Thoughts on this guy?


Other urls found in this thread:

gay christian hater

Faggot who takes it in the ass regularly.

he kills zombies v well on the walking dead

Hes a cool guy that doesnt afraid of anything.

Don't care who he is
>Don't watch him
>Or the fat filter seller
>Or the blonde poof
>Or the short Jew
>Or the crazy looking guy

Fuck watching some diatribe. I want info, I read it. Fuck jewtube. Fuck "all-round" celebs.

I like him


LARPing fedora neckbeard, destined to face the wrath of The LORD.

Autism on legs, fucking hilarious to listen to him sperg about trivial shit on occasion though.

Pseudo intellectual like Karl Marx. Has a lot of thoughts and theories but actually have no idea how the world works.

not this thread again , neck yourself OP

I dunno, he exalts the old Gods and former stewards of European Identity. If he could be persuaded that time cannot go backwards he would be a formidable ally to Christianity, the current and only hope for a resurgent European Identity grounded in Reason.

Christianity was MADE European by Plato and Aristotle, Truth has many sources and if it is Truth it's endurance is it's credential.

A sad person, full of inferiority complexes and plagued by the unconscious need to make everyone else accept his rationalizations in order to hide them. Since he is never going to achieve this, because his own failure as a human being is self-evident, he's doomed to be depressed and isolated forever.

>hates on meds
Fuck him

>The was to defeat liberalism is to roleplay as if it's the year 721

How retarded do you have to be to believe that.

>he exalts the old Gods and former stewards of European Identity.
>hope for a resurgent European Identity grounded in Reason.
>Truth has many sources and if it is Truth it's endurance is it's credential.

How much more pretentious, pompous and vain can you get. I would like to smack you upside the head.

Property burning murderous punk nigger who is only white in appearance and a nigger-kike of mind.

>Don't do things.

stop having thoughts
start living like a real neanderthal
>tfw to dumb toe be redpilled on the cognitive jew

Role model, actually lives the life Sup Forums should be living; away from society.

he is a pro Venezuela gov shill

Based, Fuck christcucks

The true redpill. This guy is so woke he triggers everyone.
Seriously though Varg is a hero, I envy the family he has.

He never did idiot. Learn to take a joke.

>Role model, actually lives the life Sup Forums should be living; Role model, actually lives the life Sup Forums should be living; away from society.
>Whores himself on youtube for adsense money, which requires a camera, computer, electricity and internet access.
Pick one.

People actually take this cringelord as a rolemodel?

None of his videos have ads dickhead shill

You are allowed some luxury. Take advantage of it while it's still there.

Must be underage to take a 44 year old man who hasn't outgrown his edgy 20 year old phase.

>worship king jew or he will burn you forever when you die
>my god its totally all loving though

Great guy. Motivates me to improve myself and talks about interesting stuff.

I bet you work for a living then complain that you're being replaced by immigrants even though your tax money funds your own downfall.


No idea. Don't watch YouTube as I'm not a teenage faggot sucking on an oral fedora. Eat shit kiddo.

my name's Paul and I would love to meet you