How to fix the obesity problem

Should we deny fat people healthcare? Or should we put a fat tax on sodas and chips? Any other ideas on how we can fix the obesity epidemic?

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Forced reeducation camps.

You could start by having the FDA remove all kinds of shit companies are allowed to dump in food.

In 50 years people are going to look back in horror at what companies were allowed to put in food, the same way people look at those old videos of people spraying down kids with DDT to show how "safe" it was.

That would be too costly. We should work on preventing obesity by taxing unhealthy foods. If t doesn't prevent obesity at least the state gets more money to pay to take care of these fat useless fucks

Why? If they would be forced into physical labour, they would actually pay for themselves.

there already is tax on bad foods here in the uk, its done nothing.

people are not taught how to look after themselves, either by families or schools.

all schools should have free gyms for all students and they should be shown how to do an effective workout.

we could stop subsidizing corn and let the market correction do the same to the price of sugar as the tax would have

just seems more honest somehow

Remove corn syrup from food

Tax unhealthy food

yes that will solve everything


eat it
don't eat it
why subsidize it?

Why should skinny and healthy people be punished for the irresponsibility of fat fucking lard tub guts?



We've tried that and it inadvertently penalizes innocent people as well.
They [obese people] have an impulse control disorder, they cannot make rational choices in face of it and are not dissuaded by a tax as a rational person would. It's like a junky, they can't wait to get their next hit of food.
I have am of a healthy weight and low-healthy BMI and actually control myself whenever I engage in the consumption of so called "unhealthy foods".

I can buy a coke and drink one a day and manage to not exceed a caloric intake that would cause me to gain weight from its consumption. Actually, now that I think about it, fat people should just be put down instead making me pay more for the things I enjoy.

I like the idea of charging people extra if they fat. Over here they are a huge drain for the NHS, a tier type system where obese people have to pay a charge would be nice. I don't know if we can get retards to not eat shit.


Are fat*

The USA population is 75% overweight. There's nothing that can be done under a democratic regime.

My solution.

You seen hunger games (pun intended) or battle royal (weebo one). Well here is my spin on it

>For every point over your ideal BMI you get one ticket
>Every year there is a lottery to pick out who fights to the death or starve
>More tickets, more likely to get picked
>Have a 2 year grace period for people to get in shape

Solves the obesity problem in a decade.

>I can buy a coke and drink one a day and manage not to gain weight.

The number of people who don't understand this is awfully high.

I know, I took it from google pics and that was funny so I didn't rename, and you made me laugh for pointing out and now I wanna post it again.

If we can't fix the obesity problem we can still try to prevent it for the next generation of Americans by education them. If that doesn't work then we are fucked because obese people are eating up our tax dollars

Taxing things is first and foremost just a way of making the government more money to waste. Any proposed dissuasive effect is just an attempt to rationalise their money grabbing.

Just bring back fat shaming. So what if some of them more actively kill themselves? They're already doing it in a less direct way.

If it was based on BMI it would just turn into /fit/izens Vs hamplanets.

Which sounds amazing desu senpai.

They are slowly killing themselves and costing us tax payers a lot of money. If only obese people died quicker

>education is the answer!
It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to know that shoving McDonalds in your gob every day will make you fat. They know, they just do it anyway because it's their drug of choice.

This. People who are low iq will eat shit just for the quick good feeling that lasts a few moments, as opposed to long term health. Let them kill themselves just don't make me pay for it.

This opens up a deeper wound though. We've created a culture and society consumed by pleasure seeking with no higher order. As stupid as they are it's hard to blame them when they're told "do what makes you happy" by all around them, and further afield.

This would only work when they use the tax to actually fight the problem, and they don't do that. Philadelphia passed a "soda" tax that also nails some healthier products, and then doesn't use a single dime of that money to fight obesity.

>Or should we put a fat tax on sodas and chips?
>taxing healthy people too because obese retards can't control their eating

Obese people should be taxed directly proportionally to their body mass. BMI over 35 should taxed prohibitively, $1000000 per month. If fat doesn't pays his tax he is moved to fat reeducation camp on 1000 calories diet.

>We've created a culture and society consumed by pleasure seeking with no higher order.
It always been like that. Hell in the long run US happen because people were gluttonous fucks.

bring back fat shaming like they have in asia

just fucking exercise and dont eat like shit

im going to the gym soon myself, it isnt hard

make food more expensive. no more subsidies/tax breaks.

>make fast food more expensive. no more subsidies/tax breaks.

>I'm going to the gym soon myself, it isn't hard
That's what they all say.

If you are obese you are excluded from all forms of welfare.

If you van privately sustain your disgusting body then go for it, but there will be no staye support for you at all. Even when you die we'll just have your body reprocessed into animal feed.

>just fucking exercise
Meme mistake. One burger "standard" milkshake has more calories they can spend by daily exercise. Stop eating. This is real solution.

You aren't fixing it. Your solutions would be laughed out of the window. You want to fix this issue? You need war. End of story. Talking about taxing food and "forced labour camps" is ridiculous.

>punishing innocent people for sins of others
Spoken like a true European.

japan fines people for being overweight iirc. makes sense since they have socialized healthcare. no abusing the system.

>taxing food is ridiculous
We literally did it. Madmen.

They are being told consuming excess volumes of unhealthy food for the quick high give is "happiness". In the short term it is but most people know that living an unhealthy lifestyle decreases overall life happiness. A penalty system so you pay more if you have health related issues, is an idea. Not taxes though, cause that is penalising everyone for the acts of a fat few.

no really, I go almost daily (rest day every few days)

weights then some cardio, it isnt difficult and it makes you feel great

Nothing confuses me more than seeing fat people on welfare. You are consuming hundreds of dollars worth of food every day you worthless sack of fat kill yourself!!!!

>You need war.
Kek. Obese are unfit for military service. War kills best healthy men and leaves trash people.
>inb4 taxing food and "forced labour camps" during war

people that dont subsist on garbage processed food would be mostly unaffected.

Yeah, because thats going to fix the issue isn't it? If they want the food, they'll get it one way or another. They talked about introducing a sugar tax and that's barely done anything.

Put them in zoos. Give them all the food they want and have normal people pay to see them.
Fat fucks wouldn't mind as long as they get fed.

We correct their genomes.

Aka rich.

>Should we deny fat people healthcare?
no: just price most of them out of healthcare

>Or should we put a fat tax on sodas and chips?
no, that'd be socialist, and socialism is for hive insects

>Any other ideas on how we can fix the obesity epidemic?
offer them enough money to pay for healthcare if they accept to participate real cruel and savage games

Im fat (180, 5'6) and I wish the government would at first allow then force you to basically starve you in a shoah camp till you drop to a average BMI.

>le poor people cant eat healthy meme
sure thing ivan

>When someone says you're a dreamer---
>I can only answer, you idiot!
>If I weren't dreamer where would we be today?
>I've always believed in an end to obesity
>You said I was mad!
>You said that was utopian!

Change the EBT/Foodstamps.
Make a cheep flavorless nutrient kibble for humans. Give them just enough to have the minimum daily calories needed. EBT only buys flavorless kibble, if they don't ration it out over the month they starve.

Why even live?

force you after you become like that whiny subhuman fuck Boogie

Sort yourself out.
They'll be ready for military service, don't you worry about that. Train them up.

nutrition is the key

even if you go to the gym 7 days a week you cant eat like shit.

use myfitnesspal as a guide. stop eating sugar filled crap. meat is good. avoid soda.

Stop putting high fructose cornshit in food for one.

Gluttony? Execution.

Kek are we dogs now? I like the idea though


Im not a suicidal faggot who lives in a depressing HIV ridden shithole?

I actually enjoy life except for being fat.

SIMPLE: Tax it, like tobacco or anything else that's unhealthy. Look at elections, the only thing people care about is their Job and taxes. So you can only fix the problem with one of the two to be efficient.

>thinks government can fix all his issues


How about no socialized healthcare in general

You are weak in mind and body while also lacking discipline. Jkys

I could fuck you up nigger

They can. But they have less resources (money, time, living space) to do so than rich.

Educate people that filling your body with poison is bad for the long term.

Burgers need to be taught that apparently.

Too bad that is almost impossible to get passed in a lot of western countries.

Otherwise I'm completely for that, all we seem to be doing over here is paying for boomers, fats and muds.

>They'll be ready for military service,
Nope military doesn't need trash. And military during war has authority and can choose. So first it throws into meat grinder perfectly healthy white men in their prime age. When no more good people left only then military starts using trash.

Call it what you want.
Futurama called it Bachelor Chow.
It's a good concept though.

This would help in a sense. People would still get obese but no one else would have to pay for them.

>Education will save us.

They know it's not good for them but they continue to do it. They need to be punished.

Put America under a blockade like they did to North Korea

>I actually enjoy life except for being fat
Keep telling yourself that

i guess they could be hooked on cocaine, so.?.

Hop off that mobility scooter, leave your trailer park and go for a run you fat leech stop being a drain on society you do nothing but drag us down


Bring back the gulag

My entire point is there's no meaningful distinction between forms of "happiness", between fulfilment and pleasure so to speak. This is a deeper philosophical problem than fatties though, who can easily stop being a problem given that they're killing themselves already.

I didn't say it would. It was more an attempt to point out the ridiculousness of our situation.

What we're doing about fatties and smokers and the like is the equivalent of asking politely that someone stop shooting up but qualifying the request by reaffirming that it's entirely up to them and they should do what makes them happy. It's absurd.

Those are the people capitalism most needs, since they pay the most for healthcare. That guy is probably on couple of pills if nothing else.

Taxing fast food and junk food only creates bigger problems of poverty that will increase crime rates and homelessness due to fat cunts and dindu nuffin's.

The answer is to introduce STRICT methods of diet and fitness into early mainstream education systems from young ages as well as subsidizing healthier meals and food options.,

They are trying:
Hasn't happened yet. It's only for added sugar, not natural sugar, but not for sugar added during production, that isn't even mentioned on the product. It's also GMO that can hide things, which again won't be mentioned on product.


3 years hard labor at gulag!

what about obligatory conscription?

We don't
We should just let mother nature take care of us and give all the obese people heart attacks before they even get into their 40s

After some fatties die, because of their stupidity, rest of fat people would finally see that they have a choice between dying early or not living like a pig and being at least a little bit fit

Why should we care about fatties?
They contribute by paying for pensions they will never get, because they will die early
Are we a filthy socialist that we really need regulate something that mother nature can take care of if we just let her do the job?
Do you really think that people are so stupid that they need to be hand-holded through their entire life?
We should just let them make that mistake

>adding two disgusting things together
You unlocked total degeneracy. Don't give them ideas, since they will make such porn.

Tax is theft.

Retard ancap.
He didn't suggest taxation.
Nor are most people here.
Most are are suggesting the use of force.

The free market cannot solve obesity but labor camps and bullets can.

Surely the philosophical side could be amended by adding consequences (unhappiness) to the decisions people make. Such as fat shaming etc. This would add an element to the decisions people make and deincentivise them from making certain short term decisions.

Bringing back slut/fat/gay shaming could help bring down the problem.
If not then a financial punishment could help.

It won't get rid of the issue sure but alleviate the financial burden on society.

Tax always exists, either you get taxed by store, import/export or government. Can be both and even more like inflation.


Why not just invent a cheap synthethic food which has 0 calories, fat, addatives and stuff but it's been made to taste somewhat normal and make people feel full by stimulating the tastebuds or brain or chewing muscles.
So if someone has a eating disorder from stress and what not instead of opening a bag of chips they can eat a tube of this paste or make a sandwich out of it thus not allowing them to become fat but allow them to overeat if they have to.

>Should we deny fat people healthcare? Or should we put a fat tax on sodas and chips?

>he didn't suggest taxation
Here is his exact quote "Or should we put a fat tax on sodas and chips?" Fuckin retarded nazi, you worship an austrian, drug addicted manlet who killed himself while his country was being taken over, Hitler was thd ultimate cuck.