Irresponsibility is not an inherent trait of Africans. Although very primitive, their original forms of society and civilization were as functional as the next. They are human, and should be respected as such. We also benefit from encouraging that. Racialism needs to be a SOLUTION, not a problem. Neo nazism is a political platform of peace. If we can understand how to lead them, they will follow us, and can be our friends. Africans understand honor, family, commitment. They can learn shame and remorse. They can be reasoned with. They understand kindness. There is really only ONE race that seems to be devoid of that humanity. One race that will solicit your compassion, then stab you from behind, and genuinely not see anything wrong with that. There is only ONE race that currently is an existential threat to the future of human civilization. We can live with Africans. We can share with them. We can teach them. We can come to trust and respect them.
Irresponsibility is not an inherent trait of Africans. Although very primitive...
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I agree OP, I also consider myself a peaceful racialist myself. However, we cannot lead them by example if we eliminate the glass ceiling in key leadership positions in big companies, governments, sciences, education and organizations. This much must be established, but it's sad that affirmative action programs are working against this. NASA is already going to shit so much because of the SJW bullshit that Elon Musk will surpass their levels in few decades.
you worthless civic nationalist faggots need to go
>civic nationalism
What does that even mean? That we should waste our time and energy fighting with people who could be assets and allies to our cause?
>our cause
Go back to plebbit, you have no idea what you're talking about.
He might be a civic nationalist faggot but he does have a small point. Once the jews lost their influence their will be significantly less hostility between races and it will be easier to have a mutually agreed upon separation. So always remember the real enemy.
Our cause is white racialism. You're the one who needs to go back to lebbit
civic nationalists are the next worse thing, right after leftists
>blacks and mexicans are OK
>not all muslims
>jews can be good people too
They're the kind of "right wingers" that years of indoctrination have created
>Irresponsibility is not an inherent trait of Africans.
yes it is
Order of operations, you can deal with one problem after you take care of the more pressing one.
I think you don't know what that word means
the sad thing about africa is people like in ur pic get instantly bred out by dumb idiots
guy needs to have as many kids as he can
Unironically, this black man is based.
This guy seems OK.
>calls him a civic nationalist
>yet he is talking on ethnic and racial lines
Obviously isn't civic nationalist.
You're not very bright if you don't know the definitions of the words you are using.
>Africans understand honor,family, commitment
No they do not, they eat their own they kill their own, in america they are 80% + on welfare and do nothing but spend irresponsibly. Understand family? You have got to be joking. More than 70% of black households are single parent households.
That they should shut the fuck up and follow i agree with, follow to africa.
Yeah no. It's more like the kike media tells niggers that whites are the problem. Meanwhile niggers are committing crimes against whites. Your gay little image clearly implies dey dindu nuffin. Kill yourself nigger
>decent thread exposing jewish tricks
>White supremacist anons just want to repeat jewish propganda they were thought because "they're black people"
>Still can't figure out how to break the jewish trick
White people are so sensitive.
yes it is no they're not fuck off
Without the welfare state, this wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem. It truly does bring out the worst in everyone and seems to be an inevitable consequence of any government's existence.
Welfare state is an issue, having some welfare for people in need is still necessary in my opinion but the inclusion should be strict.
Even then, these r merican stats ofc but how many whites and blacks are in america? Ameria is 56 something % white but you have to think that the other 44% is not just blacks but latinos, sand niggers and so on. And yet what percentage of welfare applicants or people receiving welfare are black?
Even though welfare state is an issue, within it blacks are the biggest issue.
The reason i mentioned this is because somehow OP believes africans know the concept of honor and social contract, let alone family and commitment. The only niggers that know any of those are tribals.
The fact remains that welfare encourages irresponsibility. It cannot be allowed to continue. If feeding the poor is your concern, then work with charities. Otherwise, do not force people to
pay for something so economically unsustainable.