Who fucking did this?
Which one of you anti semitic bastards did this? Fucking sick.
Who fucking did this?
Other urls found in this thread:
At least the UK knows how to handle anti semites
>clicking out of my inbox
He finally met an argument he can't counter
Damn it America...
look at all the good goys
Dog bless
Keked and checked
This exchange is beautiful
Not tired of winning yet
How long untill mum bans the bongs from 4 chin?
1/100 of trumps multi million dollar business' bankrupted
how can you even look the rest of the world in the eye?
Brutal, give the guy a break. He just lost the Congressional race in Georgia. Give him time to heal.
>Oh but your gonna
Who was the piece of shit who did this?
what th
actually 4/500+ multi million dollar businesses but he no gud rite?
>reppoorrpp repooorrtt popopo polliice
>harun abdulrazak
Wtf I love Muslims now!
in all seriousness it must suck to be born jewish and get these messages all the time if you decide to be a public personality
>literally 4 bankruptcies out of 250 successful business ventures
>h-he's a cheeto hehe
Liberals are brain dead.
That response, when not a single threat was given. Thank God the scouts legalized hate speech
This extreme kind of messages do not help, but pointing out that he supports a jewish ethnostate while denying it for us is a discussion worth having.
But I suppose that he received hundreds of mails from people who pointed this out in a civilised manner, yet he consciously chose to pick the extreme one to discredit this line of argumentation.
He IS therefore our enemy, he works on destroying us.
Doesn't matter if he agrees with us on feminism and Marxism, he still wants to "brown" our nations.
If we get control over our governments again some day we should never forget what he really stands for and treat him as such.
If that's a threat, I've been threatened like thousands times on this site alone. Am I oppressed?
Who the fuck gets up at 5:50 just to send well wishings to jews?
>i wish we had freedom
>but i also really want to punish this guy for words
rly meks u finc
I'm listening to him right now.
The Jew in question.
He's with Ann Coulter on immigration, dude.
>harun abdulrazak
We would've used a german name ffs
He is not, he wrote himself that he doesn't give a crap about the "browning" of the US (just a few days ago), yet he wrote pieces calling for ethnic cleansing of Israel occupied territories from Arabs.
I've already seen a few pieces by jews calling now to reduce the immigration, but these pieces still always end with we need to continue to get the masses closer to the views of the elite on immigration because we will always need indefinite immigration.
So basically they are just calling to slow it down because it's to fast, but they are not letting go of their end goal to destroy us.
I will not forget this.
It's even better though, it completely shits over "i don't care about the browning of america" narrative. If he LARPed as Hans Hitlerberg he would just paraded it to prove his point
while the virtue signaling idiots think that I would guess he put it out there because it was funny. I would but then I am a jew who make holocaust jokes.
As an American with my freedom of speech in hand I say... I hope all Jews, Muslims, Faggots, and Cucks get gassed ASAP.
How can you read something like that and not just laugh?
>Hans Langschlange
You'll know it's me next time.
This seems to happen to him a lot. Poor Ben just can't catch a break.
>One example, Shapiro told me, jumped out at him: a kid he met at one of his college speaking events who introduced himself as a Trump supporter. “We do the event, and after the event, as he’s walking away, I make a joke about how the Trump supporters are constantly mocking me about being short and all this stuff. And he turns to me and says, ‘Another Shoah,’ which is one of their online things. He grins at me like it’s fine to say this sort of thing.”
imagine the amount of retards in US that don't have a clue what free speech even means ...
good thing there's a second amendment so you can drop some lead in their head when they decide to go too far because of this ignorance
damn, i'm so fucking jealous of burgers
>threats like that are against the law.
No threats were made.
Probably a jew
you are welcome here anytime user
>it must suck to be born Jewish
We need more people like you Ivan.
one day ... one day ...