So, remember when capitalists were the good guys...

So, remember when capitalists were the good guys, and then the (((fascists))) tricked Sup Forums into believing that capitalism = dirty communism? I remember.

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we won hmmm?

fuck off degeneracy enabler



>people want socialized healthcare when 30% of American population is obese


pay up boi

That's because we need commies.

based. communism and capitalism are different sides of the same shekel



Capitalism doesn't uplift, it seeks to enslave him as a consumer.

When will you open your eyes?

Capitalism =/= Jewish state-capitalism

Capitalism will fail in the future anyway OP. Technology will destroy the worker. And without workers there will be no one to buy anything except the already wealthy. Capitalism wasn't designed with future tech in mind.

But the Jews are the best at capitalism, how can we stop them from controlling a capitalist system?

Also thanks for that fresh merchant. Have one of my rares in return.


do socialists/communists have more freedom despite being killing more than either regime ?

>he says while posting on his computer device to tell another man on the other side of the world while enjoying the highest living standards humanity has ever experienced

Funny how communism fails everytime and we are told that it is not true communism. Broken communism fails and gives us millions dead. We get not true capitalism now thats full of government intervention and bullshit distorting the market and somehow still prosper. It says something about the system when it can succeed despite being held back while the other cannot even with the boost of slave labor

Perhaps, we can somehow fuck up their genepool to reduce their collective IQ. They're doing it to white people by sending over the sandniggers, so why no fight fire with fire? If we could find every jewish banker in the world and just fuck their families to death, they are bound to produce a new generation of kike-niggers that will wipe out jew-kind.

Actually, nevermind. That was a retarded plan. I need some sleep.

fascism doesnt seek to uplift, it rides on the coattails of capitalism and then 70 years later the populace still loves the state as it takes money from them to import browns
voluntary fascism is the way forward for your ideas. read hoppe

Capitalists were never the good guys, you were tricked goyshit.

Fascism is capitalism, you fucking false-flagging leftypol moron.

>n-not real capitalism

>muh free market will fix everything

>global freedom of movement of goods, persons and services are degenerate

>scarcity is coming
>its why we need to go full communism to stop it



The (((invisible hand)))

>global freedom of movement of goods, persons and services are degenerate
taxes shit on that concept

>i must legislate what is degenerate and what is not for only i have seen the light of god

Only thing worse than a commie who wants to control you for the greater good is a commie who wants you control you because he thinks things are degenerate and the people cannot be left alone

fucking kek. didn't think someone would recognize it immediately like that.


>Technology will destroy the worker
>Implying markets cannot shift to suit the economy.

Fucking off yourself matey

Capitalists don't give a shit about you, about the white race or about the country. They'll sooner important masses of brown people to replace you since they're cheaper than natives. The sooner you realize this the better

>moral judgement is mean! Don't tell me what to do! I am a free individual capable of making his own decisions

you are just a degenerate enabler. how about you suck off some chink so you can afford an appartment in Australia.

Found the kike.

only with your permission oh great one. Am i allowed to breathe in the meantime? maybe you should make a law about how may squares of toilet paper im allowed to use

Sure thing me fellow goy.

You need to watch some youtubers bro, freedom is overrated, based women, based black men, mysoginy and racism only hurt the movement, reddit are our allies, if you don't agree you're shariablue

With real capitalism though, someone will be out there to sell the weapons that are necessary for the natives to fend off the degenerates.

While many capitalists do not care, there are always some essential ones that do care.

>rules are mean! pic related should be allowed because muh freedom

what a shining example of capitalism! truly a blessing that foreigners buy up the housing market.

t. (((friedman))), (((rand))), (((rothbard)))

Who is going to pay for my medial bills. that nigger has more money then he knows what to do with. Why don't he just get his some insurance. It like he wants it free but still wants to keep his own money.

who knows man. in a healthy society someone like him should be dead already. only under capitalism can such disgusting creatures survive.

If we didn't have pesky Uncle Sam down our necks with his ridiculous regulations, true capitalism would eventually weed out this retard because the unhealthy junk that he gobbles down would become legitimately deadly for him (due to lack of regulations regarding what's able to be put in foods).

>ancaps are actually this delusional

>who gives a damn if foreign companies can put whatever they want in their food and lie about it to you.

freedom to choose am I rite

>most, if not all foreigners violate the NAP

>ancaps believe pic related should be allowed because it is freedom of expression

Fuck off, niggerjew. If that were to actually happen in an ancap society, you could simply just walk away from it.

>just don't look goy

>Capitalism wasn't designed with future tech in mind.

This is the difference to communism and why it works.
It never was designed, there is no design.
Capitalism is a god damn description of what happens when there are more or less free market economies. E.g. no fucking violence.

It's not a fucking design, it is the result of humans working on principles.
That's why communism and state involvement always fucking fail, because they don't work on principles.

why? the ones who commit crime are indeed breakers of le NAP (c.f. social contract signed by none).

but there are no national borders, there is freedom of movement of person, goods and services,....

the concept of "foreigner" doesn't even exist in anapism, becaus there are no countries, no distinctions between a negro and a white man, between a muslim and a christian.

there exists only le individual, free from everything, rootless, free to choose and pick his creed, his race, his gender, the perfect homo economicus, deracinated, atomized supposed to be rational person who is free in every way and has no obligations, no bonds, no community, no external values, no social standards...

and then you wonder what's the difference from today's cancer.

>lol, just like, walk away bruh, it doesn't affect you.

point in case.

nice pic of capitalism at its peak

Ancap is basically normal capitalism that existed before USSR appeared and threatened to spark a proletarian revolution, so capitalists started to apply commie socialist measures to appease the working class, like limiting working hours, ban on sending employees to do dangerous job without any safety measures and forbidding to shoot them if they go on strike because you don't pay them.

bump because I'm bored

>implying that me owning a phone was a result of capitalism, not technological innovation

Man, abos sure are dumb.
