G20 Germany - return of the moldlocks

The G20 meeting is on 07. and 08. July.
Our beloved and much respected friends, the moldlocks and Antifas act like apeshit already. They attacked railroads with fire and explosives. They are getting ready for more stupid action. What can we do against it? How can we help the police? I have tried to say a warm "hello moldlocks" from Sup Forums - but they delete it directly. They can't handle free speech if it is against their opinion. Let's raid the G20. Let's play the Clanton game on a bigger level - the worldmedia has a full focus on this event.

This is the central homebase where they coordinate the evil AntiFa actions:

The page is on Drupal6 cms. Be prepared - they hate you and delete everything immideatly. Expect counterattacks. Show them what Sup Forums is. Reeeeee, frogs. Unite. Show them your love.

Other urls found in this thread:


I have no idea who linksunten hasn't been shut down yet. It's hardly anything else than a place to coordinate left wing terror.


I don't understand why we let it online.

What's the message behind this animation/logo?
The yellow, red and black and Germany, but the blues and orange represent what/who?

>drupal 6
how the fuck have they not been cracked and defaced yet?

No theme as far as I can tell. It's bothering me.

Only seems to be a redirect exploit unless you have a privileged account. The exploit can be used to steal a privileged cookie tho...

"Since time immemorial, seafaring has been a symbol of trade, transformation and encounter. Sailors know the reef knot as a stable and elastic tie. The digital age and the globalised world are marked by increasing diversity and complexity, to which worries and hopes are attached."

The reef knot I get, it's the colours. Probaly just whatever the designer had on his presets

kinda shocked that there aren't worse exploits, especially against some of the modules. I was a drupal 6 dev in a past life and it was a total shitshow of christawful code. I guess everyone's too busy targeting wordpress

Correct. Drupal6 is like a swiss cheese. The server is running on Apache/2.4.10 (Debian).