Syria General /sg/ - Close Combat Edition

Everything you need to know

>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Raqqa CS Jun 17
>Mosul Jun 17
>Dara'a Jun 14
>Palmyra Jun 14
>E Ghouta Jun 14
>DeZ Jun 10
>N Syria/Iraq Jun 10
>S Syria/Iraq Jun 10

Developments Jun 20
ISF closes in on ISIS in Old Mosul, claims 300 ISIS killed
>SAA liberate Tall Raynabah and Bir Qassab in E Damascus CS
>US F-15 shoots down Iranian drone near al-Tanf
>Syrian Army launches offensive in Jobar, heavy shelling begins
>Tiger Forces liberate 18 villages in Raqqa CS
Russia vows to shoot down all flying objects over Syria, sends warning to USA
>SAA advances up Ithriya-Tabqa Highway, aims to link with Tigers
>Tiger Forces liberate Resafa
>Russia holds rocket testing drills off Syrian coast, Iran & China hold drills in Strait of Hormuz
>Iranian Revolutionary Guard says it launches missile strikes in eastern Syria over IS-claimed attacks in Tehran.
US-led Coalition shot down a SyAF fighter jet (SU-22) south of Tabqa city
>SAA controls Iraqi border all the way to DeZ province
>SAA blitzes ISIS in Syrian Desert, reach DeZ prov, cut al-Qaim-Sukhnah Road
>Raqqa: US casualties piling up to 26, extensive use of SOFs


Other urls found in this thread:!O_oPvq1BAAGjlEMAABYtVQACBupCAAHNqw-A&trackingCode=aaqpn5la&cid=WSJ_SCH_GOO_ACQ_NA

First for ISF eliminating ISIS

Inshallah ASSad WILL lose.
Inshallah IRAN WILL lose.
Inshallah HEZ WILL lose.
Inshallah /SG/ WILL lose.

>heading to bed now
>I get to sleep comfy knowing I cucked Schlomo out of fp before fucking off

Third for the people of Raqqa, caught between ISIS and commie Kurds

Seventh for SDF gainz today

now I am become bread, creator of worlds.

Republicans are still winning and Assad is still cucked by Trump. :) feels good man


(NOT checked)
Fuck off kikes
YA SOURIA @Terror_Monitor

>#IslamicState Releases Pictures Showing Clashes With #Houthi Fighters In #AlBayda. #TerrorMonitor

Pics are unimportant shit, but it seems that ISIS caliphate does not want to fight Saudis to control and take their territory but instead goes around Saud army, Souds let them pass through and then ISIS fights Houthis who oppose Sauds....

Really activates my almonds.

Now you can rest in peace....

>The united states armed forces has five military bases inside of Syria
>yes F I V E
>Unironically believing Assad has a chance in winning this war

laugh out loud

b-but muh ophthalmologist

I thought you learned from Al Bab, Eroachgan?

Ass*dists are cucked beyond all recognition

>unironically believing JewSA won't break it into a civil war in 4-8 years


Do not reply to Je*sh bots

*Getting angry at Syria rejecting pipeline deal*
*Organizing Arab spring to create puppet states*
*Opposition gets infiltrated and absorbed by jihadists*
*Fund ISIS so you have excuse for being on Syrian soil*
*Fund terrorists that want to seccede from Syria*
*Russia steps in... Oh shit!*
*Reject a president of a country with a 85% support aproval, dissrespecting it's citizens*
*Funding Al qaeda and overlooking crimes against christians and non-sunni muslims*
*Bomb a country because your daughter cries*

>Has another coup

Estrogan is a Zionist cuck

Don't give them (you)s lad.
Let's have a comfy day instead of engaging in a shill war.

>implying Estrogan didn't false flag the coup to bring down his political opponents

what is al-ameriki wants to keep the meatgrinder up in the Middle East because he knows that in a while the bodies will turn into more oil?

xth for it was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed. With the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history.

>muh shills
You're the only thing out of place on this board, you're so antitrump that you would fit in better on leftypol. Maybe you should go there?

>Ever since Abdulaziz died in 1953 Saudi Arabia has been ruled by his sons from brother to brother to brother for 64 years
>When Salman dies a grandson of Abdulaziz will be king for the first time

He was literally born in the 1985.
Do you think he'll moderate or alter Saudi foreign policy in any way?

All I've heard about him is that he has a billion dollar boat but he wants to lax internet censorship to make the country more modern which sounds quite promising.


Valid. Time for happenings, Roach, get /comfy/


Ali Hamdan

>Video shows seconds after the launching of a missile from hmymim air base
Kaliber ?

r*ddit told me he is definitely progressive for a saudi, but also that he is ambitious and is likely to start shit

Mohammed bin Salman is already in charge of Saudi Arabia and he is already destroying it from the inside. He is a dumb millennial who has no idea what he is doing, the disaster in Yemen is his fault, all the dumb economic reforms are his doing, and the whole Saudi/Qatar split is probably a result of his decisions too.

>He also holds the post of defence minister more than two years into a Saudi-led military intervention in neighbouring Yemen.
>As defence minister, the prince supervises the Saudi-led coalition’s operations in support of the Yemeni government against Al Houthi rebels who took over the capital Sana’a in a coup in 2014.

> the prince works 16-hour days and draws inspiration from the writings of wartime British prime minister Winston Churchill and Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”.

>“He has a reputation for being aggressive and ambitious,”

Doesn't sound good for Yemen

Iran's stance on this?

Ah lakkim alat

oh fuck
King Joffrey in Saudi Arabia is the last thing we need.

House Hashimid returns to mecca and medina when?

I think they more or less counted on it

He said earlier today he wanted to bring the conflict to Iran instead of in Saudi and that he didn't see any sign of it settling

New Saudi prince looks like a typical millenial pushover compared to serious looks of old Prince, age probably has something to do with my judgments but really look at him.

>Ah lakkim alat

thts a bad pic, he looks like a bad guy

red-pilling is gonna be easy

The Spectator Index @spectatorindex

IRAN: State media calls appointment of Muhammed Bin Salman as crown prince a 'soft coup'

i like him

but he has time. in 30 years he can still be strong and sound of body and mind, and a very, very experienced politician

Here is the exact quote:

>In remarks aired on Saudi TV in May, Mohammed bin Salman framed the tensions with Iran in sectarian terms and said it is Iran's goal "to control the Islamic world" and to spread its Shia doctrine.

>He also vowed to take "the battle" to Iran.

>Iran begins less subtle relationship with Shia populations in region
>Prince decides to shitpost irl
Expanded Gult conflict when

So the British most favourite prince got replaced
>Mohamed bin knive

>Mohammed bin Nayef was not believed to have played a significant role in Saudi and UAE-led efforts to isolate Qatar for its alleged support of Islamist groups and ties with Iran.

Doubt it

Cheers, user(s)

Mainstream newspapre Wall Street Journal just published article about how Israel has been giving aid to rebels
>Israel Gives Secret Aid to Syrian Rebels

>Good Zero Hedge article about the whole thing
>tl;dr: Israel has been providing Syrian rebels with cash and supplies in a secret
engagement to carve out a friendly buffer zone.

Do you have a paid user with wsj? If so could you pastebin the first article

now for them to admit ISIS support


>Mohammed bin Salman framed the tensions with Iran in sectarian terms and said it is Iran's goal "to control the Islamic world" and to spread its Shia doctrine.

He is just another hack.

Nope, but the Zero Hedge article describes it. I'm trying to get someone to lend me access.

Anyone here have access to WSJ?

Good read about evil Iran by the way

>64 Years Later, CIA Finally Releases Details of Iranian Coup

>New documents reveal how the CIA attempted to call off the failing coup — only to be salvaged at the last minute by an insubordinate spy.

One Euro:!O_oPvq1BAAGjlEMAABYtVQACBupCAAHNqw-A&trackingCode=aaqpn5la&cid=WSJ_SCH_GOO_ACQ_NA

Al-Masdar News


>Turkish troops arrive at northern #Aleppo to fight Kurds #Syria #Turkey

It looks lie Assad and Russia gave some greenlight for Turkey, about damn time.

Within Syria @WithinSyriaBlog

>SDF gave #Turkey the dream chance to launch an all-in attack on YPG in #Afrin ,and so far it looks like Turkey will take this chance

Few sources say the same, so it's most likely confirmed.

Fucking finally.

Trading out Kurds for Erdogan approved (((moderates))) isn't exactly ideal.

At least we will get to the US sperg out

I'm not gonna give them money

Surprisingly enough:

>PM rejects WSJ report Israel gives financial aid to Syrian rebels
>‘We do not interfere in this terrible conflict,’ says Netanyahu; only humanitarian assistance provided

>afrin kurds
doubt this is a russian move, way to stupid & naive
this is going to come back to bite them in the ass big time

Will be interesting to see how it pans out, pham

K*rd genocide soon

If they push Afrin kurds and succeed, it might be pretty bad, as roach FSA might join forces with Idlib and zerg Aleppo again

Here we go

I don't understand how (((they))) pretend to win a war that is fought on the field in Syria, by pathetically shilling on a Filipino cartoons image board.

Don't forget to wear your pussy hat when the Su-34s starts bombing you.

Whats your reaction when your rival in EU4 gets a 0/0/0 ruler?

The'Nimr'Tiger @Souria4Syrians

>Breaking: Syrian Army liberated driving school in Ayn Tarma valley, #Damascus #Jobar #Ghouta


kek 10/10

The US plane which shot down the Syrian Su-22 over Raqqa province yesterday was a carrier-based F/A-18.

That means the American plane took off from a carrier (George HW Bush), flew over all of Russia's radar and missile sites in western Syria, shot down the Syrian Su-22 in Raqqa, and then flew right back over all the Russian anti-air sites.

Some most recent Mosul combat fotagges:

afrin theme music

Whats worse:
>SDF presence between Turkey and Aleppo
>SVBIED/Human fire crackers zerg rush of Aleppo CS

Any sources on that? That's not how it was reported yesterday

Map of Gainz

He's clearly baiting.


1 is good because it prevents 2. In ideal world roach king should march on Manbij or Kobani instead.

>"""moderates""" take afrin
>immediately zergs into aleppo
>tigers leave raqqa to push them back
>siege of nubl and zahraa 2.0

Fucking jews. It was pretty much confirmed but its nice that a MSM newspaper publishes it.

Does the enemy territory only consist of driving schools, youth housing and oil fields?


This, its not optimal for SAA if SDF gets BTFO by Eternal Roach
>Still have Manbij/Kobani
>Still take Raqqa
>SAA face muh misunderstood FSA


Unless Russia is planning to scare them and make them to hand some land to Assad.

Come to think it will give Big Roach a perfect landmass to annex for himself. Parts of Idlib, Afrin and Al-bab.

Kek, Enrique de Trastamara/10

Russian Su-27 warns off NATO F-16 trying to approach defense minister's plane over Baltic.

What did they mean by this ?

i'm having reports that russia decide to withdraw from afrin

Sawse, pls

House Saud will not be able to afford the coring costs in Yemen anymore.

I hope Turks pillage and raze kurdish villages, that will make Kurds reconsider their Saudy and US alliance backstabbing Syria.

Don't Yemenis have increased coring cost? Or is it only Berbers?

>backstabbing Syria
Syria backstabbed Kurds


Turds are brown and smelly
Kurds are brown and smelly
Kurds are Turds