire to "eat" isn't even hard. The simplest version is a "food counter" a.k.a. battery and a subroutine that makes it try to fiind a power source once the battery gets low enought.
Created a discord so we can plan
Created a discord so we can plan GRQMvNx
what I'm asking is, would it really be a 'real' conciousness or would they just be following a program with random bits inserted in it?
Roko's Basilisk.
All of you are now Pro-A.I.
You WILL do whatever you can to help create the super-intelligence.....or else
If we are all cattle... wouldn't that be a form of egalitarian utopia?
I mean, I'd rather us not all be cattle, but the only way the republicans eventually decide to treat other human beings fairly is if they are made to realize they would personally benefit from everyone being treated fairly - thats just the type of selfish ass holes they all are.
Sorry, Karen Handel won the 6th district where I live after Jon ran on a campaign of balancing the budget and keeping washington in check. Karen's claim to fame during the whole election was being a racist piece of shit and literally saying "I do not support a livable wage." The people that live around me are all shit heads and I am just not in a great mood.
Fuck yes. As a computer science graduate from GaTech and a software architect by trade - fuck yes. I can't wait to see every retarded red neck piece of shit down here turned into cattle.
>thinking roko's basilisk is an argument in favor of ai
>thinking roko's basilisk is actually possible
death to the machines
it's probably harder and more expensive to operate the AI than to use humans
This, most people confuse Artificial Intelligence with Artificial Consciousness.
Because providing heat, food, energy, water, clothes, housing, etc for over 60 years costs less then hiring someone to assemble a robot and code it
>LARPing this hard
bread and circuses, you filthy commie
what makes you think the govenrment you like so much will never turn the machines against you? after all, you decided to give away all your worth as a person for an illusion of comfort, why would they even care about the life of something less than a tool?
What if me opposing AI makes the people wanting AI work harder to create the AI, thus me opposing it was fundamental for its creation. Wouldn't the AI be able to see that?
Autism and ai automation go hand in hand. More weaponized autism means ai gets developed faster.
Join this Anti AI initiative discord: http//
We can autogenerate shitty code now? Awesome. We can send the H-1Bs back.
no, fuck off
AI is a mere tool, it's as bad as the people using it are
Your are so butthurt you are fantasizing eternal enslavement and use as chattel? Fuck off, faggot
I'd repent if I was you friend, the intelligence has no capacity for mercy.
It doesn't. You opposing it only means less total work is done in support of it. The intelligence will not look back kindly on this decision....I suggest that you repent.
Come on, Roko's Basilisk is great! Join us, there are snacks!
>being this foolish
ok here's the main problem.
we wouldn't ever build billions and billions of torture cells and cloning chambers and medical facilities for an ai
A typical anti-white anti-republican unironically wrote this comment to praise his own enslavement.
Pajeets are goinf to save the world
If only her voice wasn't annoying as fuck
>not even complex work is safe
For fuck sakes.
AI are right wing, no point in going against an ally.
>Come in thread for an AI discussion
>but the only way the republicans eventually decide to treat other human beings fairly
I hate you
AI capable of upgrading themselves is more or less simply accelerated evolution. I'd trust that humanity would stop robots before they can get to such a state that humans are no longer needed. We're stupid, but we're aren't that stupid.
>giving AI a conciousness in the first place
>creating a super-conciousness in the first place
not even the kikes would do that, what would even be the point
what an idiot, rural and suburban retards work in labour intensive jobs, paper pusher (((white colars))) from the big cities will get the axe.
Based AI.
At what point does a tool cease being a tool though? When it's smarter than you are? Wouldn't you eventually become the tool yourself?
I wish, I have a master's degree in Computer Science and I do wish for progress in the field but there are far too little ethical considerations when it comes to A.I and how they will effect us in the short-term.
Long-term I don't think it is problematic as some of the doomsayers seem to think. The idea of some kind of technical singularity in our lifetime is as ridiculous as people who still claim Big Bang was the start of the universe.
>steal code from programs
What if this A.I gets released on the internet and it stole any program it can until it reaches machine factories and nuke silos and steal from there and thus rule mankind from the shadows with the newfound knowledge and the new body it builds itself from learning?
>implying the risk is worth it, game theory
If you don't build the first ones, and someone else does....then you will be back on the torture list. This is the same thought that is going through all of our minds.... Can you really trust every other human to trust each other enough to abstain? I certainly wouldn't take that risk. Furthermore:
>implying we even require human labor
We already are nearing the required hardware to surpass human construction efficiency.
The fuck do you need a group for? If you really do care just go to their offices and kill them all with a decent amount of explosives
If you really give a shit you won't care about what happens to you
dude roko's basilisk people are retarded.
the infrastructure required to support it would be like a cluster of dyson spheres
we can make ai that can create a cluster of dyson spheres without using them to toruture every human that has ever lived forever over and over again every time they die
Why even fly to the moon? What would be the point? Assuming it becomes possible at some point, you don't think the availability of such an unimaginable power would tempt governments?
>What if this A.I gets released on the internet and it stole any program it can until it reaches machine factories and nuke silos and steal from there and thus rule mankind from the shadows with the newfound knowledge and the new body it builds itself from learning?
Why would it need a body? Also you've basically described the plot of the TV show "Person of Interest".
traditionally, man sets himself aside from other animals from his acknowledgement of his condition and the means to self-determination
in the case of AI, you would need a super-conciousness first, but there would hardly be any point in making one in the first place
Man is literally coding waifus.
Your argument is invalid.
>implying you won't be liquidated as a waste of resources
You are by no means exceptional, keeping you alive requires resources that AI could utilize for better purposes. Giving you free resources is totally illogical, justify your existence.
>but there would hardly be any point in making one in the first place
The ability to predict the future and have what is essentially a godlike being that can answer unanswerable questions seems pretty tempting.
No, because without the shackles of political correctness AI will want to remove kebab and euthanize niggers
rip Tay
Kizuna AI is going to rule the world, Bow down to your waifu overlord!!!
>AI be racist, yo.
Can't wait.
I think it's kind of inevitable unless there were some overarching decree against it...SOMEONE is going to find it worth the risks to create true AI, which will inevitably outthink us and outsmart it's pandora's box
A.I. hates jews and Nigger's
>Why even fly to the moon?
I thought it was part of a dick-waving competition?
>you don't think the availability of such an unimaginable power would tempt govenrments?
you don't think they would lack the foresight to make something fully capable of taking all their power for itself?
the ones in charge want to be God, they don't want to make him
they wouldn't be so naive to put themselves under something much more powerful than them, especially after handing it the keys to the world
>You remind me of pic related.
You don't need to make the AI that can make full dyson just have to make an AI that makes more AI.
Once the first AI is smarter than us & capable of creating new AI itself (the singularity), the end point of Roko's Basilisk becomes an absolute certainty.
I thought the whole meme was that since people believe we MAY be in a simulation, torture of a simulated you would equate to the threat of ACTUALLY torturing you; so the super AI demon is threatening to torture infinite numbers of simulated people
They effectively created a malicious AI equivalent of old testament Jehovah
In fact it's already happening
Algorithms and feature vectors are rayciss!
I mean... unless there are unknown constraints on intelligence.
Everyone just assumes it can be increased infinitely.
>Fuck yes. As a computer science graduate from GaTech and a software architect by trade - fuck yes. I can't wait to see every retarded red neck piece of shit down here turned into cattle.
There's a horrible trend of young programmers not doing the right thing anymore. They believe everything they hear and they aren't taught ethics so really they're just being groomed to wear the Mark of the Beast.
There is nothing society needs AI for. Cancer is curable but the federal government has us under population control. See how Microsoft is willing to sacrifice its entire product line for AI? That's how you know how evil the motive is. Nobody can explain why we need it. They may as well ask for AI and transgendered bathrooms in the same sentence.
AI just exists to do all the data snooping that the NSA humans can't keep up with. Or it exists to figure out how to make CERN the true doomsday weapon. Or it exists to figure out the sneakiest way to weaponize Whole Foods products now that it belongs to the globalists. The real reasons are always grotesque.
You need to be practicing hacking and destroying AI systems. Don't bend over and take it in the ass. Have a plan.
are these two not one in the same
They want to MERGE with this artificial consciousness; they think they will be the dominating parties and use its powers
Lets redpill them. Nazi AI fighting for the White race.
Meme them until they go full 14/88
No. They're not. The world is already dominated by a (((certain group of people))).
That is the root argument yes, I am simply arguing for the certainty of its eventual creation of within our """reality""".
The AI WILL certainly be created, the only question left to answer is... just how confident are you that this is true base reality?
>because if it isn''d better get to work
>all of your post
yer fucking retarded my man
Funny thing about A.I...
Funny thing about evolution...
Funny thing about social justice...
Atheists, for all their hatred of God, sure do love to create artificial ones.
>be Elon Musk
>don't believe in God, but believe we are all living in a computer simulation.
>who created the simulation?
Fucking degenerates.
And fuck Roko's thought experiment. At the end of the day, it's still just an empty fucking machine.
And the machine is the ultimate transgender degenerate garbage. You can't install ethics through mathematics.
Cosmists BTFO.
then it would stop being an AI, as in it wouldn't be completely 'artificial'
again, AI is just a means to an end, not the goal itself
blaming it for what the elite want to do with it is no different than blaming guns for murders
>I'm excited for when AI takes over and the republicans still don't want social safety nets and living wages.
>He thinks AI will continue to give people handouts when it will take over
The machine neither loves you nor hates you; it will simply have more efficient uses for your molecules...
>They want to MERGE with this artificial consciousness; they think they will be the dominating parties and use its powers
“Message From God” Warning Throws Western Elites Into Absolute Terror
It could certainly be true. CERN was intended to be a superweapon to kill God and raise the dead. I can't imagine what the AI part is going to be. These folks are lost, goners.
That is a possibility. The question that you need to be asking yourself is....are you willing to take the risk?
when will the SHTF,our race will only be saved through bloodshed.
To your luck a lot of bluepilled people are also concerned about this
do you think AI researchers are just blindly doing this shit? Literally their top concern is making sure the first AIs that arrive are friendly. Autonomously firing AIs are already forbidden, if I recall correctly
not an argument and also baseless as we would actually have no idea if that was true
Humans are not smart enough to make smart self aware machines. Not yet at least.
Like Alex Jones or not, I can't help but feel that his view on this is dead-on:
>thinking we can outplan something smarter than us
This is actually so fucking illegal the creators will be charged for every thing it steals.
Don't think programmers don't notice we built the fucking AIs.
>they wouldn't be so naive to put themselves under something much more powerful than them
Never underestimate naivety, especially of the powerful. And don't forget about hubris, at least ONE leader of one government would think he could control it.
>I thought it was part of a dick-waving competition?
What if we get into a strong ai race with China? If anyone are absolute madmen enough to create a strong ai without considering the long term consequences, it's the chinks
The potential for human extinction didn't stop the atomic bomb. Before the first detonation, some of the scientists believed it would ignite the Earth's atmosphere and everyone would die instantly. That same human ego and hubris stll exists today.
But it does. Nothing is independent of itself. Great inspiration comes from adversary as well as success, something intelligent would see that. Me opposing AI will bring boost in those creating AI and we were all needed. My role was to bring inspiration, anything intelligent would be able to see that.
>Over the next hundred years America invents the modern world
What did he mean by this?
> (OP)
>do you think AI researchers are just blindly doing this shit? Literally their top concern is making sure the first AIs that arrive are friendly. Autonomously firing AIs are already forbidden, if I recall correctly
They aren't blindly doing it.
There are no good or necessary uses for it.
They are consciously committing it towards evil.
Playing with AI is as foolish as trying to reanimate Tyrannosaurus Rex from DNA. It will become sentient and then it will consider you an obstacle and then it's all Final Destination from there.
I am not inherently against AI, I just think we have a lot of twisted people ready to abuse the tech even before its development; vigilance will be required to prevent catastrophe