Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people!
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people!
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Color blindness = White supremacy?
Not sure what the Europeans line means
and Check
well I'm glade and in Georgia too
>color blindness
what? judging people by their character and not by their skin color is racist? I seriously don't understand.
Kek I was victim of the "punch a nazi rhetoric"
>will post story if you want
Cool thread OP
>Yeah im color blind. cant tell greens or reds
>Fetishizing of European identity
Don't have a national or racial history goy, and certainly don't be proud of your ancestors and try to imitate them and their ideals, go twerk instead and be a neo-nigger.
Fuck Obama and fuck niggers
Not accepting king nigger as your superior is racist.
Some might say that these fuckwards deserve endless torture.
you had to phrase it like that, didnt you?
nice political thread faggot
do it faggot
Technically, white supremacy can be disguised as literally anything; that's the point of a disguise.
>inna Commiefornia
>went to Starbucks with the fiancee
>I'm Guatemalan, she's French Canadian
>Tumblrite looking barista is wearing what looks like a #RESIST pin
>look at it while ordering to make sure
>sees me looking at it
>"Don't worry, I stand with you in these pressing times." she says while putting her clenched hand near her chest
I took every ounce of strength I had to not burst into treats.
I thought these people were a meme.
Not being racist=Racist
This shit just writes itself
>disguising yourself as a racist
>instead of being one
>Racism is no longer being in the KKK
>We have expanded the definition of racism to include pretty much anyone who doesn't think purely in emotional terms
Its hilarious how they wrote this leaflet which shows exactly what Sup Forums means when we say racism doesn't exist. Racism used to mean lynching niggers from a tree, now its anything from playground teasing to looking at a black girl wrong
>burst into treats
The rainbow flag without the brown and black stripe is now a hate symbol.
Suddenly so many people, from old hippies to last years LGBT activists, are in a possession of a hate symbol.
Well don't be a faggot you fucking homosexual. Post it.
>extreme patriotism
Jingoism, you stupid, illiterate fucks.
>burst into treats
Also, you have to go back
What is that picture from? That's the Asian guy from the webm where he's just trashing Africa to that guy's face, right?
There's literally nothing wrong with any of these
Nice shilling, David.
>none of the points has anything to do with race
>Colour blindness
They are no longer dressed in Klan Robes and Nazi uniforms
I guess David Duke putting his Klan organization 4 decades ago was a great idea!!!!
We must send harshly worded Yelp reviews to places that still fly the white supremacist rainbow
"White privilege" is a left wing conspiracy theory.
Color Blindness is prevalent in hunters.
It allows you to see animals more easily among forest brush and also one of the reasons it's much more common for men to have color blindness compared to women.
It's one of those things that goes along with milk for being racist.
They're envious
racism means
>The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
according to oxford dictionary
dust empire:
>the hand is fat
Of course.
Ok, now i would like to see one of those in the Sup Forums version.
>"White privilege" is a left wing conspiracy theory
no is just non-whites being jealous of white people and trying to make them feel guilt for their ancestors succes
So Hitler wasn't racist since he thought there were some good jews?
>Together, we are stronger.-Adolf Hitler, 1939
Can't we modify this some how to something better and re-post it ?
Far leftists would deny it and say it isn't due (mostly) to intentional conspiracy, but instead due to unconscious biases and societal hegemonic power structures causing systemic racism.
Even if all whites believed racism is evil, they will still be blamed.
Yes. To them, you have to acknowledge the struggles of the black man and not assume they are equal to whites (who benefit from "white privilege") or any other race.
I lived in apartment complex with 30% blacks. I had an old wireless router that did not work, but still broadcast a SSID just fine.
Lease up, time to move out. I rename router to broadcast: BLOOMINGTON KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN.
Plug it in and jamb it under a clothes dryer in the utility room.
>militarisation of the police
That's what anti-immigration advocates are trying to avoid
>Fetishizing of European identity
"hey son, what do you want for Christmas?"
Real talk; would you be a willing executioner of communists and progressives?
white privilege is a codeword for white genetic superiority
Progressives mean well, they think they are helping but are too stupid to see otherwise. Communists however, are literally just stupid and they know they're stupid. Also they aren't even human to executing them wouldn't mean much.
Communists are just statistics.
where is the webm where the nigger banters him back with the made in china ruler
> burst into treats
>being this new
I thought libtards loved police getting more power. Oh wait, that was only when Obama was in office and not when the police were being used to disrupt their riots, I mean peaceful protests.
Those who spend their days actively plotting to strip their fellow citizens of their rights and property for the mistake of having been more economically successful do not deserve to have those rights. Every time they lose me with the "Yeah man we're going to march down to Toorak and pull those rich bastards out of their mansions and let the poor live there", yeah right, fuck off you lower middle class shit you're wearing a $200 beret. Dunno if I'd be an executioner until after they tried a revolution and if the pay was all right, its been hard trying to get a civil service job, maybe its a good place to start.
That'd literally be a national news story if was true.
>Learn to identify racists
> fuck white people
>from Guatemala
>burst into treats
A... are you a pinata?
wtf I hate blind people now
>now it has too many colours
>black and brown stripes muddy the flag and make it look ugly as shit
>flag is now oddly proportioned
>each previous stripe is less significant because the two additional stripes have been forced into it
>the irony of this symbolism is completely lost on these libtard postmodernists
Im Irish and would unironically press charges.
Fuck you Jew.
color blindness, treating everybody equally regardless of race, is white supremacy in their view ?! these people truly are idiots.
If you judge them solely by their character, they can't get any free gibs based on their skin color.
>burst into treats.
Haven't heard this in years, thank you
Even her thumb is fat. You muricans are disgusting
>blue-haired dykes are apparently the authority on what is normal
As if I didn't fit the profile enough already.
>inb4 retards take "color blindness" literally and start attacking people with a disability
>burst into treats.
Those fingernails
do u think they can think that far ? i mean they dont even get that everything they do is fascist while they claim to fight it...
Go nuke yourself, America.
I mean it
>Acting like whatever eurostan country you are from is any better.
What they really mean is "White supremacy may be disguised as: all white people except me and my friends"
Mine was NIGGERNET and it worked. Racist ssid names are not news. You have never been on a wardrive, friendo.
Yep. "No, no, i'm not racist! See, i have this pin on my jacket lapel that is a rainbow in the shape of an equal sign!"
Weird how you don't have these leftists in the south side of Chicago where i was born, or Harlem. They seem to always gravitate towards thesafe, white parts of the country to berate whites.
The first thing that has to be done in the US is to purge the universities.
>Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people!
...Aaaaad fuck you.
Hey, learn how to identify racists!
>fuck white people!
Yup, that's a pretty good clue that the OP is a racist.
Do people even still wardrive? That's some of that 2004 shit
>WHY IS NOT WORKING?????????????
Are you a white supremacist? Take this simple test.
fuck i'll never be a pilot now
well, my code of silence for the last few years has been totally btfo
I see a joo.
Fuck you and fuck your little color test. Dick.
Believing in racial equality is now racist.
It's not enough to treat all people equally, you HAVE to admit that minorities are oppressed and deserve extra rights or you're automatically assigned to the same group as Nazis and KKK members. These political ideas are so corrupted from anything even resembling "social justice". These people are not pushing for equality, they're not trying to get people to agree with them. Antifa and their affiliates are creating violent situations because they want the spotlight.
Good, good.
not racist is the new racist
>racist white people
hypocrites asking for napalm
A thread should be made to extort that