Is Merkel a Jewish plant to ruin Germany as another form of retribution for the Holocaust? She's willingly subverting the German identity for (((her))) own gain.
Is Merkel a Jewish plant to ruin Germany as another form of retribution for the Holocaust...
Merkel is a decent leader.
fuck off.
How is she ruining Germany? She built up the economy here strong and stable as never before. Or are you one of those who think the one million refugees, which are 0,2% of our population, are going to ruin this country? Sure thing.
Welcome, summerfag. I think you'll like it here
Just promulgating the filth of the german people. Destroying and subverting the rest of Europe for their own gain. Fuck them
Albert Speer, Hitler's Armaments Minister, described how Hitler expressed approval of Islam, saying that Hitler had been particularly impressed by what he had heard from a delegation of Arabs. When the Muslims had tried to penetrate Central Europe in the 8th century, they had been driven back at the Battle of Tours; if they had won that battle, the world would have become Muslim. Theirs was a religion, Hitler said, that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and subjugating all nations to that faith. Hitler considered that Islam was perfectly suited to the "Germanic" temperament and would have been more compatible to the Germans than Christianity.
No, she is a communist.
(((They))) sow communism everywhere (((they))) tread. It's the Jewish paradox: planting the barren seeds of communism and making a capital return
>She built up the economy here strong and stable as never before
>Deutschland geht es so gut wie nie
>Nur den Bürgern nicht
Fuck off, shill. Day of the rope is coming.
Reatards. You're native population aren't even having ONE kid between couples. Meanwhile that 0.2% of the population have at least 3 Kids.
And that 0.2% keeps fucking rising every year doesn't it?
Enjoy having your native population being replaced for No Reason
You know, usually I'd say shill, but with the state of the German people right now, maybe you're actually serious.
You poor, poor bastards.
>we tried to collect census data and there's a million entries for 'muhammad al aladeen"
>certainly was a duplication mistake, merge them to one entry!
I'm not a Merkel shill or anything but I really think she has done really well so far.
The refugee crisis may overshadow some things and the right wing parties always try to blame her when in fact most of the Germans supported opening the borders in 2015.
Overall she gets far too much hate. Show me any good alternative. There is no better choice than Merkel.
She will get re-elected and hopefully, Germany continues to prosper.
>which are 0,2% of our population
German education
She is pure arian blood. Just look at her.
I wish she was ruining it but unfortunately she doesn't.
Now if she's ruining Europe to benefit Germany, that is a more valid accusation.
Before the refugee crisis I thought Merkel was an anti-immigration center-right politician. What happened?
He would be right on that basis. Christianity succeeded in no small part due to the sword arm of pagans
>Reatards. You're native population aren't even having ONE kid between couples.
how is this Merkel's fault when all white nations face the same problem? rich people just don't get kids anymore.
>which are 0,2% of the population
I think the saddest part is we cannot tell if this is bait or not.
>Nur den Bürgern nicht
Oh yes, I forgot. Germans are suffering so much! Poor Germans, they have it so bad in their rich country.
Yes they have one kid and it's raising up again. While those 0.2% have almost no kids, as they are mostly male and can't find anyone to breed with. Not to mention that refugees have to go home after the war is over.
She still is. Taking refugees to safe their lives is not equal "immigration".
Of course I meant 2% god damnit
i am sorry i guess someone left open the computer room in the asylum centre. All those retards have pants down retarded opinions and understandings of germanys current state
>tfw France have a high fertility rate... because of immigrants
>tfw the collective suicide of Europe is real
Nope she is as anti Zionist as you can get.
WOW you think they are just 1 million holy shit are you naive just WOAH dude
You are currently producing this future for your children, grand children and any future generations. It is not a mistake that several idiot politicans already told you (while under protection) that you have to get used to mass rape and massmurder.
And its also not a secret that this import is to replace you lol
>Yes they have one kid and it's raising up again. While those 0.2% have almost no kids, as they are mostly male and can't find anyone to breed with. Not to mention that refugees have to go home after the war is over.
The prospect of war in middle east and making greater Israel possible did make her call in all the refugees and so doom Israel to be swallowed by Iran.
You hear trump referring about Germany being so evil and bad, THATS WHAT HE REALY MEANT!
Now greater Israel will never happen.
>Not to mention that refugees have to go home after the war is over.
lololololol so poor soo sad sooo naive
You know there's a pretty high chance that he IS an immigrant right? This is the leftist dream scenario... we don't even know who we are talking to anymore.
Wenn es nicht ein Kanacke ist ist es ein Asylant, der braune dreck wird ja immer paranoider.
er hat recht und do solltest besser drauf achten was du schreibst sonnst kriegst nen knüppel in die Fresse.
Day of the rope is coming Kahane bot.
>Not to mention that refugees have to go home after the war is over.
>Die Bürger verhungern nicht, die machen das schon!
Untertan, ick hör dir trapsen.
>be merkel
>"multicultierism doesnt work"
>make politics according to this
>get invited to a talk round
>fugee girl cries infront of her and begs her to not deport her
>really got her dry ovaries going
>fall 2015 happened
basically merkel was as anti immigration as a german politician could OPENLY get at that time but changed after that encounter.
Women and feelings in politics are a mistake.
It's certainly not Merkels fault. It's a fault of the society as a whole which does not give incentives for people to have children and especially which takes support of families away. The whole society promotes the idea of a new model where parents are singles or both have to work. The children have to be placed in a kindergarden or school. The state is the parent. This is no foundation to build upon.
You are confusing migrants with refugees. Might not be too bad to use your brain sometimes.
but its not Merkel's fault that the refugees came to Europe.
>The whole society promotes the idea of a new model where parents are singles or both have to work.
this is just a bandaid fix but not the cause of the problem.
BAMS hat mit der Genehmigung Merkels das Dublin-Abkommen nicht mehr umgesetzt. Die Muzzies hätten ALLE an der Grenze abgewiesen werden müssen. Und vom BAMS wurde kommuniziert, dass das Dublin-Abkommen effektiv außer Kraft ist.
No, on one side they push them into misery. On the other side they pick them out of their misery just enough, as to win more followers.It's right to assume the progressives are the new commies. They want an internal war.
She might as well be a fucking Jew even if she doesn't have any Jew blood.
und dann wären alle Griechenland und Italien hängen geblieben un wir hätten heute keine EU mehr.
Yes she is a Bolshevik communist. It is an easy thing to search for m8
Awwww gooood, please be trolling. Or you say when the war ends in Eritreistan you gonna tell them hush, ok dear friends, please pack up and return to your homes now. No, no, no. No handouts, free living, wife/daughter raping, drugselling and state protection for you (while fascist style oppression for the natives). Come on go now. What are you doing? Stop stabbing me! That hurts, what are you doing to my daughters with your buddies?!? Stop it noooo
>make refugee deal with Turkey when the refugee crisis was already over
Please tell me this isn't accurate...
Yes exactly. Same as we did with the refugees from the Jugoslavia war.
Seems about right.
Und das soll ne Entschuldigung sein geltendes Recht nicht mehr anzuwenden? Ist ja nicht so dass wir den Griechen und Italienern sowieso schon Geld in den Arsch blasen. Die paar Milliarden hätten wir auch aufgebracht. Protip. ein Muzzie hier kostet deutlich mehr als in Griechenland oder Italien.
Great, typical German selective viewpoint "The Economy is all that matters".
How about you take a look at places where children and youth go after school.
These places are maxed out, get less and less money and people are overworked. Now there are additionally children which are traumatized or don't speak the local language. Many social workers are not trained or are simply not able to deal with that. But these places don't get more money or support, they have to do with what they got.
The politicians talk alot about how great they are welcoming the refugees but the reality is they don't want to pay or make changes.
Integration of migrants has been done badly before and they certainly have not learned to do it better.
Lol good one
Really ? And what is it fixing ?
>Integration of migrants has been done badly before and they certainly have not learned to do it better.
How would you integrate those spastics? In my city we have huge communities of italiens and poles and while they keep to themselves we certainly have barely any problems with them. On the other hand the Turkish community is fucking cancer were hardly any of the old folks speaks German and the youths are retarded fucks.
How would you integrate people that have a non compatible world view?
>How about you take a look at places where children and youth go after school.
Not sure where you live but the school where my son goes to is doing perfectly fine. They have some refugee kids who are already fluent with the language and they don't do any problems at all.
And I haven't heard of any major problems at schools in Germany beside some small incidents.
keep going!
Und das soll ne Entschuldigung sein geltendes Recht nicht mehr anzuwenden?
Verträge können ausgesetzt werden, wenn alle Parteien zustimmen.
Wäre die EU zusammengebrochen, hätten die, die ganzen Flüchtlinge sowieso nach Deutschland durchgelassen..
Of course it is. What do you think the ''refugees'' mostly are? Boomers? Or women?
Did you inform your kids not to make friends because, when the war is over, their friends ''will have to go back''? It's going to be sad, you know.
I did work with 99% migrant children and youth for several years. We helped them with their school work and did outdoor activities with them. Concerning religion they were allowed their festivities but we also did Christian festivities. Neither children nor parents had issues with that. There is a lot more but generally speaking what made a difference (1) Interaction German--Migrants: This provides chances for them to get out of their bubble (2) not threating them in a way they feel they are different (3) Expecting of them that they accept local customs and calling them out if they don't. (4) Especially turk children expect authoritive behaviour from social workers, otherwise they do what they want. Many social workers are not able to give that to them because they are to 'careful' or simply don't know about it.
Most parents where shit though. The successfull parents did not put their children in the care of others. However they taught them and also integrate themselves better.
Most other places I know the workers there don't even know what religious holidays the migrants have and such things. They are not recognized as a whole. That's why they will go back to their own people.
>Did you inform your kids not to make friends because, when the war is over, their friends ''will have to go back''? It's going to be sad, you know.
That's a very good point!
>Don't worry, they'll go back!!!1
This meme you and that other ''father'' are trying to push is a dangerous lie and you should be ashamed of yourselves, if you're not purposefully shilling. In case of the latter, be proud, you're doing a great job.
>Not sure where you live but the school where my son goes to is doing perfectly fine. They have some refugee kids who are already fluent with the language and they don't do any problems at all.
I am in a larger city in south-west Germany - that's all I am going to say.
The problems we have are not very visible.
(1) There are several places here where muslim children can go here. They are known to be places where islamic organisations are actively promoting their ideologies. No politician touches this because of pure ignorance - they don't know what happens there and don't care to, and finally they won't do anything because they get labeled to be xenophobic. It's utter stupidity.
(2) The social places are not funded well. In fact many places have to few social workers. In such places they can get aggressive against children which does not help either with integration. And while now there is additionally workload they even cut funding.
There are a lot of problems in the making.
Yeah but that much a difference. Makes me sick.
>This meme you and that other ''father'' are trying to push
Maybe read again what I wrote. I did not say such a thing.
The migrants are worked with are permanent here in the 3rd generation. They are still mostly in their own communities. This is a fucking slow process.
So no, neither I am pushing anything nor I am ignoring it. I do call out what is going on at the moment.
Here's the thing about the future of her country: She is not invested in it. I have a 3- and 5-year-old. It's a lot of work. A lot of investment. I care about the future in a way I literally wouldn't have been able to a decade ago.
She just enjoys the company of young brown men
2 fliegen mit einer klappe
>lefty doesnt know how to greentext
Please, no feeding of the troll
fagget, merkel is a good leader.
Merkel is polish sweetie
pic rel grandfather from father's side Ludwig Kaźmierczak in polish uniform during the uprising against the germans in 1919 prussia
Hi Ahmed, hi Mohammed, how many people did you rape today?
This is why I have to use a meme flag - because of degenerates like them.
Sorry Sup Forums
>uprising against the germans in 1919 prussia
No wonder Merkel hates germany so goddamn much. Prussia was the true essence of germany. And her fucking ancestors fought it.
This also makes me crazy mad.
t. has prussian ancestors
What is wrong with you?
Implying they're sent back.
>Implying they're sent back.
and I don't get why "Ska Keller" wants to move whole cities to Latvia, to help "integrate"
Refugees are NOT supposed to get integrated - they have to go back, no settlement.
>Merkel throwing away german flag
fuck germans in their current state any way, we have to unite northen europe under islam, the more refugees the better. scandis and germs grown weak last years, we could use some arab genes to stop being such pussified cowards.
btw vikings did trade with the muslim in ancient times, they are are old allies from the past
>Not to mention that refugees have to go home after the war is over.
This is what the belgians said after Italians finished working in the mines...guess what, that never happened
This is the same proposal Lincoln did to african americans after freeing them from slavery = sending them back to africa. Guess what ?
Fucking clueless idiot
.2? You mean a little over 5%
What did they mean by this?
>Merkel is a decent leader
Merkel belongs in prison for crimes against humanity