Muslim brotherhood

>Muslim brotherhood


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Bait raid thread
OP is just a dumb styrofoam begging for replies

>neo-Ottomans wanting a united and strong Balkan state

Why would they?
Its better to have more division. Bulgaria should become Thrace and Moesia, Romania should be Wallachia and Transylvania, Serbia should let Vojvodina go as a separate state, etc.

A lot of small, delicious states for the hungry sultan.

Turkey supports mini-Turks: Albanians

Albanians are loyal mini-Turks like Serbs are mini-Russians

Albania is a USA military base, and as absurd as this is to write down, Albania is more secular than Turkey at the moment.
Kosovars may have some jihadi fucks, but Albania is mostly culturally muslim, and politically secular. They aren't mini-turks in the slightest, you mini-bulgar.

turkey even has military bases in albania you retard

Its an albanian base that the turks helped rebuild as part of some NATO initiative, not a turkish base.

>Albania is mostly culturally muslim
Yeah, right

>we totally have zero islamic culture
*tips bunker hat*

looks like the roaches support their real brothers