>Be American traveling in Western Sweden on Business
>Use Tinder to check out local talent (30s-40s)
>Go on date with mid-40s Blonde with mid-20s Body
>She's retired emergency operator/police administration
>I talk about how nice Sweden is. She agrees - accept for the immigrant problem
>Proceed to have huge whitepill conversation with based Swedebird
>Asks me if I have ever been mugged at home. Show my conceal carry card. She's appreciative - not scared.
>Sweden was once near utopia. Rapefugees ruining it. Her words: it's too late.
Based Swedish Woman
Other urls found in this thread:
* except.
No accepting the shitskins.
>it's too late.
what did she mean by that
where are you getting at with it?
Did you fuck her? What did her pussy smell like?
So did you fuck her?
this faggot beat me to it god damn it
Well, my sweetest little sister, the faggot hag meant to say that she want's to be "nice" and because of it, their country should rather burn to the ground than be saved from rapefugees.
>defeatism is "redpilled"
Ligonberries - not pickeled herring, thankfully.
I'm not a faggot :(
mid 20s body / mid 60s face
Are they ballistically similar to grapes?
She believes the country/influx of mudslimes is over the tipping point.
Having been a "112" operator for years, she saw firsthand the creeping rise of violent crime.
i meant that purely in the ironic sense
>this faggot was faster than me
>says women in hindsight after voting Socialist her entire adult life.
demo-socialism can only work in high iq mono-ethnic population
I like your blog.Where do I subscribe?
Lingonberries are closer to cranberries than anything else in my opinion
>Her words: it's too late
sounds awfully similar to the propaganda your traitors are feeding you
Funny - was just in Budapest over the weekend. Based people with a razor wire border wall and a big fuck you to Merkel. I'd rather read your blog - you people are getting it done.
Be nice if more chicks' pussies smelled like berries
Did you eat her konkelbär?
Budapest contains 90% of the SJW/cuck/commie population
This is nice to hear if someone who sounds rather average and not political like her is redpilled on the rapefugee question. Carry on, lad!
No, that's yucky.
people in western europe that work in the police tend to be redpilled. i knew a few german police officers and they hated rapefugees/non-europeans in germany with a passion. its because they see first hand who is commiting all the crime.
>Budapest contains 90% of the SJW/cuck/commie population
>SJW/cuck/commie in Hungary
So all 12 of them, user?
yeah the pussy stank but the sex was great
She went from one night quickie to wife material in one sentence.
What an important thread you just made.
Suck a brown dick.
You know that shit is just plain laughable when you have far more brown people in far worse ghettos in your own country, right?
Not an argument, considering the U.S. is 1000 times larger than your toilet bowl of a nation and was never ethnically homogeneous to begin with, ever.
Try again.
I was talking per capita, dumbass. And failing to deal with your situation for centuries isn't something that gives you props.
>moving the goalposts when you get shrekt
Are you sure you aren't a heeb?
Feel free to explain what goalposts I moved.
use your limited imagination, im going to bed
make sure you get your morning prayers in, abdul
You're right bruh, I can't even begin to imagine what fictional goalposts you think I moved. Off you go.
>Tinder is degenerate, mkay.
She might as well date rapefugees.
Because you're too busy trying to make invaders feel welcome in your country.
Realize for a moment that you would be treated like dogshit in their country, for no more reason than not being a mudslime.
Yet Swedes ignore this reality or are simply ignorant of it completely. Worse, some know it and think being the bigger person is going to win them some valor recognition by their fellow swedes.
Your country is lost. You'll be living in a metal freight container soon, while habibi and his 10 kids take your house for their own, you sad sack of shit.
Whom are you quoting?
My common sense.
wow sure is 14 year old retards in here tonight.
>t. 56% white
That's not how greentexting works, lurk moar
Fite me irl I just drank 9 cocanes
>was never ethnically homogeneous to begin with, ever
big foot?
Our country's debate is about how many legal refugees and immigrants we should take. You have a similar debate on whether you should accept ILLEGAL immigrants or not, that's just sad.
>mfw OP is a Nigger
Cute. Got any nudes of her?
>I don't care about your silly internet rules
If it bothers you just close your eyes and don't read my comment nigger
Sorry senpai will not share
I hate you
Eh he's exaggerating, but we do have a lot of leftists and nonvoters here, it's true.
>Use Tinder
>expecting anything but a massive roastie whore
Get the fuck out of this board, degenerate.
Maybe your Chernobyl irradiated ones are.
>Her words: it's too late.
It's never too late. Deportation can solve everything.
When in Finland, I just hit the local Irish pub. Finnish girls get just a tiny amount of alcohol in them and they go from quiet wallflowers to shameless cum-guzzling sluts. Good times!
Which is why I steer clear of bars too.
And they always complain about Finnish men having tiny dicks when they suck your proper European cock. Must be the Asian genes kek.
>it's too late
Solang ein Tropfen Blut noch glüht,
noch eine Faust den Degen zieht,
und noch ein Arm die Büchse spannt,
betritt kein Feind hier deinen Strand!
>fucking women over 30
Wow, can America sink any lower