"Islamic" terrorists are Mi6 and CIA

ISIS, Alqaeda and others are all Mi6 and CIA ops.

ALL these terrorists are known - Nice, Berlin, Brussels, Orlando, Manchester, Westminster Bridge attackers were all known to "intelligence" agencies. This latest guy is Azizullah and was released from Bagram prison by the US.
The purpose is to consolidate power and increase budgets (money printing).

They also say we must have open boarders to make the reasoning permanent.

Stop believing the bullshit.

Its not Islam thats the problem, its our own governments.


If islam wouldn't be problem, nobody wouldn't give a shit about incoming migrants.

And yes, governments are problem too bad this isn't a one or another -issue.

*but this isn't a one or another -issue.

of course, you'd have to be brain dead to not see it

also, the earth is flat, no joke, look into it

That too, but it's more complicated.


Yeah all their intelligence is about sandniggering the planet except for Israel


>Its not Islam thats the problem, its our own governments.
Both are problems.

Like I say its not Islam. Its our governments response to immigration. ie, encouraging the weakening of our own culture. Its not Islam forcing us to weaken, its our own governments telling us to.

People give a shit about immigration mostly because of economics and benefits scrounging but also being racist and afraid of strange looking people and customs. Most anti-immigrant types in the UK are straight up racist football hooligans who are just painfully ignorant of the rest of the world.

(((They))) are using Islam to further the agenda since muslims are (((their))) primary enemy in Israel, so they are looking to export the "enemy" label to other nations. They brainwash some muslims and release them from their prisons or from their covert programs who then go on to commit terror attacks which we use to further the agenda. These are our guys, the wests guys.



>Osama Binladen trained by CIA
>Alqaeda formed by CIA
>Sadam Hussein put in power by CIA
>Muamar Gadaffi put in power by CIA
>Hafez al-Assad put in power by CIA
>Assembly of Experts of the Islamic Republic of Iran put in power by CIA

>ISIS is totally just some Arabs being crazy Arabs guys!

Anyone who doesn't already know this is bluepilled as fuck op.

yeah - theres alot of bluepilled people on pol apparently. Falling for the bullshit

Paki detected.

Islam is being used as weapon asgainst the people by our governments. Yes. But there's a reason they picked Islam, obviously.

Lie. Nobody is this stupid Ahmed.

Im white. Yes they picked Islam because its (((their))) enemy

SO who gangraped all of those little British girls?

Those images are from all around the world, too. The people who are stupid are the ones who fall for this shit.

Yeah - OUR OWN GOVERMENT rapes kids more than any othe group. Theres numerous pedophile rings associated with parliament. The Rotherham thing may have been muslims, but its our own government that allows is and fucking does it themselves.

They've swayed you attention onto muslims to get the attention off themselves and you fallen for it.

Key Tactics False Flag Operations / Government Sponsored Terror As exposed in films like Terror Storm, the majority of terrorism is in fact sponsored by governments in order to stampede their populations through fear towards a predetermined agenda. A key element of government sponsored terror is false flag operations where governments attack themselves and blame the attack on an enemy in order to stampede the population into war or social change that serves the agenda of the global elite. The attacks of September 11, 2001 and the London Bombings on 7/7/2005 are a couple of the most recent false flag operations.

Agent Provocateurs

Governments throughout history have a habit of hiring agent provocateurs in order to discredit legitimate protest. One example is where the US government hired the Black Bloc to destroy property at the Seattle 1999 WTO meeting protests. Another example is how the Quebec Provincial Police posed as anarchists intent on throwing rocks on the protesters at the 2007 SPP protest in Montebello, Quebec but were caught by protesters and ultimately admitted to by the Quebec police. No links provided - easy to look up for yourself - do it.

Incrementalism (i.e. Gradualism)

Incrementalism is a process whereby society is slowly engineered and our rights and freedoms are slowly eroded over time so that we don't notice it's happening and are led to believe change is necessary on only one item and this change is not related to other changes. In the short term the changes are almost imperceptible, but are nevertheless part of a long term campaign to gain control of us all. It is thus a strategy of coercion. This can be observed in every method of control listed and most visibly in education, religion and culture.

The terrorists are known in the sense they are on a massive list of people who have appeared on the radar for one reason or another. They are not known in the sense that they're considered terrorist masterminds or active jihad fighters. The majority of people on these lists never carry out an attack. There are literally tens of thousands of people in these databases so they have to prioritize surveillance to people that actually stand out from others. They can't legally arrest, never mind prosecute random Muslims for having fanatical Islamic opinions or for listening to some Musselman hate preacher or for being the cousin of an ISIS fighter. It's pretty neat these people actually are on the radar, but in practice it means little in stopping attacks because there are not enough resources to track them all actively.

Hegelian Dialectics (i.e. Problem/Reaction/Solution)
The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one. When the newly inflamed difficulty reaches the boiling point of a crisis, it becomes the foundation upon which arguments may again be made for change. Hence, the process is repeated, over and over, moving society toward whatever end the planners have in mind.

Shock / War
Used under circumstances when the public would otherwise object, shock events are used to overcome major hurdles. False flag events such as the Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are examples of shock events in action. Such events usually result in wars which are then used to make fundamental transformative changes to society.

Simply put they lie and lie some more. The real intents and objectives are hidden from the public and shrouded in secrecy. Bread and Circuses As the Roman elite recognized, in order to create a compliant population, it is important to keep them fat (bread) and happy/distracted (circuses) with copious entertainment so they don't do too much thinking. To this end, the television is the greatest method of distraction and mental manipulation ever created.

Dumbing Down of the Population
A well informed and educated population is the last thing they want as they prepare to bring the people through the greatest period of change in human history. To accomplish this they have systematically reduced the quality of education and have chemically reduced the IQ of the population by adding fluoride to the water and mercury to the vaccines.

They let the attacks happen because their intent is to create a war between the west and islam. They know exactly what they're doing, it's not stupidity, it's not leftism, it's outright kike malice designed to serve their interests. Greater Israel is the goal.

Im saying they are on the radar because they are being radicalised by the west. We radicalise them and send them off to do "as they want" which means a terror attack. But as you say many don't actually carry out attacks as the brainwashing didn't work on them but they are still on the list

OP, could you please make a thread telling us that the ocean is wet next?

On a more serious note, pointing out that ISIS is CIA / MI6 isn't going to stop the muslim hordes already in place in Europe though. They support ISIS regardless of who actually funds and trains them. They are very inspirational for mudslime copycats.


Keep blaming the west you cancerous piece of garbage.
There is no end in effort to deceive the non muslim population by the likes of you.

When the day comes i will carve the names of my children you want to run over with your trucks in your face with my diving knife.

Yes - I'm aware the topic is obvious but I am pandering to the nu/pol/ stormfags who are falling for the (((agenda)))

My intention is to get attention back to the source of the problem - our own governments. I dont believe the muslim hoards are supporting ISIS regardless of who funds them. I think they are here fo genuine socio-economic reasons. I'd do the same if I were in a shit tier country and I could just walk to a better on in western Europe and be given a house and income. Especially considering those wetern europe countries are part of a coalition bombing my home nation. It makes sense.

The west are the deceivers (obviously) and they are deceiving you into blaming the wrong people. It makes sense, right? thats exactly what they'd do , right?

>When the day comes i will carve the names of my children you want to run over with your trucks in your face with my diving knife.
This is a typical example of the brainwashed delusion you are under. Why do you think I want to run over your children? Jumping to such conclusions has go you into the mindset you are in today, which is a wrong one, and you just proved it yourself!

Why can't they be patricians like us and just fight meme wars?

Are they scared they can't hang?

Thanks for the info, Russian shill. I also greatly appreciate the link to the government sponsored news source you posted.

You realize being brainwashed by Russians is the same as being brainwashed by the west, right?

But that's simply not true. You should study the history of today's jihadist movements and how the ideology came about. The origins of today's Islamism go back to a backlash against Westernization of Muslim societies. That's why Iran and Egypt are full of hijabis now even though they weren't 50-70 or so years ago. A section of the Muslim population escapes into their Islamic delusions. Islam is a wounded beast, and the fanaticism is symptomatic of a kind of desperation and denial of reality among a lot of Muhammadans. They throw themselves into the delusion because they can't cope with reality and its accompanying cognitive dissonance in context with Islam. Islam is violent and hostile in its core of course so there really is no need for anyone to radicalize them from the outside. A percentage of them will delude themselves perfectly ably on their own in their search for meaning in Islamic utopianism. Self-delusion is especially easy today when they are accessing jihadi propaganda online 24/7. The fanatics don't even listen to any other media sources beyond the propaganda put out by terrorist groups.

>I dont believe the muslim hoards are supporting ISIS regardless of who funds them.
Well yes, you are entitle to your beliefs, but reality is something else. A lot of Muslims do support ISIS. Considering ISIS has had tens of thousands of foreign fighters in itself means the larger sympathizer base is in the millions. Beyond that, there is widespread support in Muslim countries for sharia and the killing of apostates etc. Many of those who reject ISIS support Nusra Front that is the al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, and those that reject Nusra support Ahrar ash-Sham which is a local jihadist coalition the aim of which is to bring Syria under Islamic law. When you get through all these Islamist factions, you end up with a rather small minority of Muslims that don't support any Islamist faction.

Do you have the one with mcmuffin?

Someone deleted it off my drive.

This false flag shit is just more Jewish tricks.

> "nu muh Islam isn't bad"
> "it's da gumming"

Fucking retarded.

Suprisingly, sometimes an inherently violent religion with inherently violent worshippers is responsible for violence.

Blaming western governments for committing the attacks and saying "Islam isn't the problem" means you fell for a great big Jewish lie

hunted that shit down, fuck whoever deleted my maymays

Go to sleep, user. You are very tired and need at least 7 hours sleep a night to remain healthy!!

The jewish trick is making you hate their enemys and bombing them for the jews! Stop falling for it.

im not Russian - Im British and im nt a shill - im being genuine s your incorrect accusations only lend weight to my argument

>study the history of today's jihadist movements
yes - they were created and funded by the CIA to fight against Russia in the 80s.

Alqaeda literally means "the database" (of fighters ready to go up agaist the Russians.)

Your whole talk is literally taken word for word from MSM news

>Are they scared they can't hang?
yes. How can the islams even compete?








>Your whole talk is literally taken word for word from MSM news
Laughable attempt at trying to refute what I stated when you clearly know next to nothing about the subject.

Your understanding is meme-tier as proven by
>they were created and funded by the CIA to fight against Russia in the 80s.
when I referred the history of the larger movement of which you have not even an elementary conception because you know nothing about it. You can only throw in that conspiratard chorus on AQ, which is the extent of conspiratard understanding of anything to do with AQ. I guarantee you know absolutely nothing about the ideological teaching that underpinned the Afghan jihad against the Soviets.

To put it bluntly, we both know you're completely ignorant about the topic, which in turn prompts the question who exactly you're trying to fool. You know you haven't read even one book to understand even some elementary stuff, and somehow you still manage to convince yourself you're in a position to explain The Truth. Humorous.

You don't understand realpolitik nor is your meme pic even accurate. You're just a brainlet believer in the omnipotence of the CIA, got it.

posting in the most retarded thread of the day



I think you've been influenced by the TV too strongly.
You didn't explain ANYTHING about the
>ideological teaching that underpinned the Afghan jihad against the Soviets.
so whos
>completely ignorant about the topic

Its acknowleged that the US funded Alqaeda.

Sorry the truth is so offensive to you, but your anger is just the cognitive dissonance conditioning breaking, so its a good thing.
