Anal Only Lifestyle is any man's best choice for freedom and sexual satisfaction.
Tighter hole and no kids- why haven't you evolved yet?
Anal Only Lifestyle is any man's best choice for freedom and sexual satisfaction.
Tighter hole and no kids- why haven't you evolved yet?
t: juden
t. Bill Nye
Best choice for aids
Now I have a new forum to troll and expose the jews on.
>muh Jews are the reason the West is degenerate
Jews don't cause degeneracy- they simply profit from it.
Sage all leafs
AIDS is a non issue these days. It's worse to get chicken pox.
This is peak degeneracy
Everything is degenerate until it is mainstream.
Remember when "only pornstars sucked dick." Now, every date usually ends with a blowjob- hell, some even start with it.
Be on the right side of history, friend.
There's a reason no one takes leafs seriously anymore.
OP is a faggot who ia trying to aubliminally stop whites reproduvibg vy saying avoid pregnancy and etc
Welk if your SHOTE then go our deinkig alcohol get drubk with WHITE wom3b anf just ahag aroun....have as many kida as you can wih them....the bigger the family the better..... the more kids ...and the bigger the more creative your famiky will be because more members.
I don't think that OP is saying to avoid pregnancy so much as he is saying that men should focus on their goals and desires.
I just... I don't understand what people's fascination with anal sex is. Even if it is tighter, maybe it's the most amazing feeling thing in the world... but it's where the poop comes from. If that's not enough to detract you from it then you are absolutely disgusting and degenerate.
Anal is disgusting
How does this make sense leaf if they don't cause it how do they profit from it?
I don't want poop in my urethra
>if they don't cause it how do they profit from it?
>people increasingly like bananas
>capitalists invest in banana production
>capitalists profit from increased demand for bananas
Exactly. Even "straight" people who engage in anal sex are fucking sick fucks who should be dragged out back and shot.
> poop on mah dick
You don't fuck her when she's about to take a shit.
>Straight people should reproduce like rabbits so that (((capitalism))) has a steady supply of workers.
There's still going to be trace amounts of fecal coliform bacteria there which is the very essence of poop.
It's sodomy user, it'll be degenerate forever
Canadians should all be sterilized.
And swedes too.
There is literally no way to stick your dick in somebodies ass without your dick being covered in shit, even if it's trace amounts. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's there.
>there will always be poop in anal sex
There is also ALWAYS poop on your toothbrush- but you stick that in your mouth like a blowjob. Might as well bust a nut touching poop.
Implying that poop is bad. Poop is IN YOU ALL THE TIME!
at least hide your leaf you shameless faggot
Do you surmise that the trace amounts of fecal coliform that settle around your house.. do you surmise that they are more or less than the amounts directly in your asshole? The fact that i even need to ask you this is fucking pathetic.
Pajeet spotted
Anal is disgusting and not worth the tightness from my experience, now go give your dog a blowjob
>implying poop is bad
Try opening a book. Poop is part of us.
Sorry faggot but you're wrong. You can try all the mental gymnastics you want but you're still a degenerate faggot. I'm not even personally against homosexuality and I get a lot of crap for it around here, but anal sex is what is disgusting and degenerate.
So is zit juice... can i pop mine on your dick?
Careful I could imagine this degenerate faggot begging for it.
Here, have some au natural lube.
Nobody wants overpopulation, after day of the rope I could see myself trying anal only lifestyle.
Then there we be another day of the rope just for you.
Why did I clicked that, now I need to get my snack from keyboard. It's disgusting, disgusting like anal
Put your toothbrush away instead of sitting next to the toilet.
Anal sex is preferred by men with smaller than average penises
Then more reason to create it
sodomites should be publicly flogged
>Anal sex is preferred by men with smaller than average penises
Got a source for that, jewboy? Of course you dont kek
agreed. my gf doesnt mind anal and usually asks for it when she's drunk, but it just doesn't really do it for me unless im super horny or drunk. maybe it's the poop thing i dunno but i just prefer vaginal or oral.
Are you telling me I would get roped for telling wife that we anal only lifestyle now?
You I want to hang myself.
You would get roped for anal sex because it's disgusting and degenerate.
This isn't politics
Why is it always fucking leafs making slide threads?
Remember to sage this shit
Your gf is a disgusting degenerate who prob sucks nigger dicks all day when you're gone.
>avoid pregnancy; white people are getting out numbered.
/pol is nothing accept BS.
I'd take oral over anal any and every day. But it's the same here, when she's drunk.
My cock is so thick that no girl wanted to do it with me in that way...
If my GF asked for anal sex she would get the beats. Hard.
>letting your woman imbibe the liquid jew
I'm all for it, mainly cuz it's the only hole I have, but I'm just terrified of either physical damage, or worse, it getting uhh.. messy
american education
Enjoy your increased chances of yeast infections from feces going down your peehole, other STDs, anal leakage, prolapsed assholes, anal fissures, and overall a destroyed butthole. Its an exit not an entrance, the asshole lining is paper thin for Christ sake. Nothing is supposed to go in there, male or female. Why won't fags and libtards accept that?
>penis shaming
Nice feminist tactics
>If my GF asked for anal sex she would get the beats. Hard.
If my gf asked for anal sex I'd ram it in with no lube, doubt she'd ask a 2nd time
(((Says you)))
But they poop from there.
>Anal Only
>yo cock will smell like shit and yo gf will have leaky ass.
Sodomy is degenerate for a good reason.
>t. chris Ryan phd
Faggot shill
>avoid pregnancy.
sage. every european man should have at least 5 kids in his lifetime
>all these dirty mustachioed spics ITT
>muh pussy *smack lips*
Fucking disgusting
I kinda miss the canadian shitposts, it seems most of the posters hide themselves with the poo and the jews now
>he doesn't have separate rooms for toilets
canada is third world
anal sex is prefered by women wih femininer than average penises